30 April Council Meeting

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Minutes of the Sutton Bridge Parish Council Meeting held 19:00hrs Tuesday, 30 April 2024, in the Curlew Centre Bridge Room, Sutton Bridge.

Present: Cllr Ann Billings, Cllr Michael Booth, Cllr Chris Brewis, Cllr Diane Cook, Cllr Sue McLaughlin, Cllr Natalie Mills, Cllr Mary Middleton (Chair), Cllr Melvyn Philpott, Cllr Michelle Pitt, Mrs. C Smith (clerk), Mrs K Croxford, County Cllr Jack Tyrrell. Members of the Public: Seven

Unless otherwise stated, actions are to be undertaken by the clerk.

24.069. There were no apologies received as all Councillors were present.

24.070. There were no declarations of interests received.

24.071. The following public representations were received:

i. Concern was raised over the safety of Children in the play area now that the fence had been removed. The clerk replied that the Parish Council were considering improvements in the play area and were developing ideas for a new scheme.

ii. It was reported that some holes remained where the old equipment had been placed the clerk replied and reported that the outside operative was dealing with this.

iii. It was asked if a seat could be installed at the bus stop at the entrance of Falklands Road – Cllr J Tyrrell would look into this.

24.072. It was resolved to approve the minutes of the 26 March 2024 Parish Council meeting, they were signed by the chair.

24.073. Police matters

i. An invitation to the Police Engagement Session on the 2 July 2024 was noted. Further details of venues would be distributed to Councillors.

24.074. Chair’s report.

i. A request for a bin to be installed along the West Bank had been received. This would be further discussed later in the agenda.

ii. Thanks were expressed for the work that had been undertaken at the Port, along the West Bank and the new steps, the area was looking much better. However, long grass around the benches had still not been cut.

iii. A Walk of Hope was being undertaken by Three Dads Walking, they would be arriving at the Curlew Centre on 7th May between 4.30 and 5.30pm fi anyone would like to come along to support them.

24.075. Clerks Report

i. The new temporary Outside Operative was now in post and had settled in well.

ii. The new portrait of King Charles had now been received in the office – an item to be put on the agenda for next month to discuss where this should now be sited.

iii. A draft review of committees was circulated to Councilors’ to be discussed at the next meeting. Any further suggestions to be passed to the clerk. 

iv. LALC had confirmed that face-to-face training could be held in the Curlew Centre subject to at least twelve people in attendance.

24.076. Cllr J Tyrell reported on the following LCC (Lincolnshire County Council) matters:

i. LCC had reviewed their highways budget for 2024-25 and had increased this to £129 million to address potholes in the County.

ii. He had visited the House of Commons on the 16 March with the Rt. Hon, John Hayes, MP to support funding for amateur sports athletes.

iii. As portfolio holder for Environmental Services a review had been undertaken of the collection of waste within schools. Services by the District Council to collect waste from schools was now being stopped as this was being funded by Lincolnshire County Council 

iv. Brown Bins had been completed up to December. The District Council were calling all those on the waiting list however any calls not answered would be removed from the list.

v. The Pride of South Holland Awards would take place on Sunday 23 June 2024 for further information or tickets please contact Councillor Jan Whitbourn at South Holland District Council. 

24.077. Cllr Brewis reported on the following SHDC (South Holland District Council) matters:

i. Registering for a brown bin did not seem to be working very well.

ii. He was disappointed that the 40mph limit had not been extended into Sutton Bridge.

iii. Reports of potholes had been passed to the admin assistant and County Cllr J Tyrrell which needed serious attention.

iv. Following a site visit with the District Council regarding potholes at Chalk Lane nothing had yet been done.

v. The special interest group was still working with the government to find a financial solution to the internal drainage board levies.

24.078. Cllr Booth reported on the following SHDC (South Holland District Council) matters.

i. There had been an increase in reports of dog attacks in the countryside.

ii. Concerns of the cost-of-living prices as the wet weather will increase food prices were raised.

iii. It was hoped that once the King Charles 111 England Coast Path was open all outstanding work would be completed.

24.079. Financial Matters 

i. It was resolved to approve the March cash book and year end bank reconciliation.

ii. It was resolved to approve payments to 30 April 2024 as below. Cllr Middleton and Cllr Philpott agreed to authorise bank payments.




Net £


Total £

Adobe Acrobat

Admin Subscription





Litter Bin





Annual Training Scheme




Mr D Large

Removal of Equipment










Accounts Subscription














The Curlew Centre

Room Hire




The Curlew Centre

Office Rent





Drainage Rates




Mrs K Croxford

Home Office Allowance









Clerk Expenses

Outside Op Eqp & Travel




Bridge Hardware

Outside Operative Eqp









Mrs C Smith

Mobile Phone Allowance




Mrs K Croxford

Mobile Phone Allowance




Mr T Baldry

Electric Allowance




Lincs Pension Fund





Adobe Acrobat

Clerks Adobe Subscription





Monthly Legionella





Churchyard Grant




B2C Retail

SB Wombles Black Bags









S H Everitt

Electrical Work for Circus










iii. Receipts: VAT £1164.47, Precept £86,000, Burial Ground £225.00, Garden Allotments £235.63 were noted.

iv. It was resolved to approve the asset register as of 31 March 2024.

v. It was resolved to approve the year end accounts and budget report.

vi. It was resolved to accept the donation of a 10ft x 10ft gazebo.

vii. It was resolved to accept the donation of a generator. Thanks, were expressed to the benefactors of the donations.

viii. It was resolved to purchase a gazebo/marquee at a cost of £685.00 for use at outside events.

24.080. Details of the uncontested election on the 2 May 2024 was noted.

24.081. Pedestrian improvement work had been completed along the West Bank and work was continuing on the public realm element of the project. LCC were liaising with SHDC to provide a dog/litter bin as part of the works. An activity day would take place as part of the project on Saturday 8 June 2024.

24.082. Details of a Lincolnshire Dental Van in the Curlew car park was welcomed by Council and it was hope the site would be chosen.

24.083. Correspondence

i. Hedgehog Highway Project details were noted. 

ii. A news update from Water Manangemnt Alliance was noted.

iii. An activity day would take place as part of the place marking project on the green next to the Bridge on Saturday 8 June from 10am till 3pm. 

iv. Alburi Town Football Club had emailed requesting use of the Memorial Park - it was resolved to delegate the clerk to liaise with SBUFC and find out further details.

24.084. An invitation had been received to attend an emergency planning meeting on 18 June or 26 June 2024 at South Holland District Council office. Cllr Booth, Cllr Pitt, and the clerk would attend.

24.085. Planning Applications. 

i. H18-0356-24: Rear of 68 Bridge Road, Sutton Bridge. Details of roof tiles, external doors, frames & windows (conditions 3,4,5 of H18-0729-23). Council discussed the application but made no comment.

ii. H18-0357-24: Rear of 68 Bridge Road, Sutton Bridge. Details of roof tiles, external doors, frames & windows (conditions of 3, 4,5, of H18-0144-24). Council discussed the application but made no comment.

iii. H18- 0332-24: Rear of 2 Wharf Street, Sutton Bridge. Details of boundary treatments (conditions 2 & 4 of H18-1068-23). Council discussed the application but made no comment.

iv. H18-0298-24: Bridge Road, Sutton Bridge Installation of new regulator building within existing operational site. It was resolved to support.

v. H18-0300-24: Westmere Primary School, Sutton Bridge. Erection of mobile classrooms. Modification of condition 2 to allow an extension of time. It was resolved to support.

vi. H18-0301-24: Childrens Centre, Sutton Bridge. Retain mobile buildings used for Childrens Centre. Modification of condition 2 to allow an extension of time. It was resolved to support. 

vii. H18-0278-24: King John Farm, Sutton Bridge. Proposed new access including extension of hardcore. Council discussed the application and made no comments. Cllr Booth and Cllrs Brewis did not comment as they knew the applicant.

viii. H18-0245-24:74 Princes Street, Sutton Bridge. Change of use from residential to business. It was resolved to comment on the planning application that officers check that the property was suitable for this business.

ix. H18-0208-24: 190 Hospital Drove. Proposed garage. It was resolved to support.

24.086. Planning Decisions

i. H18-0144-24: Rear of 68 Bridge Road, Sutton Bridge. Conversion of coach house to annexe. Approved

ii. H18-0105-24:110 Bridge Road, Sutton Bridge. Proposed replacement dwelling. Approved 

24.087. Committee Reports 

01. Pavilion Committee 

i. Cllr Middleton reported that a new Facebook a page had been set up called Sports Pavilion Sutton Bridge. Updates on the project would be posted on the site once they were available.

ii. The Community Ownership Fund was now being finalised and edited by the clerk.

iii. Football Association application had been submitted and was awaiting a reply.

iv. East Coast Community Fund had been well received – this would be deferred till the next submission date to align with the other funding.

v. Cllr Cook would commence fundraising once the weather had improved. 

02. Open Spaces, Burial and Allotment Committee 

i Two events were planned in the Memorial Park on the 6 June 2024 to mark the 80 anniversary of D Day and a summer fete was to be held on 15 June 2024.

ii. Cllr Mclaughlin thanked the council for the approval of the purchase of the gazebo/marquee for the outside events.

iii. Cllr Mclaughlin and Cllr Phillpott were in the process of purchasing some clematis for the pergola in the Garden of Rest. Cllrs Booth and Brewis offered to pay for these from their district council budgets.

iv. Vacant garden allotment plots were being advertised. Please contact the Parish Office for further information.

03.  There were no other committee and working party reports.

24.088. There were no outside body representative reports.

24.089. Public Representations – second session

i. Thanks were expressed to Sutton Bridge Wombles for all their hard work on clearing litter along the A17.

ii. It was questioned if anything could be done to chase up the owners on repairs to the Bridge Hotel. The windows were smashed and not boarded up and children had been seen in the building. Cllr Booth reported that he was working with the District Council on this matter.

24.090. It was resolved to move into closed session in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 s.1(2).

20:35 hrs Seven members of the public and County Cllr Tyrrell left the meeting. 

24.091. There were no quotes for work.

24.092. Staffing & Administration Matters 

i. It was resolved to approve the payment of an invoice to S H Everitt for £1054.07 + VAT. For works to provide utilities to the Memorial Park.

ii. The clerk reported that the new outside operative had been appointed and had started work on the 16 April 2024.

iii. The clerk reported matters regarding the Prize Draw. 

The chair closed the meeting at 20:50hrs.