13 February 2024 Open Spaces, Burial Ground and Allotment Committee

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Minutes of a meeting of the Open Spaces, Burial and Allotments Committee held 19:00hrs, Tuesday, 13 February 2024, in the Bridge Room at the Curlew Centre, Sutton Bridge.

Present: Cllr Billings, Cllr Mclaughlin (chair), Cllr Mills, Cllr Perkins, Cllr Philpott,  C Smith (clerk),  2members of the public.

24.001.Election of Chair – nominated by Cllr Mills, seconded by Cllr Philpott – Cllr McLaughlin was elected chair. Nominated by Cllr Billings, seconded by Cllr Philpott – Cllr Mills was elected vice chair.

24.002.Apologies - none received all present.

24.003.Declaration of Interest – Cllr Perkins declared a personal interest in item 11 as a member of the Mad hatters.

24.004.Terms of reference – Nominated by Cllr Philpott, seconded by Cllr Mills it was resolved to adopt the terms of reference circulated by the clerk.

24.005.It was resolved to approve the minutes of the meeting held on 14 December 2023.

24.006.Safety Inspections - It was noted that the clerk and outside operative would undertake play inspection training on the 13th of March 2024. Weekly inspections needed to be done. Cllr Perkins had previously undertaken inspections and agreed to meet with the staff and help with them being completed.

24.007.Additions to the fingerpost marking the King Charles III Way – the clerk reported that the fingerpost would get 2 new additions and displayed the design. There were no objections to the additions.

24.008.Memorial Park Signage – Cllr McLaughlin had reviewed more up to date signs and felt that the use of symbols would be clearer for users of the park. She would draft a new sign for approval by the committee.

24.009.Old toilet block – it was noted that some old equipment and bin liners were stored in part of the building. It was agreed that Cllrs McLaughlin and Perkins would meet and go through the items, deciding if they could be cleared or reused.

24.010.Grant Applications - Cllr Billings reported that she had identified one local funder, but a specific scheme needed to be identified and developed to apply for the funds. It was agreed that a scheme to improve Princes Park would be investigated. Play area contractors would be invited to come up with a design. SBPC would then consult with residents on the best scheme and work with SHDC and funders to deliver the improvements.

24.011.Mad Hatters Tea Party – Cllr Perkins reported that an event on 30th March would be held with a disco, small rides and food concessions sited on the car park at the Curlew Centre. It was agreed to approve the application to hold the event.

24.012.Fair Dates 8th to 15th April – it was agreed to allow the fair to attend and charge a fee uplifted for inflation. The fee to be calculated by the clerk, a damage deposit of £500 would be charged.

24.013.Burial Ground

01.The clerk reported that the sunken graves have been topped with soil.

02.Pergola Clematis – Cllrs agreed that a suitable clematis would be purchased for the pergola, the clerk would seek advice from a clematis nursery for a suitable variety.

03.Oak tree – it was agreed to order the 6/8 ft tree from Ashridge with a planting pack. Cllr McLauglin had identified a volunteer to help with planting.

24.014.Garden Allotments

01.Residents on the list have been emailed to ask if they would like one of the empty allotments. No replies have been received, the office would continue to try and get in touch.

02.Additional allotments – it was noted that there was room for 5 further allotments, it was agreed that some of these could be offered as half allotments. The clerk would look at how these could be mapped on Parishes online.

03.Concerns about the pallets on one of the allotments at Lime St would be followed up by the clerk.

24.015.It was resolved to move into closed session in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 s.1(2).

24.016.Quotes for work

01.Boundary of MP – It was agreed to appoint D England to trim and cut back the boundary.

02.Knotweed – it was agreed to ask D England to treat the Knotweed.

03.Play equipment – Still waiting for quotes.

04.Wooden Fence – Cllrs were concerned that the fence would continue to need maintenance and agreed to explore replacing with a metal fence.

05.Installation of Speed Indicator Device – Cllrs discussed the placement of the brackets for the SID. A quote including hire of a cherry picker was considered. Cllrs asked that due to the expense other quotes or options were explored.

06.Bins – it was agreed to order a metal Derby bin from Broxap and ask D Large to install. It was noted that a donation would fund the replacement bin. Cllrs thanked the benefactor.

07.Carpark Signage – Cllrs considered quotes and agreed to ask Mr Signs to produce two carpark signs.

24.017.It was resolved to hold the next meeting on 19th March 2024 at 7pm.

The chairman closed the meeting at 9.03 pm.


Signed ………………………………                                         Date………………….
