24 November 2024 Council Meeting
Sutton Bridge Parish Council Meeting
Summons & Agenda
Notice is hereby given, and all members of the Council are asked to attend a meeting of the Parish Council at 19:00hrs Tuesday, 26 November 2024 in the Bridge Room, The Curlew Centre, Sutton Bridge.
C Smith
21 November 2024
1.To note members’ attendance and to receive apologies for absence.
2.To receive declarations of pecuniary interests or other disclosable interests, or any written requests to grant a dispensation
3.To receive representations from members of the public [i]
4.To approve the minutes of meeting held on 22 October 2024
5.To receive the chair’s report.
6.To receive the clerk’s report / outstanding matters not on the agenda.
i.Casual Vacancy – notice that an election has not been called and the vacancy would be advertised.
ii.Planning Training – 12 December 2024.
iii.Update on plumbing problems at the pavilion
iv.Update on the seat to be replaced at the village green.
7.To receive reports from District and County Council Councillors.
i.County Councillor Tyrrell
ii.District Councillors Booth and Brewis
8.Financial matters.
i.To approve the October 2024 cash book and bank reconciliation.
ii.To approve payments to 27 November with any late payments reported by the clerk and to note the two members authorising bank payments.
iii.To receive and resolve to accept the internal audit service agreement with LALC.
iv.To receive an update on the revised cost of the Christmas lights installation.
v.Electric contract – to note that the contract had been changed and a new smart meter would be installed
9.Personnel Committee – following the resignation of Cllr Middleton to appoint a member to the personnel committee
10.Memorial park play and exercise equipment – to receive the annual inspection report and agree appropriate action
11.Princes Street Play area – to receive the annual inspection report and agree appropriate action.
12.Allotments – to review the allotment regulations and resolve to make an amendment to allow the transfer of a shed to a new tenant providing the appropriate deposit is received.
13.To consider recent correspondence.
14.To receive and consider commenting on District Council Planning applications.
i.H18-0915-24 Rear of 210 New Rd, details of scheme to deal with contamination of land or pollution of controlled waters (condition 7 of H18-0452-24)
ii.H18-0918-24 28 Bridge Rd, Proposed two storey rear extension and internal alterations to create additional bedroom and sun room
15.To receive District Council planning decisions.
i.H18-0603-24 Change of use from agricultural land to solar farm and construction and operation of a solar photovoltaic (PV) development with capacity of up to 49.9mw with association infrastructure and landscaping – approved under H19-1126-20. Modification of condition 10 relating to the flood risk assessment.
16.To receive Committee Reports
01.New Pavilion
i.To note the co-option of V Smith to the Pavilion Committee.
ii.To receive an update on the project including a change of position of the Pavilion.
iii.To receive a report on the progress of the PlayZone project.
i.to receive an update on the firework event 5th November 2024 and consider a future event.
ii.to receive an update on the Christmas event
17.To receive any outside body representative reports.
18.To receive representations from members of the public – second session
19.To resolve to move into closed session [Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 s.1(2).]
20.To consider quotes for works (confidential terms of tenders, proposals in negotiations)
i.Tree work
ii.Memorial Park Maintenance
iii.Electric Vehicle Battery
21.To consider a retrospective request for a memorial in the burial ground.
22.To consider confidential staffing & administration matters and to resolve appropriately.
[i] Fifteen minutes is set aside to hear from members of the public, when a short statement may be made, or a question asked (3 minutes per person). Anyone wishing to speak should raise their hand and wait to be asked by the chair. A question shall not require a response nor start a debate. Unless otherwise indicated, members of the public may not speak at any other time.