27 February Council Meeting

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Minutes of the Sutton Bridge Parish Council Meeting held 19:00hrs Tuesday, 27 February 2024, in the Curlew Centre Bridge Room, Sutton Bridge.

Present: Cllr Ann Billings, Cllr Chris Brewis, Cllr Diane Cook, Cllr Sue McLaughlin, Cllr Mary Middleton, Cllr Melvyn Philpott, Cllr Michelle Pitt, Mrs. Karen Croxford (admin assistant), eleven members of the public.

Unless otherwise stated, actions are to be undertaken by the clerk.

24.022. The newly elected Councillors were welcomed. 

i. Cllr D Cook signed the declaration of acceptance of office and code of conduct as witnessed by the admin assistant.

ii. Cllr Michelle Pitt signed the declaration of office and code of conduct as witnessed by the admin assistant.

24.023. Apologies were received from Cllr Booth & Cllr Mills.

24.024. There were no declarations of interests received.

24.025. The following public representations were received:

i. Had the new owners of the Bridge Hotel been informed that the building was in a dangerous condition? The admin assistant would report to SHDC to inform them.

ii. It was asked if SHDC could put more signs up to deter frequent dog waste on the paths and if the dog warden could make a visit. Cllr Middleton reported that this would be looked into.

24.026. It was resolved to approve the minutes of the 23 January 2024 Parish Council meeting.

24.027. Police matters

i. The Police had identified the person responsible for smashing glass in the Curlew car park and were dealing with the matter.

24.028. Chair’s report.

i. Cllr Middleton reported that Mr R Perkins had resigned from the Parish Council. A notice of vacancy had been issued by the District Council and had been posted on the notice board and website.

ii. The funeral of Mr David Bruch had been well attended and he had given a good send off.

iii. Cllr Middleton and her husband had attended the Wisbech Mayor Civil Service which had been held at the Parish Church of St Peter & St Paul on the 25th February 2024.

24.029. Clerks Report

i. The defibrillator had now arrived and put up on the outside of the Curlew Centre.

ii. Staff training for the cemetery, website and play inspection would be undertaken by staff and a Councillor over the coming month.

iii. The Mad Hatters had cancelled the booking for the 30th March.

iv. The Fair had booked to come on the 8th April opening over the following weekend and leaving on the 15th April.

24.030. Cllr Brewis reported on the following SHDC (South Holland District Council) matters:

i. A copy of the Tydd Telegraph Newsletter was circulated to Cllrs this was to provide an example of how other parishes report matters.

ii. Fly tipping at Withington Street had now been cleared.

iii. A site visit had been undertaken at Chalk Lane to address the large potholes.

iv. The Environment Agency were investigating the sea defences as moles had been burrowing away on the sea wall which were weaking them.

v. Potholes at Wingland had been reported.

vi. Gunthorpe Solar Farm planning application would come back to planning at SHDC for consideration.

vii. He had attended the National Grid presentation at Tydd and Walpole. If anyone would like a copy, please let Cllr Brewis know.

24.031. Financial Matters 

i. It was resolved to approve the January cash book and bank reconciliation.

ii. It was resolved to approve payments to 29 February 2024 as below. Cllr Middleton and Cllr Philpott agreed to authorise bank payments.



 Net £


Total £

London Hearts





Mr D Large

Maintenance & Tree Work MP




Richard Hermann

Pavilion Ground Investigations




B2C Retail

SB Wombles Black Bags





Monthly Legionella Testing




Talk Talk

Calls & Broadband




The Curlew Centre

Jan Room Hire




NSS Safety Supplies

Marker Paint - Burial Ground




Mrs K Croxford

Home Office Allowance




Mrs K Croxford

Travel Expenses




Holly Cottage

MP Hedge Maintenance









Mrs K Croxford

Mobile Phone Allowance




Mrs C Smith

Mobile Phone Allowance




Mr D Lambert

Home Electric Allowance




Adobe Acrobat

Admin Asst Adobe Subscription




Adobe Acrobat

Clerk Adobe Subscription





Land Rent




Lincs Pension Fund

Pension Contributions





Monthly Legionella Testing














24.032. D-Day

i. Ideas were discussed regarding D-Day 80 on the 6th June 2024. This would be further discussed at the next Open Spaces meeting.

24.033. It was resolved to approve request by SHDC to use the Memorial Park on the 30th May 2024 for an ECO event.

24.034. Correspondence

i. A Police and Crime Commissioner fraud pack had now been received in the office. 

ii. An email from LCC had been received requesting suitable sites for vehicle charging points. It was suggested that the district car park near the vets could be suggested.

iii. Improvements for pedestrian crossings across Wharf Street and Lime Street were scheduled for 4th March and would last for three weeks.

iv. Information to stop and report waste criminals was noted. 

v. A charity bake off competition had been organised by SHDC on the 30th March 2024 at 11am in the South Holland Centre, Spalding.

vi. A repair café had been organised by the College of West Anglia Wisbech on the 16th March 2024 11.30 hrs till 14.30 hrs.

vii. Sutton Bridge Placemaking Project – Sessions would be held at Long Sutton Men’s Shed Silverwood Centre, St James Road, PE12 9AU) between 10:00 hrs and 14:00hrs on Tuesday 5th, 12th and 19th March 2024. Further details of dates in April to be held in Sutton Bridge would follow shortly. 

24.035. Planning Applications. 

i. H18-0144-24: Rear of 68 Bridge Road, Sutton Bridge. It was resolved to comment that advice should be sought from the Environment agency due to the property location.

ii. H18-0105-24: 110 New Road. Sutton Bridge. It was resolved to comment that any windows that overlook neighbouring properties should be obscured.

24.036. Planning Decisions

i. H18-1109-23: Poppy Fields Caravan Park. Continued use of land for static caravans. Refused.

ii. H18-1068-23: Rear of 2 Wharf Street, Sutton Bridge. Erection of dwelling. Approved

iii. H18-1043-23: Adjacent to 37 New Road, Sutton Bridge. Conversion of office to dwelling. Approved

iv. H18-0310-23: Boud Minerals & Polymers Warehouse. Proposed dwelling. Approved.

v. H18-0943-23: Lords Manor Barn, Long Sutton. Conversion of barn into dwelling. Refused

vi. H18-0279-23: Rear of 68 Bridge Road, Sutton Bridge. Conversion of Coach House. Approved


24.037. Membership of Committees

i. It was resolved to appoint the following Councillors on to the committees: 

ii. Finance – Cllrs Brewis & Cook

iii. Open Spaces, Burial Ground and Allotments – Cllr Pitt

iv. Pavilion – Cllr Cook

v. Community Speed Watch – Cllr Mclaughlin would think about it.

vi. Sutton Bridge Solar Farm Liaison Group – Cllr Brewis

vii. LALC – Cllr Brewis

viii. Suttons Emergency Planning – to be deferred till new appointments of Councillors.

ix. Allens and Thoams Blanks Charities – Cllr Cook 


24.038. Committee Reports 

01. Pavilion Committee 

i. Cllr Middleton reported that approval for outline planning permission was still awaited.

ii. Financial information regarding expenditure on the new pavilion project was given.

iii. A grand prize draw had been organised to raise funds, for further information or to purchase tickets please contact Cllr Philpott or the Curlew Centre. The draw would take place on 22nd March at 9pm at the Curlew Centre 

02. Open Spaces, Burial and Allotment Committee 

i Cllr Mclaughlin had undertaken a playground inspection and there was nothing to report.

ii. Signage in the Memorial Park was being investigated together with the installation of the speed indictor sign which was now in the parish office. 

iii. An oak tree had been ordered for the Garden of Rest and was due to be planted shorty.

03. There were no other committee and working party reports.

24.039. There were no Outside body representative reports.

24.040. Public Representations – second session

i. It was reported that signs along the East Bank towards the LCC Picnic Area were dirty and needed to be cleaned.

ii. It was asked if SHDC had considered using their own park in Princes Street for the ECO event day?

iii. Could the notice board at the village green and Falklands Road junction with Bridge Road bus stop be utilised for Parish Council information for those pedestrians that walk past. Cllr Middleton confirmed that this would be investigated.

iv.   It was questioned if the Fair could repair the Memorial Field if any damage was made on their visit in April. Cllr Middleton confirmed that this would be taken into consideration.

iv. Cllr Brewis was disappointed that the 40mph restrictions along Bridge Road from Long Sutton had not been extended all the way into Sutton Bridge.

viii. Thanks were given to the Council for the installation of the new gate at the West Bank allotments.

ix. It was reported that the Youth Shed in Long Sutton was now opening in March during the day for those children that were home schooled.

24.041. It was resolved to move into closed session in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 s.1(2).

24.042. There were no quotes for work. 

24.043. Staffing & Administration Matters 

i. It was resolved to appoint the clerk to a permanent position following the probationary period.

ii. It was resolved to pay overtime for the hours accrued by the admin assistant. 

The chair closed the meeting at 20:30hrs.