28 May 2024 - Council Meeting


Sutton Bridge Parish Council

Meeting Notice & Agenda

Notice is hereby given, and all members of the Council are duly requested to attend the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council to be held 19:00hrs Tuesday, 28 May 2024 in the Bridge Room of the Curlew Centre, Sutton Bridge


Claire Smith
Clerk to Sutton Bridge Parish Council
23 May 2024


1.To elect the chair for the year and to record the signing of their acceptance of office.
2.To elect the vice-chair for the year and to record the signing of their acceptance of office.
3.To receive apologies for absence.
4.To note receipt by the clerk of new members’ signed declaration of acceptance of office. (Cllrs Scarlett & Judd)
5.To readopt the Council’s Code of Conduct.
6.To receive declarations of disclosable pecuniary and other interests for items included on the agenda.
7.To receive any remarks from the chair.
8.To receive representations from members of the public (5 minutes)
9.To approve the minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday, 09 April 2024 and Tuesday 30 April 2024
10.To consider any police matters
11.To receive the clerk’s report – outstanding matters not on the agenda.
12.To receive reports from District and County Council Councillors.
01.County Cllr J Tyrell
02.District Cllrs Booth and Brewis
13.To make appointments to committees and working parties.
01.Finance Committee.
02.Personnel Committee.
03.Burial Ground and Allotments Committee.
04.New Pavilion Committee.
05.Open Spaces Committee.
06.Community Speed Watch working group.
14.To make nominations for representatives on outside bodies [current representatives].
01.Allen’s and Thomas Blank’s charities.
02.King’s Lynn Advisory Group, The Wash & North Norfolk Marine Partnership [Cllr Middleton].
03.Voluntary car scheme [Cllr McLaughlin].
04.Lincolnshire Association of Local Councils (LALC) [Cllr Brewis].
05.Suttons’ emergency planning. [Cllr Booth]
15.Financial matters.
01.To approve the April bank reconciliation and cash book.
02.To approve payments to 28 May 2024 as below, including any late payments notified by the clerk.
03.To note receipts: Garden Allotments £308.75, Farm Business Rent £2684.18, Cremation Interment £225.00,
04.To note LGA 1972, s137 expenditure for y/e 31/03/24 of £440.88 was within the limit of £33,583.26.
05.To appoint bank account signatories (current signatory Cllr Brewis).
06.To receive the annual internal audit certificate 2023/24 (AGAR page 3 of 6).
07.To receive the final internal auditor’s report for 2023/24 and to resolve on recommendations.
08.Considering each statement in turn, to agree and approve responses to the annual governance statement 2023/24 (AGAR page 4 of 6).
09.To approve the annual accounting statements 2023/24 (AGAR page 5 of 6).
11.Subject to confirmation of costs, to resolve to appoint Auditing Solutions Ltd as the internal auditor for the financial y/e 31/03/2025.
16.To consider recent correspondence.
17.To consider planning applications.
18.To note District Council planning decisions.
19.To receive Committee and Working Party reports.
01.New Pavilion Committee.
  1. To note minutes from meeting on 14 May 2024
  2. To receive report
02.Open Spaces Committee
I.Summer Events 6  and  15 June 2024
II.To consider applying for grassroot grant £25k and Grange Windfarm £5k to develop a play area for under7s on the memorial park
03.Other committee or working party reports.
20.To receive outside body representative reports.
01.Sutton Bridge Solar Farm Liaison Group
02.Other outside body representative reports.
21.Annual review of the Council’s fees and charges.
01.Football Club (SBUFC) pavilion and pitch fees 2024/25. ( to be set)
02.Cemetery Fees as resolved 18 April 2023, minute 23.100.01.iii.  ( last increase April 23)
03.Garden allotment fees as resolved 18 April 2023, minute 23.100.02.viii. ( need reviewing this year)
22.To note agreements and arrangements with outside bodies.
01.Agreement to April 2025 with LCC to maintain the East Bank picnic site.
02.Rolling annual agreement to undertake highways verge grass cutting on behalf of LCC.
03.Ongoing agreement to provide agency litter picking on behalf of SHDC.
04.Grass cutting agreement to 31/12/24 with Heronwood Landscapes.
05.Farm Business Tenancy Agreements (scheduled for review at the July 2023 meeting, see minute 23.031.02).
06.Garden allotment agreements.
07.Rolling 12-month verbal agreement with the Curlew Centre for the use of the Parish Council office.
08.Long-term insurance undertaking with BHIB to 29/09/24 and Electric Vehicle Insurance to 15/06/24.
23.To note and approve continuing subscriptions.
01.National and Lincolnshire Association of Local Councils (NALC & LALC) @ £797.70 (2024-25).
02.The Society of Local Council Clerks (SLCC) on behalf of the clerk @ £288.00 (2024-25)
03.Institute of Cemetery and Crematorium Management (ICCM) @ £100 (2024-25).
04.Information Commissioner’s Office Data Protection Registration @ £40 p.a. (2023-24)
05.Microsoft 365 Business Standard two-user subscription @ £247.20 (2024-25).
06.Microsoft 365 Business Basic eleven-user subscription @ £646.80 (2023-24).
07.Adobe Acrobat Pro two-user subscription @ £399.36 p.a.
08.Parish On-line Mapping @ £160.00.
09.Domain – suttonbridge-pc.gov.uk @ £110 biennial
10.Domain - suttonbridgeparishcouncil.co.uk @ £11.99 p.a.
24.Council policies and procedures.
01.To readopt existing policies and procedures
ii.Financial Regulations (revised in accordance with The Public Contracts (Amendment) Regulations 2022).
25.To approve the dates of ordinary meetings of the Council for the year, to start at 19:00hrs.
26.To approve the date of the Annual Assembly of the Parish Meeting, 19:00hrs Tuesday 11 March 2025.
27.To approve the date of the annual Propeller Memorial Service 15:00hrs Sunday 1 September 2024
28.To consider open space at the entrance of Harriet’s Close which is no longer maintained by Sutton Bridge Bloomers.
29.To discuss concerns regarding access to the electric car charging point at the Curlew Centre (Cllr Middleton)
30.To receive representations from members of the public (10 Minutes). 
32.To consider any quotes for works [confidential, as matters relate to commercial negotiations].
  1. i.   To consider a three-year service agreement for the Electric Vehicle.
  2. ii.   To consider quotes for Sir Peter Scott Road and Curlew Centre Car Park.
  3. iii.  To consider a quote for an independent report on heating requirements for the new pavilion.