16 April Pavilion Committee

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Minutes of a meeting of the New Pavilion Committee held 19:00hrs, Tuesday, 16 April 2024, in the Bridge Room at the Curlew Centre, Sutton Bridge.

Present: Cllr D Cook, Cllr S McLaughlin, Cllr M Middleton (Chair), Cllr N Mills, Mr D Wall (co-opted), Mr D Earth (co-opted).

C Smith (clerk) ,Cllr A Billings (observing) and three members of the public 

24.028. Apologies were received from Cllr M Philpott and Mr L Marchant.

24.029. There were no declarations of interest.

24.031. It was resolved to approve the minutes of the meeting on the 19 March 2024

24.032 Project drawings and interior details – the committee members and public viewed internal plans and discussed layout options. The configuration of the toilets and storage in the sports hall was discussed and ways to maximise the space considered. Any further ideas should be marked on the plans and forwarded to Mary in the next week so that the detail could be finalised. 

24.033 Chair’s Report

  i. Tendering – DW had been working hard on preparing the documentation and the tendering process would be progressed over the next few weeks. A second Modular company had visited the site and would be submitting a tender.

ii Planning – the outline planning was being held up by Sport England. SHDC were ready to grant permission, and everyone was working to establish what information Sport England still required. The chair and clerk would attempt to make contact directly as soon as possible.

24.034 Project Managers Report

i. DW reported that the tendering information had been prepared. A turnkey arrangement would be in place with scope for the Parish Council to recommend that local sub-contractors be given the opportunity to work on the project.

ii. Solar panel information had been provided with calculations on the requirements for the building completed. 

iii. Heat pumps – it was proving challenging to find an unbiased opinion on what scheme would be the best for the building. It was hoped that an independent expert could be found in the next few weeks.

24.035 Fundraising 

i. DC confirmed that local fund raising including running a tombola would be undertaken. A poster was tabled that would also detail the Pavilion Committee meeting dates so that members of the public were informed of the meetings and could come along. The chair also displayed a poster for circulation that asked anyone interested in using the building to get in touch.

ii. The committee considered the requirements of fundraising bids which included details of the inadequacy of the current facilities. It was agreed that a builder or surveyor’s opinion might be useful. DE would contact Jack Tyrell for advice.

iii. SM reported that she had been in touch with Tonic Health who had expressed a strong interest in using the new building. The Co-op and NHS well-being group would also be interested. Cllr McLaughlin would ask for the groups to state this in writing to support the finding bids.

iv. The clerk reported that the COF EOI had been re-submitted as there had been a substantial change to the level of funding requested.

24.036 Public Participation- Air conditioning and heating – it was confirmed that all types of heating and air conditioning were being considered. It was agreed that there would be a need for air conditioning in the sports hall.

24.037 It was resolved to set the date for the next meeting on the 14 May at 19:00hrs.


20:10 hrs the chair closed the meeting.