25 June 2024 - Council Meeting



 Sutton Bridge Parish Council Meeting

Summons & Agenda

Notice is hereby given, and all members of the Council are asked to attend a meeting of the Parish Council at 19:00hrs Tuesday, 25 June 2024 in the Bridge Room, The Curlew Centre, Sutton Bridge.

C Smith
20 June 2024


1.To note members’ attendance and to receive apologies for absence.

2.To receive declarations of disclosable interests and to consider requests for dispensation.

3.To receive representations from members of the public [i]

4.To approve the minutes of the meeting held Tuesday, 28 May 2024.

5.To approve the minutes of the extraordinary meeting held on 11 June 2024.

6.To receive any police matters.

7.To receive the chair’s report.

8.To receive the clerk’s report / outstanding matters not on the agenda.

i.Update on actions to improve the maintenance of the Alleyway between Stanley Drive and Railway Lane

ii.Application for £25k funding for play area- to note submission

iii.Harriets Close – update on letters to be delivered to residents regarding the future maintenance of the planted verge.

iv.Bridge Hotel – update on response to letter regarding parking.


9.To receive reports from District and County Council Councillors.

i.District Councillors Booth and Brewis

ii.County Councillor Tyrrell

10.Financial matters.

i.To approve the May 2024 cash book and bank reconciliation.

ii.To approve payments to 31 May 2024 with any late payments reported by the clerk and to note the two members authorising bank payments.

11.To receive notice in the office of Parish Councillor following the resignation of Ann Billings.

12.To elect a vice chair and record the signing of their acceptance of office.

13.To appoint a representative to the Personnel Committee.

14.To note the vandalism of the Electric Car charging units at the back of the Curlew Centre and report from SHDC that they may be relocated.

15.To consider parking arrangements at the Curlew Centre and access to the Charging points (deferred from the May meeting)

16.To consider asking the Curlew Centre to hang the portrait of the King in one of their public areas so that more people can see it.

17.To receive a freedom of information request for a copy of the FOC application, estimates of costs, sources of funding with dates and probabilities of success.

18.To consider recent correspondence.

19.Burial Ground

i.to note current maintenance issues including benches, pathways and planting at the entrance to the cemetery.

20.Open Spaces

i.To consider maintenance of the village green and consider an offer from Adams Gardening and Landscaping to sponsor and maintain the area.

ii.Trees – to receive complaints regarding overhanging trees around the Memorial Park

iii.Grass cutting Maintenance – corner of Anne Rd and Allenby’s Chase to consider adding this area to the grass cutting contract.


i.To receive a report on the vacant allotments and consider how best to manage the 5 new allotments that have not been allocated, including the possibility of returning them to be part of a farm tenancy.

22.To receive and consider commenting on District Council Planning applications.

23.To receive a notice regarding Poppyfields enforcement appeal

24.To note District Council planning decisions.

25.To receive Committee Reports

01.New Pavilion

02.Events – to receive a report on the D-Day Beacon Lighting event

03.Events – to receive a report on the recent Village Fete and Dog Show

26.To receive any outside body representative reports.

i.Emergency Planning Cluster meeting feedback and further actions – Cllrs Booth, Cllr Pitt, Clerk.

ii.Allens Charity – current representative Cllrs Cook – to elect an additional two representatives for the Parish Council.

iii.Phillips Educational Charity – one meeting per year in October – to elect two representatives.

iv.Blanks Charity – current representative Cllr Cook – to elect an additional representative.


27.To receive representations from members of the public – second session

28.To resolve to move into closed session [Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 s.1(2).]     

29.To Consider quotes for works (confidential terms of tenders, proposals in negotiations)

i.Tree Surveys

ii.Quote to fix drain in the Curlew Car park

iii.Painting the Propeller memorial

30.To receive a report on the accidental damage to a vehicle

31.To consider confidential staffing & administration matters and to resolve appropriately.


[i] Fifteen minutes is set aside to hear from members of the public, when a short statement may be made, or a question asked (3 minutes per person). Anyone wishing to speak should raise their hand and wait to be asked by the chair. A question shall not require a response nor start a debate. Unless otherwise indicated, members of the public may not speak at any other time.