09 March 2021 Personnel Committee

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Notice is hereby given, and all members of the Committee duly requested to attend, a meeting of the Parish Council’s Personnel Committee, to be held 7pm Tuesday, 09 March 2021. This meeting will be held via remote attendance.

The meeting may be joined using the following Zoom meeting link:


Meeting ID: 856 6438 8007, Passcode: 049304

One tap mobile

+442034815240,,85664388007#,,,,*049304# United Kingdom

+442039017895,,85664388007#,,,,*049304# United Kingdom

Clerk - Sutton Bridge Parish Council

03 March 2021




Under the Personnel Committee’s terms of reference as resolved by the Parish Council, due to reasons of confidentiality, all business of the committee shall be conducted in closed session in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 s.1(2). (18).

1.Apologies for absence

2.To receive declarations of disclosable, pecuniary, or other interests, not previously notified to the monitoring officer and/or consideration of any dispensation

3.To agree to sign the minutes of the personnel meeting held on 18 November 2020.

4.To receive an update on the appointment of the new outside operative.

5.To receive reports on staff annual appraisals

6.To consider any matters relating to holiday pay or overtime for the year, resolving on any recommendations to Council.

7.To review employment contracts including pay, working hours and job descriptions, resolving on any recommendations to Council.

8.To consider plans for the return to work at the Parish office, resolving on any recommendations to Council.

9.To consider any upcoming office equipment requirements, resolving on any recommendations to Council.

10.To consider any other personnel related matters

11.To set date and time for the next meeting