25 June 2024 Council Meeting
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Minutes of the Sutton Bridge Parish Council Meeting held 19:00hrs Tuesday, 25 June 2024, in the Curlew Centre Bridge Room, Sutton Bridge.
Present: Cllr Michael Booth, Cllr Chris Brewis, Cllr Diane Cook, Cllr Sue McLaughlin, Cllr Natalie Mills, Cllr Mary Middleton (Chair), Cllr Melvyn Philpott, Cllr Michelle Pitt, Mrs. C Smith (clerk), Mrs K Croxford, County Cllr Jack Tyrrell. Sir John Hayes (from 19:33hrs)
Members of the Public: Twenty-Three
Unless otherwise stated, actions are to be undertaken by the clerk.
24.134. Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Judd & Cllr Scarlett
24.135. There were no declarations of interest or considerations for dispensation.
24.136. Public Representations
i. A member of the public who lived near the back of the park raised concerns over the proposed Asphalt Plant application due to health effects, noise and toxic emissions from the development.
ii. It was questioned why the Parish Council had objected to the planning application of the Bridge Hotel and the allocation of extra car parking on the site. The Chair replied that the Parish Council agreed with the development and had not objected but had raised concerns over the number of parking spaces compared to the number of units proposed.
iii. Issues of communication with the public were raised, concerns were expressed that the Parish Council meetings were not advertised widely enough.
iv. A member of the public gave reasons for objections to the Asphalt plant and had contacted Sir John Hayes.
24.137. It was resolved to approve the minutes held Tuesday 28 May 2024.
24.138. It was resolved to approve the minutes of the extraordinary meeting on 11 June 2024.
24.139. Police Matters
i. The clerk reported that a Police drop-in session would be held in the Police room on Thursday 27 June 2024 between 11.00 hrs and 12.00 hrs.
24.140. Chairs Report
i. Thanks were expressed to Cllr Mclaughlin and Cllr Pitt for all their hard work in organising the D-Day event and Summer Fete
24.141. Clerk’s Report.
i. It was resolved to delegate authority to the clerk in liaison with the Chair and Vice Chair to tidy up the Alleyway between Stanley Drive and Railway Lane and to contact LCC to ask for help with billing the owners of the land.
19:17hrs A member of the public entered the meeting
ii. It was noted that the application for £25k funding for the play area had been submitted
iii A resident had responded to a letter sent regarding the maintenance of Harriet Close. The clerk would contact them to arrange this.
iv. The developers of the Bridge Hotel had responded and had stated that any less than 15 units did not allow the already limited profitably to make it financially viable and as a town location they were aware that parking was not required. They had however squeezed in 12 spaces in the plans.
24.142. Cllr C Brewis reported on the following SHDC (South Holland District Council) matters:
i. He had made some signs for Sutton Bridge Wombles to site near the litter bins.
ii. He was optimistic that plans to build a new hospital in Kings Lynn were still progressing.
iii. The special interest group which was chaired by Cllr Paul Redgate over the drainage expenditure was still ongoing however with the forthcoming elections this had been delayed.
iv. He was disappointed that the 40mph speed limit had not been extended into Sutton Bridge.
24.143. Cllr Booth reported on the following SHDC (South Holland District Council) matters:
i. As a member of the Policy Monitoring Panel, he was on the task force to look into topics concerning leisure, health and wellbeing. It was hoped that with the King Charles III Walk now in place officers would look at Sutton Bridge as a centre point.
24.144. Cllr Tyrrell reported on the following LCC (Lincolnshire County Council) matters.
i. The roundabout near the bridge would be cleared and a boat put on there. It was hoped that this would be lit up for Christmas once the electrics had been sorted out.
ii. The new disabled toilet block had now been installed in Long Sutton.
iii. The Garden Waste lorry was due to come to Tydd St Mary on Saturday 29 June 2024.
24.145. Financial Matters
i. It was resolved to approve the May cash book and bank reconciliation.
ii. It was resolved to approve payments to 26 June 2024 as below. Cllr Middleton and Cllr Philpott agreed to authorise bank payments.
Payee | Detail | Nett £ | VAT £ | Total £ |
CLPM LTD | Heat and Energy Consultant | 230.00 | 46.00 | 276.00 |
Adobe Acrobat | Admin Adobe | 16.64 | 3.33 | 19.97 |
Talk Talk | Calls and Broadband | 44.90 | 8.98 | 53.88 |
Tears of Sutton Bridge | Electric Vehicle | 206.00 | 41.20 | 247.20 |
Clear Insurance | Insurance | 328.80 | 328.80 | |
Litter Bins | Litter Bin | 278.95 | 55.79 | 334.74 |
SMC Ltd | Monthly Legionella | 150.00 | 30.00 | 180.00 |
B2C Retail | Black Bags | 49.98 | 10.00 | 59.98 |
SSE | Electricity | 94.28 | 4.71 | 98.99 |
The Curlew Centre | Room Hire | 15.00 | 15.00 | |
Mrs K Croxford | Expenses | 2.55 | 2.55 | |
Mrs K Croxford | Expenses | 2.25 | 2.25 | |
Mrs K Croxford | Home Office Allowance | 10.00 | 10.00 | |
Adobe Acrobat | Clerk Adobe | 16.64 | 3.33 | 19.97 |
Heronwood Landscapes | Grass Cutting | 369.15 | 369.15 | |
Heronwood Landscapes | Grass Cutting | 577.71 | 577.71 | |
Heronwood Landscapes | Grass Cutting | 218.28 | 218.28 | |
We Print Landyards | I.D Cards | 35.82 | 7.16 | 42.98 |
Parish Clerk | Expenses | 36.67 | 7.33 | 44.00 |
Parish Clerk | Expenses | 6.30 | 6.30 | |
HMRC | Tax and NI | 2536.45 | 2536.45 | |
LCC | Pension | 1107.80 | 1107.80 | |
Staff | Salaries | 3254.17 | 3254.17 | |
Just Bin Bags | Black Bags | 26.24 | 5.25 | 31.49 |
Sounds Wholesale | Office Sationery | 24.16 | 4.83 | 28.99 |
XBM | Photocopier | 45.46 | 9.09 | 54.55 |
Mr D Large | Maintenance | 940.00 | 940.00 | |
Bridge Hardware | Equipment | 70.17 | 14.03 | 84.20 |
Mr B Watson | Church Clock | 105.00 | 105.00 | |
Total | 10,799.37 | 251.03 | 11050.40 |
24.146. A notice of vacancy in office of councillor had been received following the resignation of Mrs Ann Billings.
24.147. It was resolved to elect Cllr McLaughlin as vice chair for the year. Cllr Mclaughlin signed the declaration of office as witnessed by the clerk.
24.148. It was resolved to elect Cllr Pitt to the Personnel Committee
19:33hrs Sir John Hayes entered the meeting.
24.149. The clerk reported that an email had been received from the District Council stating that due to vandalism of the electric charging points it may be necessary to relocate the charging points from the back of the Curlew Centre
24.150. Parking Arrangements at the Curlew centre – this item was now not required due to the fact the charging points were to be moved.
24.151. It was noted that the King Charles Portrait was to be sited in the foyer of the Curlew Centre
24.152. A freedom of information request had been received to request a copy of the FOC application, estimates of costs, sources of funding with dates and probabilities of success. The clerk would respond to the resident.
24.153. Correspondence
i. A letter had been received from the South & East Lincolnshire Climate Action Network (SELCAN) regarding a proposal to reduce courier deliveries by siting parcel pick up points. There was already one sited at the Nisa Store but if anyone had any ideas of additional points please contact the clerk.
19:40hrs A member of the public left the meeting.
ii. Emails had been received regarding anti-social behaviour in Toms Wood. The police had been notified and the owners had now cleared the large shelter which had been built.
iii. A letter had been received from Savills with an update on the sale of the estate. Further details can be found on their website
iv. A thank you email had been sent to thank Council for tidying up the entrance to Sir Peter Scott Road. It was asked if consideration could be given to pollard the trees height.
v. A letter had been received concerning noise and air pollution regarding the proposed Asphalt Plant.
19:45hrs A member of the public left the meeting.
vi. A temporary traffic restriction would take place at Guys Head Road, Sutton Bridge for the Lutton Leam Sluice Maintenance between 22 July 2024 till 16 September 2024.
24.154. Burial Ground
i. The hedge around the gazebo and the small garden at the entrance to the Garden of Rest needed some maintenance. The clerk would get some quotes for the work to be done.
24.155. Open Spaces
i. An email had been received from Adams Gardening and Landscaping to sponsor and maintain the village green. Cllrs thanked them for their kind offer.
ii. Emails had been received from residents concerning overhanging trees in the Memorial Park. These would be investigation once the arboriculturist had given their report.
iii. Grass Cutting Maintenance on the corner of Anne Road and Allenby Chase would be investigated.
iv. Cllr Brewis reported that there was a small drop in the road near 2 Charles Road – this would be reported.
19:50hrs A member of the public entered the meeting.
24.156. Allotments
i. Cllr Booth declared an interest in this agenda item as a relative of an allotment tenant and did not participate in the vote.
ii. It was resolved to approach the Farm Business Tenant concerning the additional land at the Wrights Lane Allotments.
24.157. Planning Applications
i. Cllr Brewis declared an interest as a member of the District Planning Committee and did not vote.
ii. H18-0528-24: Greenwold Park, Sutton Bridge. Erection and use of mobile asphalt plant. It was resolved to object on the following grounds:
1.Proposed site close to neighbouring residential properties, play areas, proposed new Sports Pavilion and The Wash which was a special area of conservation.
2.Visabilty from the main A17 as the proposed height is 15m high
3.Flood Zone stated as 2 when in fact it is in a Flood Zone 3.
4. Small employment opportunities.
5.Increase in traffic movements and a visible change of character to the local community.
6. Next to trees along the Arnie Broughton Walk which are under Tree preservation order 15.
7. Impact on health from toxic smells and noise pollution
8. Requirements to carry out a full Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
9. The planning application should be considered by the full planning committee.
iii. H18-0500-24 Rear of 68 Bridge Road, Sutton Bridge. Details of Bat Survey condition of H18 -0144-24. No comment made.
iv. H18-0502-24: Rear of 68 Bridge Road, Sutton Bridge. Details of Bat Survey condition of H18-0729-23. No comment made
v. H18-0505-24: 138 Railway Lane South, Sutton Bridge. Proposed single storey side extension. It was resolved to support.
24.158. A planning enforcement appeal regarding Poppy fields Caravan Park, Fields Farm South, Sutton Bridge was noted.
24.159. Planning Decisions
i. H18-0357-24: Rear of 68 Bridge Road, Sutton Bridge. Details of roof tiles, external doors and frames. Condition 3,4, & 5 of H18-0144-24. Approved
ii. H18 -0278-24: King John Farm, Sutton Bridge. Proposed new access including extension of hardcore area. Approved
iii. H18-0245-24: 74 Princess Street, Sutton Bridge. Change of use from residential to child minding business. Approved
24.160. Committee Reports
01. New Pavilion
i. The chair reported that things were on hold at present due to the forth coming elections
20:15hrs A member of the public left the meeting
ii. It was resolved for two members of the committee to visit a new site in Manchester.
20:16hrs Two members of the public and Sir John Hayes left the meeting.
02. Events
i. Cllr Mclaughlin reported that the D Day event had gone very well, thanks were expressed to Cllr Pitt for setting up the beacon, Mr David Earth for providing the refreshments, the choir from Sutton St James and to Cllr Middleton for reading the International Tribute on the evening.
20:16hrs Sir John Hayes returned to the meeting
ii. The Summer Fete had also been a huge success despite the typical British weather. Thanks, were also expressed to Cllr Pitt, Cllr Middleton and Mr Middleton and the first aider for their help with the setting up of the marquee. Also, thanks were given to the WI for the cake stall and the winner of the cake competition was Mrs B Sewell. The dog show had also been a success and had received 30 entrants. It was proposed that a further fete was arranged for next year on the 23 August 2025.
24.161. Outside Body Representative Reports.
i. The clerk reported on the Emergency Cluster Meeting and a template of a plan had been given out for completion. Any organisations that wished to get involved please contact the clerk.
20:20 hrs A member of the public left the meeting.
ii. It was resolved to appoint Cllr Philpott & Cllr Scarlett (as a current member) onto the Allens Charity.
20:21 hrs A member of the public returned to the meeting.
iii. It was resolved to appoint Cllr Mclaughlin & Cllr Philpott on to the Phillips Educational Charity
iv. It was resolved to appoint Cllr Philpott on to the Blanks Charity
24.162. Public Participation.
i. Sir John Hayes reported that he would be objecting to the proposed Asphalt plant. He would fight this all the way as it was an unacceptable development in the local community
ii. It was commented that the existing Bridge Hotel was an eyesore and that everyone should be getting behind the new developers and supporting the application
iii A resident had sent an email and copied in Cllrs regarding the objections and impact on the local community of the new proposed Asphalt plant.
iv. It was commented that the response from the Bridge Hotel developers should be taken into consideration showing how small the financial margins were
v. It was asked why the flood sirens had been removed. Cllr Brewis reported that these were now done as alerts on your phone. Members of the public commented and replied that some locations in the village could not get a signal.
vi. Cllr Pitt commented that the emergency plan would be useful in those situations as the more volunteers that were involved could therefore knock on doors to alert those vulnerable residents.
vii.Members of the public asked if there was a better way that the Parish Council could communicating with residents. The chair replied that this would be taken into consideration.
24.163. It was resolved to move into closed session in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 s.1(2).
21:00 hrs Nineteen members of the public, Sir John Hayes and Cllr M Booth left the meeting.
24.164. Quotes for work
i. It was resolved to approve the quote for the tree surveys @ £650 +VAT
ii. It was resolved to approve the quote to fix the drain in the Curlew Car Park @ £360.
iii. It was resolved to accept the kind offer to paint the propeller memorial and obtain quotes to fix the propeller memorial.
24.165. It was resolved to proceed with the work to the damage to a vehicle @ £920 + VAT. It was resolved to order new gazebo poles to replace those damaged and make a claim for costs to the insurance company.
24.166. There were no staffing & administration matters
The chair closed the meeting at 21:15hrs.