26 November 2024 Council Meeting

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Draft Minutes of the Sutton Bridge Parish Council Meeting held 19:00hrs Tuesday, 26 November 2024, in the Curlew Centre Bridge Room, Sutton Bridge.

Present: Cllr Chris Brewis, Cllr M Booth, Cllr Diane Cook, Cllr T Judd (from 19:05hrs), Cllr Sue McLaughlin (Vice- Chair), Cllr Mary Middleton (Chair), Cllr Melvyn Philpott, Cllr Michelle Pitt, Cllr Anne Scarlett, Mrs K Croxford (admin assistant).

Members of the Public: Four  

Unless otherwise stated, actions are to be undertaken by the clerk.

24.248. Apologies for absence were received from Cllr J Kirby- Fox

24.249. There were no declarations of interest.

24.250. Public Representations.

i. A member of the public thanked those concerned for cutting back the vegetation at the allotment roadway and asked what was happening with the footpath at the back of Wrights Lane as this now needed cutting. Cllr Middleton responded and said this would go on next month’s agenda.

ii. A member of Sutton Bridge Wombles asked if they could have a key for the District Council litter bins as these were always getting full up and blowing all over the place. Cllr M Booth would look into this.

19:05 hrs Cllr Judd entered the meeting.

24.251. It was resolved to approve the minutes of meeting held 22 October 2024 they were signed by the chair.

24.252. Chairs Report 

i. Cllr Middleton commented that she had been working on the Pavilion and Play Zone projects and would give a full report under the Pavilion Committee agenda.

ii. She had attended the new Mayor of Wisbech Civic Service which had been a pleasant afternoon. 

24.253. Clerk’s Report 

i. An election had not been called following the resignation of Mrs N Mills. The vacancy would be advertised and a suggested date for the co-option would be at the January meeting. If anyone was interested in becoming a Councillor, please contact the Parish Clerk.

ii. Councillor Cook was scheduled to attend the planning training on the 12 December 2024, if anyone else would like to attend please contact the office. 

iii. There had been a further water leak in the Pavilion which had left the ceiling bowing due to the water damage. Thanks were given to Stuart Gilbert for his prompt response to deal with the matter.

iv. LCC had confirmed that the damaged bench belonged to the Parish Council, but they had agreed to replace it next to the bus stop opposite the village green. It was resolved to proceed with the re-siting of the seat.

24.254. District Council Councillors Reports 

1. Cllr Booth reported on the following SHDC (South Holland District Council) matters.

i. The Sutton Bridge Solar Farm Fund Panel had met to allocate funds for this year, if anyone wants to apply, the next one would be in May 2025.

ii. He had met with two Police officers from Rural Crime Action Team (RCAT) who were working on Operation Galileo (Harecoursing). Congratulations were expressed to them as there are only six officers working on this, they had informed him that there had been a lot of nighttime activity with search lights. If anyone sees these lights, please call 999.

iii. It was very worrying for the rural community that car tax was due to increase next year.

iv. He had attended emergency planning with Cllr Pitt and the Clerk, they were trying to set something up in Sutton Bridge 

v. The waste consultation results were due to be released in January 2025.

vi. Complaints were still reported to him on speeding in the village and he asked if the speed reactive sign could be installed as soon as possible

2. Cllr Brewis reported on the following SHDC (South Holland District Council) Matters. 

i. He was pleased to see that the speed watch van had been present in the village today.

ii. A new campaign was launched calling on government to give Lincolnshire its fair share of national funding

iii. Following a presentation from Transported (a community focused arts engagement programme) he was keen for them to attend a meeting to do something in Sutton Bridge.

iv. The new contact sessions at St Matthews Drive housing were a big improvement.

v. Planning application for a Mobile Asphalt plant, there was no further news on this yet.

vi. He would like to see the Citizens Advice Bureau electronic link restored in the village.

vii. The QEH (Queen Elizabeth Hospital) had been noted nationally for their prompt release of patients returning home after recovering from operations, the hospital was due to be rebuilt soon.

viii. The South and East Lincolnshire Partnership had identified £42m of savings over ten years.  

19:20hrs Cllr Mclaughlin left the meeting 

24.255. Financial Matters 

19:21 hrs Cllr Mclaughlin entered the meeting 

i. It was resolved to delegate the chair and vice chair to approve the October cash book and bank reconciliation once it was available.

ii. It was resolved to approve payments to 27 November 2024 as circulated at Appendix A. Cllr Middleton and Cllr Philpott agreed to authorise bank payments. 

iii. It was resolved to accept the internal audit service agreement with LALC. Cllr Brewis did not participate in the vote.

iv. The clerk had agreed a discount of £800.00 for the Christmas Lights installation and had confirmed that we would not be expecting an increase next year.

v. The new Pavilion electricity contract with Valda Energy had been set up and a new smart meter would be installed shortly.

24.256. Personnel Committee

i. It was resolved to defer the appointment of an additional member on the Personnel Committee till the December meeting, the next meeting of the Personnel Committee would be on the 3 December 2024 at 16:30hrs.

24.257. Memorial Park Play and Exercise Equipment.

i. It was resolved to seek quotes for the repairs to the equipment that was not being removed and had been identified in the report.

24.258. Princes Street Play Equipment

i. All items had been identified as low risk; no action recommended. It was resolved to write to SHDC to enquire if any play equipment would be installed to replace the old equipment that had been removed.

24.259. It was resolved to approve the amendment to the allotment rules and regulations to allow the transfer of a shed to a new tenant providing the appropriate deposit was received.

24.260. Correspondence.

i. An invitation had been received from Boston & South Holland Police Team for a Parish Council Engagement Session on the 23 January 2025. Further information regarding times etc would  be confirmed.

ii. A letter from Savills had been received confirming that the charity had now agreed terms with a preferred bidder

iii. South Holland District Council had informed the Parish Council that they are to provide the precept figures no later than 31 January 2025. It was resolved to hold an earlier meeting if required to set the precept before this date

iv. A free funding skills webinar would be held on Tuesday 3 December 2024 10am till 12pm and Thursday 5 December 2024 18:30pm till 20:30pm. Cllr Mclaughlin would attend.

24.261. Planning Applications

i. Cllr Brewis declared an interest and did not participate in the votes.

ii. H18-0915-24: Rear of 210 New Road, Sutton Bridge. Details of scheme to deal with contamination of land or pollution of controlled waters (condition 7 of H18-0453-24). It was resolved to support.

iii. H18-0918-24:  28 Bridge Road, Sutton Bridge. Proposed two storey rear extension and internal alterations to create additional bedroom and sun room. It was resolved to support.

24.262. Planning Decisions – Councillors noted the planning decisions made by South Holland District Council as listed below:

i. H18-0603-24: Change of use from agricultural land to solar farm: Approved under H19-1126-20 

24.263. Committee Reports 

01. New Pavilion

i. It was noted that Mrs V Smith had been co-opted to the committee.

ii. Cllr Middleton reported that the Pavilion project was still awaiting funding following the recent government elections.

iii. Play zone – Following several meetings with the Football Association regarding the Play Zone it was decided that the preferred location of the play zone would be on the old pavilion site with the new pavilion next to it. A new planning application would need to be submitted, a pre planning meeting with SHDC would be arranged shortly.

iv. The Trees at the back of the old pavilion would need to be removed but an Ecological and Biodiversity Survey would have to be first undertaken before any work commenced.

v. Thanks were expressed to Cllr Middleton for all her work so far on the project. It was resolved that an extraordinary meeting should be called to approve matters to move the project forward if required.

02. Events

i. Cllr Pitt confirmed that the firework event had gone very well, and lots of residents had attended. Total expenditure £2544.93, income received £600.00 with an additional £792.35 collected on the night towards next year’s event. It was resolved to hold a further fireworks event next year on Wednesday 5 November 2025.

ii. The Christmas event had been cancelled but it was hoped that something else could be arranged.

24.264. Outside bodies

i. Cllr Brewis reported that the pothole along the track from Granville Terrace had not been repaired and would need to be chased up with LCC.

20:10 hrs Cllr Judd left the meeting.

24.265. Public Participation.

i. It was asked how many trees would be removed behind the old pavilion. Cllr Middleton showed the member of the public a draft drawing and confirmed that this was unsure at the moment until the Ecological and Biodiversity survey had been completed.

20:13 hrs Cllr Judd returned to the meeting and a member of the public left the meeting

ii. As an allotment tenant it was asked what would happen to the allotments after the sale of the Henry Smith Charity land. Cllr Middleton reported that nothing had been confirmed to Council yet. 

iii. Kings Lynn recycling centre had now put in place a booking system, but resident of Sutton Bridge could still use the facility.

iv. Cllr Booth reported that blood tests at the doctor’s surgery were fully booked till January 2025 and therefore people would have to use Kings Lynn or Wisbech Hospital.

20:20hrs Three member of the public left the meeting.

24.266. It was resolved to move into closed session in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 s.1(2).

24.267. Quotes for work

i. It was resolved to approve the tree works and stump removal quote but exclude the work to trees behind the Pavilion and to liaise with the chair and vice chair on this. It was decided to leave the removal of the ivy at this time until funding was investigated. Further quotes to be sought for the removal of the trees behind the old pavilion.

ii. It was resolved to approve the quote @ £380.00 for the maintenance work in the Memorial Park

iii. It was resolved to approve the quote @ £1864.93 to replace the battery in the Electric Vehicle

24.247. It was resolved to refuse a request for a retrospective memorial in the Garden of Rest as this did not meet the requirements set out in the Parish Councils Rules and Regulations.

24.248. There were no Staffing & administration matters 

The chair closed the meeting at 20:52 hrs.

Appendix A

ICO Subscription  35.00   35.00
Unity Trust  Bnak Charges 4.95   4.95
The Curlew Centre  Room Hire  1030.00   1030.00
Mr D Large  Tree Work & Maintenance  1580.00   1580.00
SMC Ltd  Legionella Testing  60.00 12.00 72.00
Staff  Travel Expenses 9.22   9.22
Heronwood Landscapes  Grass Cutting  715.40   715.40
SSE  Electricity  80.33 4.02 84.35
Heronwood Landscapes  Grass Cutting  375.35   375.35
Adobe Acrobat  Admin Adobe  16.64 3.33 19.97
SSE  Electricity  164.58 8.23 172.81
Talk Talk  Calls & Broadband  44.90 8.98 53.88
Valda Energy  Electricity  65.52 13.11 78.63
Staff  Home Allowance  7.50   7.50
Staff  Salaries 3761.98   3761.98
Staff  Mobile Phone Allowance 20.00   20.00
Staff  Home Electric Allowance  11.00   11.00
HMRC Tax & NI  1202.84   1202.84
LCC Pension  1368.68   1368.68
XBM Photocopier  17.37 3,47 20.84
Adobe Acrobat  Clerk Adobe  16.64 3.33 19.97
Just Bin Bags  Operative Bin Bags  26.24 5.25 31.49
S G Gilbert  Pavilion Repairs  183.70 36.74 220.44
  Total  10,797.84 98.46 10,896.30