30 January Pavilion Meeting

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Sutton Bridge Parish Council

New Pavilion Committee Summons and Agenda


Notice is hereby given, and committee members duly requested to attend, a meeting of the New Pavilion Committee to be held 19:00hrs Tuesday, 30 January 2024 in the Bridge Room at the Curlew Centre.

C Smith



24 January 2024



1.To note members’ attendance and to receive apologies for absence.

2.To receive declarations of disclosable pecuniary or other interests and to consider any written request for dispensation.

3.To approve the minutes of the meeting 21 November 2023.

4.To confirm co-option of Chris Brandon King to the committee and fundraising working party.

5.To note the submission of the planning application.

6.To receive the Groundworks report and note implications for the project.

7.To receive a report on fundraising activities

  1. Grantscape

  2. EOI Community Ownership Fund

  3. Football Association

  4. LCC and SHDC

  5. East Coast Windfarm

  6. Local Fundraising

  7. Other grant opportunities

8.To receive information from local organisations regarding the need for the facility.

9.To discuss a Public Consultation Strategy.

10.To discuss timescales, project management, tendering.

11.To discuss drawing up a lease for the football club to use part of the new pavilion and leisure building.

12.To set date and time for the next meeting.