19 November 2024 Finance Committee

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Draft Minutes of the meeting of the Finance Committee held 18:00hrs Tuesday, 19 November 2024 in the Bridge Room, Sutton Bridge.

Present:  Cllr Cook, Cllr Middleton, Cllr Philpott, Cllr Scarlett (Chair), Mrs C Smith (Parish Clerk) 

The meeting was held in the Parish Office due to reduce number of attendees

24.015. Apologies for absence – Cllr Brewis.

24.016. Declarations of interest - none declared.

24.017. It was resolved to approve the minutes held on the 27 August 2024 as an accurate record of the meeting.

24.018. Quarterly review – Cllrs received the budget review report – summary of receipts and payments. The report contained figures for seven months. Each budget code was reviewed, over expenditure had occurred in a few cost codes and the detailed report was referred to for an explanation of the spend. The clerk reported that the Local Government Services pay agreement 2024/25 had been confirmed, the award was the same as last year. The pro rata pay award would be backdated to April 2024 for the relevant staff pay scales. Income from bank interest was expected to be slightly above budget. The Memorial Park had not been hired out this year to the fair as the field was too wet so this income code would be under budget. It was hoped that the circus would visit next year. In review overall the cost centres were on track to be in budget.

24.019. Salaries and Draft budget – The clerk reported that the salary budget for next year would be agreed at the next Personnel meeting. The changes to NI ERs by the Government’s budget would have an impact on next year’s salary budget. The committee discussed the budget for next year and asked the clerk to draft a budget allowing for inflation, expected rises and to include an events budget, Memorial Park tree maintenance and working capital budget for the Pavilion project. The draft budget would be reviewed in detail at the next meeting so that a recommendation for budget and precept could be made to the January council meeting.

24.020. Date of Next Meeting – 2 pm 14 January 2025


There being no other business, the chair closed the meeting at 19:08 hrs.