23 January 2024 Council
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utes of the Sutton Bridge Parish Council Meeting held 19:00hrs Tuesday, 23 January 2024, in the Curlew Centre Bridge Room, Sutton Bridge.
Present: Cllr Chris Brewis, Cllr Sue McLaughlin, Cllr Mary Middleton, Cllr Natalie Mills, Cllr Ray Perkins, Cllr Melvyn Philpott, Mrs. Claire Smith (clerk), Mrs. Karen Croxford (admin assistant), eleven members of the public.
Unless otherwise stated, actions are to be undertaken by the clerk.
Cllr Brewis opened the meeting and informed Council of the sudden passing of the Chairman Cllr David Bruch. It had been a deep shock to all members, and he would be enormously missed by everyone. He also informed Council that former Cllr David Garner had also passed away. A minute silence was observed to remember and pay respects to them both.
24.001. It was resolved to elect Cllr Mary Middleton as Chair. Votes recorded - in favour: Cllr Billings, Cllr Brewis, Cllr Mclaughlin, Cllr Mills, Cllr Philpott. Abstentions: Cllr Perkins.
Cllr Middleton signed the chair’s declaration of acceptance of office, witnessed by the clerk.
24.002. It was resolved to elect Cllr Ann Billings as Vice- Chair. Abstentions: Cllr Perkins.
Cllr Billings signed the declaration of office, witnessed by the clerk.
24.003. Apologies were received from Cllr Booth.
24.004. There were no declarations of interests received.
24.005. The following public representations were received:
i. It was asked if the District Councillors could investigate any funding details for the new pavilion building project.
ii. A question was asked as to why the agenda and minutes were not on the website. The clerk confirmed that the agenda had been available in the correct timescale. The headings had been changed to include the new year and the site would continue to be updated.
iii. A member of the public expressed concern that the recommendation from the Finance Committee would mean a 24% rise in precept. He asked if the Council would reconsider and lower the requirement.
iv. It was asked if details of local coach trips by GDS Travel could be included on the Parish Council’s website. Details would be forwarded to the clerk to be discussed further.
24.006. It was resolved to approve the minutes of the 12 December 2023 Parish Council meeting.
24.007. Police matters.
i. An email had been received from the Police asking for any local issues to be identified and referred to the local policing team to consider when priority setting. Any details to be forwarded to the clerk.
ii. The next Police drop-in surgery would take place on the 26 January 19:00hrs to 20:00hrs in the Police room.
24.008. Chair’s report.
i. Cllr Middleton expressed her sadness over the passing of the previous Chairman Cllr David Bruch it was unexpected and had been upsetting for everyone. Parishioners were asked to bear with the Council at the moment whilst the organisation came to terms with this loss.
24.009. Clerks Report
i. Social Media – contact had now been made with Long Sutton Discussion page they were now happy for information to be posted on the site.
ii. LCC Budget – information had been circulated to members regarding budget recommendations from LCC. If anyone would like to comment, please let the clerk know before the 2 February 2024
iii. Cllr Bruch – The clerk had written to Mrs J Bruch personally to express condolences. It was agreed that the clerk would also write on behalf of all the Parish Council.
24.010. Cllr Brewis reported on the following SHDC (South Holland District Council) matters:
i. Due to the recent wet weather this would have a financial impact on budgets from the drainage board. A Local Government Association Special Interest Group (SIG) has been set up of a group of councils all affected by the Internal Drainage Board levies which were now campaigning to Government for a fairer funding.
24.011. Financial Matters
i. It was resolved to approve the December cash book and bank reconciliation.
ii. It was resolved to approve payments to 31 January 2024 as below. Cllr Middleton and Cllr Philpott agreed to authorise bank payments.
Payee |
Detail |
Net£ |
Vat £ |
Total £ |
Photocopier |
1.50 |
0.30 |
1.80 |
Unity Trust |
Service Charge |
18.00 |
18.00 |
Adobe |
Subscription |
16.64 |
3.33 |
19.97 |
Complete Weed |
Burial Ground Maintenance |
820.00 |
164.00 |
984.00 |
Cozens |
Christmas Lights Removal |
1050.00 |
210.00 |
1260.00 |
B2C Retail |
Black Bags |
43.72 |
8.74 |
52.46 |
Monthly Legionella Testing |
60.00 |
12.00 |
72.00 |
Electricity |
65.53 |
3.28 |
68.81 |
Talk Talk |
Calls and Broadband |
41.69 |
8.34 |
50.03 |
The Culew Centre |
Office and Room Hire |
1015.00 |
1015.00 |
Wave |
Water Rates |
31.56 |
31.56 |
We Print Lanyards |
I D Cards |
35.32 |
7.06 |
42.38 |
Mrs K Croxford |
Home Office Allowance |
10.00 |
10.00 |
Staff |
Salaries |
3101.52 |
3101.52 |
Mrs K Croxford |
Mobile Phone Allowance |
10.00 |
10.00 |
Mrs C Smith |
Mobile Phone Allowance |
10.00 |
10.00 |
Mr D Lambert |
Home Electric Allowance |
11.00 |
11.00 |
Pension Fund |
1093.51 |
1093.51 |
Photocopier |
22.08 |
4.42 |
26.50 |
Sports Pavilion Investigations |
2185.00 |
437.00 |
2622.00 |
Adobe Acrobat |
Subscription |
16.64 |
3.33 |
19.97 |
Total | 9658.71 | 861.80 | 10520.51 |
19:31 hrs standing orders were suspended to allow members of the public to speak.
iii. A member of the public asked for clarification on the rise of 12p a week. The clerk explained that if the precept was set to around £85,000 this would give a 10.34% rise at band D from £61.48 to £68.00 a rise of 12p a week.
iv. Councillors were reminded that any increase to the precept would be left to their own conscious.
19:33 hrs standing orders were reinstated.
v. It was resolved to remove the CCTV budget amount from this year’s budget reviewing this again in 25/26 and set the precept at £86,000 for 2024/25.
vi. It was resolved to approve payment of £750 match funding for a defibrillator to be fitted to the Curlew Centre
24.012. Correspondence
i. Parish Precept information and form had been received by SHDC and circulated to Cllrs.
ii. A webinar invitation had been received from the National Grid for the Welland to Walpole Great Grid Upgrade this would take place at 18:30 hrs on the 25 January. If anyone would like to attend, please contact the clerk.
iii. Details for the 80th Anniversary of D Day on the 6 June 2024 had been received. This would be deferred to the next meeting.
iv. Correspondence had been received to thank the Council on their Christmas Lights. The clerk had responded and thanked the person for contacting the Council.
24.013. The notice of election had been posted to SHDC timescales; nominations would be accepted until 16:00hrs on the 26 January 2024. If any election was contested the poll would take place on the 22 February 2024.
24.014. Details of a request to book the Memorial Park were noted for the 30 March – Mad Hatter Easter Event, 3 November – Fireworks Display and 7th December – Mad Hatters Christmas Event.
24.015. Planning Applications.
i. Cllr Brewis did not vote on this agenda item due to him being a member on the Planning committee at the district council.
ii. It was resolved to put on the next agenda the setting up of a Planning Committee.
iii. H18-1109-23: Poppy Fields Caravan Park, Sutton Bridge. It was resolved to request an extension on the application until the 29 February 2024 to allow time to investigate this further.
iv. H18-0034-24: The Beeches Farm, Bridge Road, Sutton Bridge. It was resolved to support.
24.016. Planning Decisions
i. H18-0896-23: Maze Farm, Long Sutton. Change of use of agricultural building to dwelling. Approved.
ii. H18-1022-23: The Curlew Centre, Sutton Bridge. Installation of roof mounted solar panels. Approved
iii. H18-0841-23: Lavender Corner, King John Bank, Walpole St Andrew. Conversion of office to dwelling – Retrospective. Refusal
iv. H18-0310-23: Boud Minerals & Polymers Warehouse. Proposed open storage buildings Approved.
24.017. Committee Reports
01. Pavilion Committee
i. Cllr Middleton reported that outline planning permission had been submitted to SHDC.
ii. Groundwork investigations had been completed and had come back positive. If a modular building was to be built this meant that the concrete foundations would not have to be so deep so in effect would save money.
20:12hrs standing orders were suspended to allow a co-opted member of the fundraising working party to speak.
iii. The expression of interest form had been forwarded to the clerk for completion.
iv. The Football Association pre application form was currently being worked on.
v. The Football Foundation had a set of guidelines and a lease which needed to be looked into further.
vi. Further local grants were being investigated and those from Grantscape, Henry Smith Charity, Morrisons Foundation and Garfield Western Foundation. Local events were being arranged which would also help with the fundraising.
vii. Cllr Perkins reminded the fundraising working party to keep things civil on social media.
20:22 hrs standing orders were reinstated.
02. Open Spaces, Burial and Allotment Committee – Nothing to report.
03. CCTV Working Party – Nothing to report.
04. Community Speed Watch Party – Cllr Perkins reported that this would be sorted shortly.
05. There were no other committee and working party reports.
24.018. There were no Outside body representative reports.
20:24hrs eleven members of the public left the meeting.
24.019. It was resolved to move into closed session in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 s.1(2).
24.020. Quotes for work
i. It was resolved to seek a further quote for the speed sign in the car park and delegate the clerk to accept the appropriate quote.
ii. It was resolved to approve the quote for the scribe accounting package at £1139.00.
24.021. Staffing & Administration Matters
i. It was resolved for Cllrs Billings, Brewis, and Middleton to undertake the clerk’s probation review.
ii. Staff holiday details were noted.
iii. It was resolved for staff to carry over 2 days holiday entitlement into the new financial year.
The chair closed the meeting at 20:51hrs.