06 June 2023 New Pavilion Committee

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Notice is hereby given, and committee members duly requested to attend, a meeting of the New Pavilion Committee to be held 18:00hrs Tuesday, 06 June 2023 in the Bridge Room at the Curlew Centre.

Robert Smith
01 June 2023


1.To elect a Chair for the year 2023/24.

2.To note members’ attendance and to receive apologies for absence.

3.To receive declarations of disclosable pecuniary or other interests and to consider any written request for dispensation.

4.To receive representations from members of the public about the pavilion project.

5.To approve the minutes of the meeting 17 January 2023.

6.To receive the notes of the working party meeting 7 March 2023

7.To review the committee’s terms of reference.

8.To note the resignation of Cllr M Landy and resolve on the appointment of Cllr Perkins.

9.To consider the co-option of non-councillor members to the committee.

10.To receive any correspondence.

11.To resolve on the committee’s intentions of holding a parish referendum.

12.To consider any further consultation matters.

13.To consider the UK Shared Prosperity Fund Prospectus and the completion of an expression of interest form.

14.To resolve on moving into closed session, in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 s.1(2).

15.To receive the architect’s report and to resolve appropriately (confidential as receipt of external advice [1960 c.67 s.1(3).]).

16.To receive the project manager’s report and to resolve appropriately (confidential as receipt of external advice [1960 c.67 s.1(3).]).

17.To resolve on next steps for the project.

18.To set date and time for the next meeting.