27 February 2024 - Council Meeting
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Sutton Bridge Parish Council Meeting
Summons & Agenda
Notice is hereby given, and all members of the Council are asked to attend a meeting of the Parish Council at 19:00hrs Tuesday, 27 February 2024 in the Bridge Room, The Curlew Centre, Sutton Bridge.
C Smith
22 February 2024
1. To welcome the newly elected Councillors and note the signing of the Acceptance of Office and Code of Conduct.
2. To note members’ attendance and to receive apologies for absence.
3. To receive declarations of disclosable interests and to consider requests for dispensation.
4. To receive representations from members of the public
5. To approve the minutes of the meeting held Tuesday, 23 January 2024.
6. To receive any police matters.
7. To receive the chair’s report.
8. To receive the clerk’s report / outstanding matters not on the agenda.
9. To receive reports from District and County Council Councillors.
i. County Cllr J Tyrell
ii. District Cllrs Booth and Brewis
10. Financial matters.
i. To approve the January 2024 cash book and bank reconciliation.
ii. To approve payments to 27th February 2024 and note the two members authorising bank payments.
11. To consider D-Day 80 letter from Bruno Peak, and plan for any commemorative events (deferred from previous meeting)
12. To consider a request by SHDC to use the Memorial Park for a ECO day
13. To consider recent correspondence.
14. To consider commenting on District Council Planning applications
15. To note District Council planning decisions.
16. To review Membership of Committees and representation of outside bodies, listed below following the death of Cllr Bruch and the resignation of Cllr Perkins from committees.
i. Finance – 3 places.
ii. Open Spaces, Burial Ground and Allotments – 1 place
iii. Pavilion Committee - 1 place.
iv. Events Working Party – 2 places.
v. Community Speed Watch working party – 2 places.
vi. Sutton Bridge Solar Farm Liaison Group – 1 place
vii. LALC – 1 place
viii. Suttons Emergency Planning – 1 place
ix. Allens and Thomas Blanks Charities – 1 place
17. To receive Committee Reports
01. New Pavilion
02. Open Spaces, Burial Ground and Allotment
03. Other committee and working party reports.
18. To receive any outside body representative reports.
19. To receive representations from members of the public – second session
20. To resolve to move into closed session [Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 s.1(2).]
21. To Consider quotes for works (confidential terms of tenders, proposals in negotiations)
22. To consider confidential staffing & administration matters and to resolve appropriately.
i. To consider the recommendation of the Personnel committee to appoint the clerk to a permanent position following the probationary period.
ii. To consider the recommendation of the Personnel committee, to pay overtime for the hours accrued by the Administration Assistant
i Fifteen minutes is set aside to hear from members of the public, when a short statement may be made, or a question asked (3 minutes per person). Anyone wishing to speak should raise their hand and wait to be asked by the chair. A question shall not require a response nor start a debate. Unless otherwise indicated, members of the public may not speak at any other time