28 May Council Meeting

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Minutes of the Sutton Bridge Parish Annual Meeting of the Parish Council held 19:00hrs Tuesday, 28 May 2024, in the Curlew Centre Bridge Room, Sutton Bridge.

Present: Cllr Ann Billings, Cllr Michael Booth, Cllr Chris Brewis, Cllr Diane Cook, Cllr Tony Judd, Cllr Sue McLaughlin, Cllr Natalie Mills, Cllr Mary Middleton (Chair), Cllr Melvyn Philpott, Cllr Michelle Pitt, Cllr A Scarlett, Mrs. C Smith (clerk), Mrs K Croxford, County Cllr Jack Tyrrell. Members of the Public: Four

Unless otherwise stated, actions are to be undertaken by the clerk.

24.093. It was resolved to elect Cllr Middleton for the year. Cllr Middleton signed the chair’s declaration of office, as witnessed by the clerk.

24.094. It was resolved to elect Cllr Billings as vice chair for the year. Cllr Billings signed the vice chairs declaration of office, as witnessed by the clerk.

24.095. There were no apologies.

24.096. It was noted that Cllr Judd and Cllr Scarlett had signed the declaration of office, as witnessed by the clerk.

24.097. It was resolved to readopt the Council’s Code of Conduct all members had signed a copy.

24.098. There were no declarations of interests received.

24.099. Chairs Report

i. Cllr Middleton thanked Councillors for their continued support, friendship and for voting her as Chair for this year. She thanked the clerk for all her support and hoped that this year Council would be able to achieve more and all work together for the community. 

24.100. There were no following public representations received:

24.101. It was resolved to approve the minutes of the 09 April 2024 and 30 April 2024.

24.102. Police matters

i. The clerk reported that a Police Surgery would take place in the Police Room on 31 May 2024 between 11am and 12.00.

24.103. Clerks Report

i. A thank you letter had been received in the Parish Office from the winner of the Grand Prize Draw.

ii. Aburi Town Football Club had enquired about using the Memorial Park and sharing facilities with Sutton Bridge United Football Club (SBUFC). A meeting had been held between the two teams, but it was unsure at this time if this would be possible due to the development of teams within SBUFC.

iii. Bakkavor had not been able to continue the maintenance of the Village Green due to not having a contractor at present. The Parish Council contractor had cut this to tidy up ready for the event on the 8 June. The clerk would contact Bakkavor regarding this matter.

iv. The Parish Council had some garden allotments vacancies, anyone who would like to take on a plot please contact the Parish Office.

24.104. Cllr J Tyrell reported on the following LCC (Lincolnshire County Council) matters:

i. A district waste consultation was due to take place in July unfortunately this had now been postponed. 

ii. He had approached LCC regarding the roundabout near the bridge to see if it would be possible to site a boat on there.

iii. A new toilet block with washing facilities was due to be sited in Long Sutton at the end of July.

iv. He was disappointed that the SB Wombles litter bags were now to be placed in the laybys instead of his premises. LCC would arrange a meeting with SB Wombles to discuss this further. 

24.105. Cllr Booth reported on the following SHDC (South Holland District Council) matters:

i. The district waste consultation had been postponed due to purdah (pre-election period)

ii. SB Solar Farm battery pack would be sited in the middle of the Solar Farm

iii. He welcomed the new owners of the Bridge Hotel and was pleased to hear that some work had started. A meeting with officers would be arranged to discuss options for a further car park for electric charging.

24.106. Cllr Brewis reported on the following SHDC (South Holland District Council) matters.

i. SHDC had accepted responsibility for repairs to potholes along Chalk Lane

ii. The sheltered housing consultation and a major presentation from Queen Elizabeth Hospital had been postponed due to purdah.

iii. The meeting with Ms Nicola Holderness from SELCP had been very positive.

iv. He had now been appointed on to the South Holland Voluntary Car Scheme

v. Reported Potholes from last month were still outstanding.

vi. The Curlew Centre outside toilets had been leaking but had now been fixed. In order for these toilets to open for longer hours it would be good if a rota of people could be gathered to open them.

24.107. Committees and Working Parties.

i. It was resolved to appoint Cllrs Cook, Mclaughlin, Mills, Middleton, Philpott, Scarlett on to the Pavilion Committee.

ii. It was resolved to appoint Cllrs Brewis, Cook, Middleton, Philpott, Scarlett on to the Finance Committee

iii. It was resolved to appoint Cllr Billings, Judd, Mclaughlin, Middleton, Scarlett on to the Personnel Committee.

iv. It was resolved to report any issues with regards Allotments, Burial Ground and Open Spaces to full council. 

v. It was resolved to appoint Cllrs Cook, Philpott and Pitt onto the Events working party. 

vi. Community Speed watch working party – this would be advertised for volunteers to come forward.

24.108. It was resolved to make the following representations on outside bodies:

i. Allens and Blank charities – Cllr Cook

ii. Kings Lynn Advisory Group, The Wash & North Norfolk Marine Partnership – Cllr Middleton 

iii. Voluntary car scheme – Cllr Mclaughlin 

iv. Lincolnshire Association of Local Councils (LALC) – Cllr Brewis

v. Suttons Emergency Planning – Cllr Booth  

24.109. Financial Matters 

i. It was resolved to approve the April cash book and bank reconciliation.

ii. It was resolved to approve payments to 29 May 2024 as below including the payment to Survey Monkey @ £190.00 + VAT. Cllr Middleton and Cllr Philpott agreed to authorise bank payments.

Payee Detail Net VAT Total
Talk Talk   Calls & Broadband  44.90 8.98 53.88
Adobe  Subscription  16.64 3.33 19.97
Adobe  Subscription  16.64 3.33 19.97
SSE Electricity 97.43 4.87 102.30
Cllr Mclaughlin  Expenses 45.00 9.00 54.00
Fenland Fire Report 112.70 22.54 135.24

House of tents

Events Tent 542.29 108.46 650.75
LALC Training 120.00 24.00 144.00
Royal Mail  Postage  1.50   1.50
Auditing Solutions Audit Fee 345.00 69.00 414.00
Talk Talk  44.90 8.98   53.88
The Curlew Centre  Room Hire 45.00   45.00
XBM Photocopier 19.96 3.99 23.95
Mrs K Croxford Expenses 12.70   12.70
We Can Source it  Black Bags  21.95 4.39 26.34
Complete Weed  Weed Control  635.00 127.00 762.00
Staff Phone Allowance 20.00   20.00
Staff Electric Allowance 11.00   11.00
Staff Salaries 3254.37   3254.37
Lincs Pension Fund Pension  1107.80   1107.80
Cllr Middleton  Expenses 10.05 2.01 12.06
Total    6714.83 437.88 7152.71

iii. Receipts: Garden Allotments £308.75, Farm Business Rent £2684.18 were noted.

iv. It was noted that LGA 1972, s137 expenditure for y/e 31/3/24 of £440.88 was within limit of £33, 583.26.

v. It was resolved to appoint Cllrs Brewis, Cook, Middleton, Philpott, and Scarlett as bank account signatories.

vi. The annual internal audit certificate for 2023/24 was received (AGAR page 3 of 6)

vii. The final auditors report for 2023/24 had been received, it was resolved to approve the Financial Risk Assessment and follow up on the recommendations made.

viii. Considering each statement in turn, it was resolved to agree and approve responses to the annual governance statement 2023/24 (AGAR page 4 of 6) 

ix. It was resolved to approve the annual accounting statements 2023/24 (AGAR page 5 of 6)

x. It was resolved to approve the explanation of variances 2023-24. 

xi. It was resolved to see further quotes for an internal auditor for the financial y/e 31 March 2025

xii. It was resolved to approve the Councils Annual Investment Strategy 2024-25.

24.110. Correspondence 

i. A letter had been received from Savills regarding the sale of the Henry Smith Charity Land

ii. South Holland District Council were holding a Civic Church Service on the 29 September 2024, further details to be advised at a later date.

iii. A D -Day 80 certificate had been received for Councils participation in the event on the 6 June 2024.

iv. The Sutton Bridge Place Making Workshop session would take place on Saturday 8 June between 10.00am and 15:00 hrs on the village green. A celebration event was scheduled for Saturday 6 July from 13.00 hrs to 15:00 hrs further details would be provided in due course.

24.111. Planning Applications

i. H18-0452-24: Rear of 210 New Road, Sutton Bridge. Conversion of agricultural building to single dwelling. It was resolved to support.

ii. H18-0448-24: Gunthorpe Road, Solar Farm, Walpole Marsh. Installation of Solar Farm under H18-1034-23. It was resolved to comment that any battery storage facility should not affect neighbouring properties.

iii. H18-0309-24: Former Conservative Club Hall, Sutton Bridge. Erection of pair of semi-detached houses. It was resolved to support.

iv. H18-0459-24: 175 Rookery Road, Sutton Bridge. Proposed Extensions & Alterations. It was resolved to support. 

24.112. Planning Decisions

i. H18-1088-23: The Curlew Centre, Sutton Bridge. Outline Proposed Sports Pavilion. Approved

24.113. Committee and Working Party Reports 

01. New Pavilion

i.     The minutes from the meeting on the 14 May were noted.

ii.   Cllr Middleton reported that outline planning permission had now been granted and that the project could now move forward. Funding was in the process of being applied for but unfortunately due to elections these would be put on hold.

iii.    It was resolved to thank a resident for their kind generosity for offering to help with architectural drawings for the new building.

02. Open Spaces Committee

i.   A D Day 80 event would take place in the Memorial Park on Thursday 6 June from 19:30 hrs to 21:15 hrs, a Choir would sing and the beacon lit. The international tribute would be read by the Chair of the Parish Council and refreshments would be available to purchase from the Football Club. On the 15 June a Village Fete would be held in the Memorial Park from 12.00 to 17:00 hrs, there would be a dog show, music playing from the 5os and 60s, WI cake competition and some stalls.

ii. It was resolved for the clerk to apply for grants to develop a play area on the Memorial Park and to arrange an extraordinary meeting to discuss details on play zones.

03. There were no other committee and working party reports. 

24.114. Outside Body Representative Reports. 

i. Sutton Bridge Solar Farm Liaison Group - Cllrs Booth, Brewis and the clerk had attended a meeting to discuss the community fund of £20,000 a year. Lincolnshire Community Foundation would set up board to manage this and would like to hear from anyone who would like to go on this. Cllr Booth and Brewis would like to be involved.

ii. There were no other representative reports.  

24.115. Annual Review of Council’s fees and charges

i. Football Club (SBUFC) pavilion and pitch fees. It was resolved to arrange a meeting with the Football Club to discuss this matter. Cllrs Cook, Middleton and Pitt would attend the meeting.

ii. Cemetery Fees. It was resolved that these would remain the same as 2023/24.

20:50 hrs Cllr M Booth declared an interest in the following agenda item and left the meeting.

iii. Garden Allotment Rent. It was resolved to keep the fees the same for 2023/24 but to give tenants a rent review for 2025/26.

20:52 hrs Cllr Booth returned to the meeting.

iv. Publications Scheme Charges. It was resolved for the charges to remain the same as last year. 

24.116. Annual Review of the Council’s fees and charges.

i. Agreement to April 2025 with LCC maintain the East Bank picnic site.

ii. Rolling annual agreement to undertake highways verge grass cutting on behalf of LCC.

iii. Ongoing agreement to provide agency litter picking on behalf of SHDC.

iv. Grass Cutting agreement to 31/12/24 with Heronwood Landscapes

v. Farm Business Tenancy Agreements (scheduled to be reviewed from October 2024 as resolved at July 2023 meeting min. ref 23.031.02)

vi. Garden Allotment Agreements 

vii. Rolling 12-month verbal agreement with the Curlew Centre for the use of the Parish council office

viii. Long -Term insurance undertaking with BHIB to 29/09/24 and Electric Vehicle Insurance to 15/06/25

ix. It was resolved to approve all Council’s fees and charges en bloc.

24.117. Subscriptions

       i. National and Lincolnshire Association of Local Councils (NALC & LALC) @£797.70 (2024-25)

ii. The Society of Local Council Clerks (SLCC) on behalf of the clerk @ £288.00 (2024-25)

iii. Institute of Cemetery and Cremation Management (ICCM) @ £100 (2024-25)

iv. Information Commissioners Office Data Protection Registration @ £40 p.a. (2024-25)

v. Microsoft 365 Business Standard two user subscription @ £247.20 (2024-25)

vi. Microsoft 365 Business Basic eleven -user subscription @ £646.80 (2024-25)

vii. Adobe Acrobat Pro two-user subscription @ £399.36 p.a.

viii. Parish On-Line Mapping @ £160.00

ix. Domain -suttonbridge-pc.gov.uk @ £110.00 biennial

x. Domain – Suttonbridgeparishcouncil.co.uk @ £11.99 p.a.

xi. It was resolved to approve all continuing subscriptions en bloc. 

24.118. Council Policies and procedures

 i. Standing Orders

ii. Financial Regulations (revised in accordance with The Public Contracts (Amendment) Regulations 2022).

iii.    Risk Register

iv. Complaints Procedure

v. Freedom of Information policy 

vi. Data Protection policy

vii Privacy Policy for Customer Contact

viii. Model Publication Scheme

ix. Document retention policy

x. Grant awarding policy

xi. Tree policy

xii. Councillor vacancy and co-option policy

xiii. Recordings at meeting policy

xiv. CCTV policy

xv. Planning Policy

xvi Policy for dealing with the press/media.

xvii. Sickness & absence policy

xviii Equity policy

xix. Disciplinary & grievance procedure

xx. Child protection & vulnerable adults safeguarding policy

xxi. It was resolved to readopt all Councils policies and procedures  

21.00 hrs Cllr Tyrrell and a member of the public left the meeting.

24.119. It was resolved to approve the dates of the ordinary meetings of the council for the year including an extraordinary meeting on the 11 June 2024 and remove dates allocated for Open Spaces,  Burial & Allotments meetings. 

21:02 hrs A member of the public left the meeting.

24.120. It was resolved to approve the date of the Annual Assembly of the Parish Meeting, 19:00hrs Tuesday 11 March 2025 

24.121. It was resolved to approve the date of the annual propeller Memorial Service 15:00hrs Sunday 1 September 2024

24.122. It was resolved to send a letter to neighbouring properties concerning the overgrown area at the entrance to Harriet’s Close.

24.123. Discussions took place concerning parking in the curlew car park and the electric charging point this item was deferred to the next meeting.

24.124. Public Participation.

i. A member of the public report that the newly planted tree in the Burial Ground was blowing in the wind and needed to be fixed down.

24.125. It was resolved to move into closed session in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 s.1(2).

21:15 hrs Three members of the public left the meeting. 

24.126. Quotes for work

i. It was resolved to approve the three-year servicing for the Electric Vehicle @ £275.00 + VAT

ii. It was resolved to approve the quote for work in the Curlew Car park @ £880.00 and Sir Peter Scott Road @ £360.00

iii. It was resolved to approve the quote for the independent report on heating requirements for the new pavilion @ £460.00 + VAT 

24.127. Staffing & Administration Matters 

i. The clerk reported on staffing matters.