18 December Council Meeting

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Minutes of the Sutton Bridge Parish Council Meeting held 19:00hrs Wednesday, 18 December 2024, in the Curlew Centre Bridge Room, Sutton Bridge.

Present: Cllr C Brewis, Cllr M Booth, Cllr T Judd, Cllr J Kirby-Fox, Cllr S McLaughlin (Vice- Chair), Cllr M Middleton (Chair), Cllr M Philpott, Cllr M Pitt, Cllr A Scarlett, Mrs. C Smith (Parish Clerk) Mrs K Croxford (admin assistant).

Absent: Cllr D Cook

Members of the Public: Three  

Unless otherwise stated, actions are to be undertaken by the clerk.

24.270. There were no apologies

24.271. There were no declarations of interest.

24.272. Public Representations.

i. A member of the public asked if a seat could be placed at the bus stop near Withington Street. Cllr Brewis commented that the seat along Railway Lane South was not being used and could maybe be moved there.

24.273. It was resolved to approve the minutes of meeting held 26 November 2024 they were signed by the chair.

24.274. There was no Chairs Report 

24.275. Clerk’s Report 

i. Casual Vacancy- Two applications had been received for the vacancy, it would be advertised again and all applications would be considered for co-option at the January meeting.

ii. Speed Indicator Device – The device had now been installed near the Co-op end of the village and would be moved in a few weeks to the other end of Bridge Road and then New Road. 

iii. Emergency Plan- A meeting had been arranged with Cllrs Booth and Pitt in the New Year to establish who to include in the initial planning stages. 

iv. Under 7’s Play Area – A meeting was arranged to sign off the Play Area project for completion on Friday. Once the invoice was received this would be paid and then claimed from the grant money and an impact form would be completed for the UK Grassroots Fund.

v. Internal Audit – LALC Internal auditor had been appointed and given access to the accounting software and they were currently reviewing the governance and payment samples now. The AGAR would be conducted at the end of the financial year in time for the external audit.

vi. Princes Street Play Area – An email had been sent to the officer responsible for Parish Play Areas and reported to them that the equipment had been condemned and removed. This would be reviewed with the new service manager, and they would update us as soon as possible.

24.276. District Council Councillors Reports 

1. Cllr Booth reported on the following SHDC (South Holland District Council) matters.

i. Apologies were sent from Cllr Tyrrell who unfortunately was unable to attend tonight.

ii. A meeting was to be arranged in the New Year with officers at SHDC to discuss CCTV.

iii. Government Devolution proposals had arrived yesterday at District regarding re-organisation and postponement of council elections in the new year. 

iv. The Parish Precept form was to be sent to SHDC by the end of January 2025 

v. He was saddened to hear that Deputy Chief Executive Christine Marshall was leaving to go to Peterborough City Council.

2. Cllr Brewis reported on the following SHDC (South Holland District Council) Matters. 

i. A special presentation evening was held on the 28 November for Sutton Bridge Wombles who had collected rubbish around Sutton Bridge they were presented with a trophy and citation. 

ii. He had been re-elected as Governor at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital for the following year.

iii. Greater Lincolnshire Devolution plans, he hoped that Lincolnshire would be divided up into different sections.

iv. Several potholes had been reported along Sluice Road.

24.277. Financial Matters 

i. It was resolved to approve the November cash book and bank reconciliation.

ii. It was resolved to approve payments to 18 December 2024 as circulated at  Appendix A. Cllr Middleton and Cllr Philpott agreed to authorise bank payments. 

iii. It was resolved to invoice SHDC £225.00 (4.5 months at £50 a month) for the electric use for the charging point.

iv. The year-to-date budget report had been noted. Any questions on the report to be sent to the clerk.

v. There were no items to be considered for the budget 2025/26.

24.278. It was resolved to appoint Cllr J Kirby-Fox onto the Personnel Committee.

24.279. Allotments

i. Cllr Booth declared an interest on the agenda item and did not participate in the votes

ii. Vacancy – A new tenant had been appointed. It was resolved not to charge rent for the plot till April 2025 due to the poor condition of the plot

iii. Allotment Footpath – It was agreed that Cllrs Brewis, Pitt and Kirby- Fox (if available) would meet with the allotment tenants to discuss this.

24.280. Cllr Judd would be visiting Sedlec – Prcice as part of the twinning programme with Sutton Bridge on the 5 June 2025. Information would be posted on social media for anyone else who would like to visit. It was resolved to investigate erecting a road sign to state’ twinned with Sedec -Prcice’, purchase a plaque /trophy to sponsor the games held on the Sedlec- Prcice Memorial Day and provide a new poppy wreath.  

24.281. Correspondence.

i. The Christmas Call Connect timetable was noted.

24.282. Planning Applications

i. Cllr Brewis declared an interest and did not participate in the votes.

ii. H18-00528-24: Erection and use of mobile asphalt plant, Greenworld Park, Sutton Bridge – Amendment 3 Air quality and sound assessments. It was resolved to object on the following grounds:

1.Proposed site close to neighboring residential properties, play areas, proposed new Sports Pavilion and The Wash which was a special area of conservation. Some affected areas had not been mentioned in the assessment. 

2.Visabilty from the main A17 as the proposed height has now increased

3.Flood Zone stated as two when in fact it is in a Flood Zone 3.

4. Small employment opportuniti

5.Increase in traffic movements and a visible change of character in the local community. 

6. Next to trees along the Arnie Broughton Walk which are under Tree preservation order 15.

 7. Impact on health from toxic smells, noise pollution and dust pollution to neighboring properties including the Health Centre nearby. 

 8. Requirements to conduct a full Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)

 9. The planning application should be considered by the full planning committee

10. No allowance had been made to store materials.               

iii. H18-1047-24: Workshop rear of 9 New Road, Sutton Bridge -Proposed workshop conversion to dwelling, including lifting of existing roof. It was resolved to support.

24.283. Planning Decisions – Councillors noted the planning decisions made by South Holland District Council as listed below:

i. H18-0803-24:186 Bridge Road, Sutton Bridge. Demolition of existing buildings and erection of 2 single dwellings and four apartments. Refused

ii. H18-0867-24: Application to carry out works to trees in the memorial park. Granted. 

24.284. Committee Reports 

01. New Pavilion and Play Zone

i. The new pavilion and play zone had been proposed to be moved along the side of the existing old pavilion which meant a further planning application would need to be submitted and the trees at the back along the boundary removed

ii. An Ecological and Biodiversity Survey would have to be first undertaken before any work commenced and as ivy was growing on the trees this could mean that Bats were living in there which may need to be rehomed. To determine if this was the case a bat survey would need to be undertaken, and the bats rehomed.

iii. Funding had been sought from the Football Foundation and the National Lottery. The Lottery funding was subject to completion of a planning application and an Ecological and Biodiversity Survey. A pre -planning meeting was arranged for Thursday 19 December 2024.

iv. Mr L Marchant (co-opted member) had received a call from Sir John Hayes stating that he had now been appointed to the Levelling up Fund and would help with other funding if this was not available.

v. Sutton Bridge United Football Team were in the process of playing all their home games to allow time for a decision to be made whether the old pavilion would be demolished at some point, further investigations were to be investigated into overcoming the situation if this occurred.

vi. It was resolved to undertake the Bio- Diversity report, apply for full planning and remove the trees.

02. Events

i. Cllr Pitt confirmed that the next event would be held for VE DAY in May 2025.

03. Finance

ii. The clerk reported that the Finance Committee had been looking at the Budget for 2025/26 and would be reporting on that at the January meeting.


iii .   Cllr Pitt reported that the Clerk’s appraisal had been successfully completed.

24.285. There were no outside body representative reports

24.286. Date of Next Meeting – 28 January 2025

24.287. Public Participation.

i. Thanks were expressed to Cllr Mclaughlin for her understanding of the proposed amendments to the mobile asphalt planning application.

20:50hrs Standing orders were suspended for an informal festive gathering and refreshments.

21:25 hrs Cllr Philpott and three members of the public left the meeting and standing orders were resumed.

24.288. It was resolved to move into closed session in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 s.1(2).

24.289. Quotes for work

i. Tree work

1. It was resolved to approve the quote @ £100.00 to remove the Popular tree stump once the hive had been removed

2. It was resolved to approve the quote @ £220.00 to remove the tree guards in the Garden of Rest.

3. It was resolved to approve the quote @ @ £24,920.00 for the removal of the trees behind the boundary of the old pavilion.

ii. Memorial Park Maintenance  

1. It was resolved to approve the quote @ £380.00 for the maintenance work in the Memorial Park

24.247. There were no Staffing & administration matters 


The chair closed the meeting at 21:40 hrs.

Appendix A

B2C Retail  SB Wombles Black Bags 49.98 10.00 59.98
St Johns Ambulance  Training  468.00   468.00
Unity Trust  Bank Charges  7.80   7.80
Adobe Acrobat  Admin Subscription  16.64 3.33 19.97
Talk Talk  Calls & Broadband  44.90 8.98 53.88
Valda  Electricity  85.47 4.27 89.74
Wave  Water Rates 178.77   178.77
Cozens  Christmas Lights 2040.00 408.00 2448.00
SMC  Legionella Testing  150.00 30.00 180.00
Staff Expenses 1.35   1.35
Staff Salaries 3248.39   3248.39
Staff Phone Allowance 20.00   20.00
Staff Electric Allowance 11.00   11.00
Boards Direct Notice Board 1670.00 334.00 2004.00
Adobe Acrobat Clerk Subscription 16.64 3.33 19.97
HMRC HMRC Tax & NI 979.84   979.84
WYPF Pension Scheme 1112.57   1112.57
Lift Safe Electric Vehicle  1864.93 372.99 2237.92
Heronwood Landscapes Grass Cutting  375.35   375.35
Mr D Large Maintenance  1550.00   1550.00
  Total  13,891.69 1174.90 15066.53