16 May 2023 Annual Meeting of the Parish Council

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Notice is hereby given, and all members of the Council are duly requested to attend the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council to be held 19:00hrs Tuesday, 16 May 2023 in the Bridge Room of the Curlew Centre, Sutton Bridge.

Robert Smith
Clerk to Sutton Bridge Parish Council
11 May 2023

Information for councillors, staff, members of the public, & press.

  • Please do not attend the meeting if you are feeling unwell.
  • Please arrive five minutes before the time of the meeting. Late arrivals may not be admitted.
  • As indicated below, 15 minutes is set aside when a short statement may be made, or a question asked, individual members of the public may speak for a maximum of 5 minutes. Anyone wishing to speak should raise their hand and wait to be asked by the chair. A question shall not require a response nor start a debate. Unless otherwise indicated, members of the public may not speak at any other time.
  • To minimise the length of the meeting, councillors are asked to read briefing papers before the meeting and to keep comments brief and to the point.


1.To elect the chair for the year and to record the signing of their acceptance of office.

2.To elect the vice-chair for the year and to record the signing of their acceptance of office.

3.To receive apologies for absence.

4.To note receipt by the clerk of members’ signed declaration of acceptance of office.

5.To readopt the Council’s Code of Conduct and to note receipt by the clerk of members’ signed copies.

6.Declarations of Interest.

01.To note receipt by the clerk of member’s completed register of interests’ form.

02.To receive any declarations of pecuniary interests or other disclosable interests, in items on the agenda.

03.To receive any written requests to grant a dispensation (Localism Act 2011, s.33).

7.To note the requirement for all councillors to submit their declaration of election expenses to the District Council Monitoring Officer within 28 calendar days after the day of the election. This includes nil returns.

8.To receive any remarks from the chair.

9.Public Participation.

01.To receive representations relating to matters on the agenda.

02.To receive representations or questions on other matters.

10.To approve the minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday, 16 May 2023.

11.To consider any police matters

12.To receive the clerk’s report/matters arising from the last meeting.

13.To receive reports on District (SHDC) & Lincolnshire County Council (LCC) matters.

14.To make appointments to committees and working parties.

01.Finance Committee.

02.Personnel Committee.

03.Burial ground committee.

04.New Pavilion Committee.

05.Open Spaces Committee.

06.Garden Allotments Committee.

07.CCTV Working Party.

08.Community Speed Watch.

09.Footways and Byways Working Party.

15.To make nominations for representatives on outside bodies [current representatives].

01.Sutton Bridge Solar Farm Liaison Group [Cllr Bruch, Mr Smith].

02.Allen’s and Thomas Blank’s charities.

03.King’s Lynn Advisory Group, The Wash & North Norfolk Marine Partnership [Cllr Brewis].

04.Voluntary car scheme [Cllr Booth].

05.Lincolnshire Association of Local Councils (LALC) [Cllr Brewis].

06.Suttons’ emergency planning [Cllr Booth].

07.Charter of friendship group.

16.Financial matters.

01.To approve the April bank reconciliation and cash book.

02.To approve payments to 16 May 2023 as below, including any late payments notified by the clerk. Pending new bank mandates, two previous councillors have agreed to authorise payments.

Payee Detail Net £ VAT £ Total £
XBM LTD Photocopier 21/3 -19/4/23            0.37              0.07          0.44
SSE Electricity 9/3 -12/4/23        192.43              9.62       202.05
Pandora Technologies Ltd Speed Sign      4,100.00          820.00    4,920.00
Auditing Solutions Ltd  Auditor Fees        130.00            26.00       156.00
Microsoft 365 Subscription Fee        247.20            49.44       296.64
Inkredible Ink Cartridges           42.94              8.59         51.53
SMC Ltd  Pavilion Monthly Legionella           60.00            12.00         72.00
Whitelightning  Coronation Pyrotechnics     2,000.00          400.00    2,400.00
Adobe Acrobat  Admin Adobe Subscription           16.64              3.33         19.97
Adobe Acrobat  Admin Adobe Subscription           12.64              2.53         15.17
Fenland Fire Appliance Pavilion Fire Appliances         104.50            20.90       125.40
Lift Safe Ltd  Electric Vehicle Service         325.00            65.00       390.00
The Curlew Centre  Room Hire April           30.00           30.00
Mrs K Croxford Expenses Black Bags           18.32              3.67         21.99
Mr R Smith  Home Office Allowance           26.00           26.00
Mr R Smith  Travel Expenses           38.70           38.70
Staff  Salaries      2,837.86      2,837.86
Mr R Smith  Mobile Phone Allowance           10.00           10.00
Mrs K Croxford Mobile Phone Allowance           10.00           10.00
Mr D Lambert Electric Vehicle Service           11.00           11.00
Lincs Pension Fund  WYPF Pension Contributions        948.04         948.04
Mrs K Croxford Home Office Allowance           10.00           10.00
Talk Talk  Calls & Broadband           45.62              9.12         54.74
Total      11,217.26       1,430.27  12,647.53

03.To note that expenditure on coronation celebrations is in accordance with LGA 1972, s145.

04.To note receipts: bank interest £213.97, VAT reclaim £4,831.09, garden allotments £470.53, farm rent £4,147.36, Garden of Rest £50.00.

05.To note LGA 1972, s137 expenditure for y/e 31/03/23 of £424.00 was within the limit of £29,882.16.

06.To appoint bank account signatories (current signatory Cllr Brewis).

07.To receive the annual internal audit certificate 2022/23 (AGAR page 3 of 6).

08.To receive the final internal auditor’s report for 2022/23 and to resolve on recommendations.

09.Considering each statement in turn, to agree and approve responses to the annual governance statement 2022/23 (AGAR page 4 of 6).

10.To approve the annual accounting statements 2022/23 (AGAR page 5 of 6).

11.To approve the explanation of variance 2022/23.

12.Subject to confirmation of costs, to resolve to appoint Auditing Solutions Ltd as the internal auditor for the financial y/e 31/03/2024.

13.To approve the Council’s Annual Investment Strategy 2023-2024.

17.To consider recent correspondence.

01.LCC Highway Infrastructure Asset Management Plan.

02.LCC Report a pothole or road edge problem.

03.Tenant’s report of break-in at the Wright’s Lane allotment.

04.Application to hold Tequila Circus in the Memorial Park.

05.Any late received correspondence.

18.To consider planning applications.

01.H18-0429-23: 72 Princes Street, PE12 9RE. Concrete parking area.

19.To note District Council planning decisions.

01.   H18-0199-23: Land off New Road, PE12 9RQ. New dwelling. Refused.

20.Highways & footways.

01.To receive update on any outstanding matters.

02.To note any new matters.

21.To receive Committee and Working Party reports.

01.New Pavilion Committee.

02.Open Spaces Committee.

03.CCTV Working Party

04.Coronation Celebrations

05.Other committee or working party reports.

22.To receive outside body representative reports.

01.Community Speed Watch

02.Other outside body representative reports.

23.Annual review of the Council’s fees and charges.

01.Football Club (SBUFC) pavilion and pitch fees 2023/24 – pending review by the Open Spaces committee.

02.Cemetery Fees as resolved 18 April 2023, minute 23.100.01.iii.  

03.Garden allotment fees as resolved 18 April 2023, minute 23.100.02.viii.

04.Publication Scheme Charges.

24.To note agreements and arrangements with outside bodies.

01.Agreement to April 2023 with LCC to maintain the East Bank picnic site.

02.Rolling annual agreement to undertake highways verge grass cutting on behalf of LCC.

03.Ongoing agreement to provide agency litter picking on behalf of SHDC.

04.Grass cutting agreement to 31/12/23 with Heronwood Landscapes.

05.Farm Business Tenancy Agreements (scheduled for review at the July 2023 meeting, see minute 23.031.02).

06.Garden allotment agreements.

07.Pavilion and pitch fees agreement with SBUFC.

08.Rolling 12-month verbal agreement with the Curlew Centre for the use of the Parish Council office.

09.Long-term insurance undertaking with BHIB to 29/09/23.

25.To note and approve continuing subscriptions.

01.National and Lincolnshire Association of Local Councils (NALC & LALC) @ £754.47 (2022-23).

02.The Society of Local Council Clerks (SLCC) on behalf of the clerk @ £234.00 (2022-23).

03.Institute of Cemetery and Crematorium Management (ICCM) @ £95.00 (2022-23).

04.Information Commissioner’s Office Data Protection Registration @ £35.00 p.a.

05.Microsoft 365 Business Standard two-user subscription @ £247.20 (2023-24).

06.Microsoft 365 Business Basic eleven-user subscription @ £594.00 (2022-23).

07.Adobe Acrobat Pro two-user subscription @ £351.36 p.a.

08.Parish On-line Mapping @ £0.00 (included with BHIB insurance).

09.Domain – suttonbridge-pc.gov.uk @ £55.00 p.a.

10.Domain - suttonbridgeparishcouncil.co.uk @ £11.99 p.a.

26.Council policies and procedures.

01.To readopt existing policies and procedures

i.Standing Orders.

ii.Financial Regulations (revised in accordance with The Public Contracts (Amendment) Regulations 2022).

iii.Risk Register.

iv.Complaints procedure.

v.Freedom of Information policy.

vi.Data protection policy.

vii.Privacy Policy for Customer Contact.

viii.Model Publication Scheme.

ix.Document retention policy.

x.Grant awarding policy.

xi.Tree policy.

xii.Councillor vacancy and co-option policy.

xiii.Recordings at meetings policy.

xiv.CCTV policy.

xv.Planning policy.

xvi.Policy for dealing with the press/media.

xvii.Sickness & absence policy.

xviii.Equality policy.

xix.Disciplinary & grievance procedure.

xx.Child protection & vulnerable adults safeguarding policy.

27.To approve the dates of ordinary meetings of the Council for the year, to start at 18:00hrs.

01.Tuesday, 27 June 2023

02.Tuesday, 25 July 2023

03.No meeting.

04.Tuesday, 26 September 2023

05.Tuesday, 24 October 2023

06.Tuesday, 28 November 2023

07.Tuesday, 12 December 2023

08.Tuesday, 30 January 2024

09.Tuesday, 27 February 2024

10.Tuesday, 26 March 2024

11.Tuesday, 30 April 2024

12.Tuesday, 28 May 2024 – Annual meeting of the Parish Council.

28.To approve the date of the Annual Assembly of the Parish Meeting, 18:00hrs Tuesday 12 March 2024.

29.To propose items to be included on the agenda of a future meeting. 

30.To resolve to move into closed session on the grounds of confidentiality in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 s.1(2)

31.To consider any quotes for works [confidential, as matters relate to commercial negotiations].

32.To consider an appeal against a decision by the Parish Council relating to confidentiality.

To consider any staffing & administration matters [confidential as matters relate to conditions of employment, pending grievance or disciplinary proceedings, or other personal matters].