14 May New Pavilion Meeting

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Minutes of a meeting of the New Pavilion Committee held 19:00hrs, Tuesday, 14 May 2024, in the Bridge Room at the Curlew Centre, Sutton Bridge.

Present: Cllr D Cook, Cllr S McLaughlin, Cllr M Middleton (Chair), Cllr N Mills, Cllr M Philpott, Mr D Wall (co-opted), Mr D Earth (co-opted).

C Smith (clerk)

Cllr A Billings, Cllr A Scarlett (observing) and three members of the public. 


24.038. Apologies were received from Mr L Marchant.

24.039. There were no declarations of interest.

24.040. Public representations

Meeting 9th May with South and East Lincolnshire Partnership – it was commented that the meeting was a positive step for the project.

Play area fence holes – it was asked if the holes had been filled, the clerk confirmed that this had been done more than once by the outside operative and would continue to be monitored.

24.041 It was resolved to approve the minutes of the meeting on the 16th April 2024 and they were signed by the chair. 

24.042 Chair’s Report

  i Outline Planning – Cllr Middleton confirmed that this had been awarded.

ii Letter of support from Sir John Hayes – Cllr Middleton read out the letter from Sir John giving support to the project. This was very welcome and would be shared with funders.

iii Construction – a second company interested in tendering for the Pavilion construction had visited the site and there had been positive with an exchange of ideas. 

24.043 Project Managers Report

i. Solar Panels – the requirements for the installation of solar panels had been explored and a report on what was needed drawn up. Local suppliers would be considered.

ii. Heat pumps – there had been difficulties identifying an independent consultant to advise what were the best options for the project. Partly because most advisors were attached to suppliers and it is a fast developing sector, therefore there were not many consultants with relevant experience. One had been identified and have given a quote, this would be taken to the Full Council for agreement at the next meeting.

24.044 Fundraising 

i. COF – it was confirmed that this bid had been drafted. South and East Lincs Partnership representatives had agreed to review the bid, the final document would then be uploaded to COF when the next window opens.

ii. Community fundraising – Cllr Cook reported that a craft fair had been arranged for 21st September. All local produce and crafts could be sold at the fair and applications for stalls welcome.

iii. Football Foundation – the clerk confirmed that the initial information to start the bid had been submitted.

iv. Meeting with East and South Lincs Partnership (ESLP)– a very positive meeting had been held with ESLP representatives, they were impressed with how far the project has come already. Support for current bids had been offered with a review of the submission, other strands of funding were also identified including crowd funding. There was also a suggestion to look at developing a MUGA and park run using SHDC, UK shared prosperity fund, Playzone funding from lotteries reaching communities funding. The deadline for these funds was March 2025 so any scheme would need to be developed quickly.

V. Tonic Health – Cllr McLaughlin reported that Tonic Health, a mental Health charity, supported the Pavilion project and would be keen to use the facilities. They had similar hubs providing sports activities in Spalding, Pinchbeck and Holbeach.

24.045 Public Participation-

Pathway to pavilion – the path was discussed, the material had not been finalised but an area with reinforced materials that allowed grass to grow through was under consideration. 

Sensory Room – it was suggested that a sensory room could be provided in the club room or vacant officials rooms, although all equipment would need to be cleared away following each session.

Vandalism – concern was expressed regarding vandalism, it was noted that the fabric of the building was designed to be very robust and easily cleaned. It was also planned to have CCTV and intruder alarms.

24.046 It was resolved to set the date for the next meeting on the 18 June at 19:00hrs.

20:05 hrs the chair closed the meeting.