14 December 2021 Council Meeting

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Notice is hereby given, and all members of the Council are duly requested to attend, a meeting of the Parish Council to be held 19:00hrs Tuesday, 14 December 2021 in the Diamond Hall of the Curlew Centre, Sutton Bridge

Information for members of the public & press:

For the protection of the public, Council members, and staff, the following COVID-19 risk mitigation measures will be in place:

  • If you are intending to attend the meeting, please take a rapid lateral flow coronavirus test on the day of the meeting, prior to arrival. Free tests may be ordered from the government website. Do not attend if you test positive, nor if you are required to self-isolate for any other reason.
  • Please arrive five minutes before the time of the meeting. Late arrivals may not be admitted.
  • Facemasks must be worn within the building. They may be temporarily removed when speaking publicly at the meeting, as invited by the chairman.
  • Use hand sanitiser as provided.
  • If there is a large influx of members of the public which exceeds the meeting room’s safe capacity to maintain social distancing guidelines, then those members of the public arriving after the safe number has been exceeded will be asked not to enter the meeting. If members of the public insist on attending the meeting, then the Parish Council will resolve on excluding all members of the public and press for the whole of the proceedings in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 s. 1 (2), for the reason of public safety.
  • All attendees should maintain social distancing guidelines where possible.
  • To minimise the length of the meeting due to the perceived increased risks of infection posed by the Covid-19 Omicron variant, no time has been set aside for public participation. Members of the public wishing to make representations to the Parish Council about matters on the agenda must submit these in writing to be received by the clerk no later than 6pm Monday 13 December 2021; or, to defer their representation until the meeting scheduled for January 25, 2022.
  • Non-members may not take part in discussions during any part of the meeting.

Robert Smith
Clerk to Sutton Bridge Parish Council
09 December 2021


19:00 (1 min)

1.To note members’ attendance and to receive apologies for absence.

19:01 (2 min)

2.To receive declarations of disclosable pecuniary or other interests and to consider any written request for dispensation.

19:03 (1 min)

3.To approve the minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday, 26 October 2021.

19:04 (5 min)

4.To receive any written representations about matters on the agenda.

19:09 (9 min)

5.Police matters.

I.To consider any response received from the Chief Constable’s Office to correspondence about allegations of abusive and threatening communications being made to councillors.

II.To consider request received from the local PCSO to fixing a ‘mosquito alarm’ to the rear of the Curlew Centre in order to deter loitering.

III.Request to make a grant application to the Grange Wind Farm Community Fund for support for the Building Better Bridges project.

19:18 (3 min)

6.To receive the chairman’s report.

19:21 (3 min)

7.To receive the clerk’s report.

19:24 (9 min)

8.To receive reports on District (SHDC) & Lincolnshire County Council (LCC) matters.

19:33 (14 min)

9.Financial matters.

I.To approve the November bank reconciliation and cash book.

II. To approve payments to 26 October 2021 as table below and any late payments reported by the clerk, and to note the two members who will authorise bank payments.

Payee Detail  Net £  VAT £ Total £
Talk Talk  Calls & Broadband November  34.00 6.80 40.80
Staff Salaries - November  2,383.84   2,383.84
LCC WYPF Pension Scheme 801.81   801.81
Talk Talk  Calls & Broadband December 34.00 6.80 40.80
A J Electrical  Pavilion Electrical Report 180.00   180.00
SB Community Larder  Grant Application 1,000.00   1,000.00
Mrs K Croxford Adobe Acrobat  Subscription  12.64 2.53 15.17
Mrs K Croxford Black Bags Outside Operative  14.99 3.00 17.99
The Curlew Centre  Room Hire October 2021 22.00   22.00
Mr D Borkertas  Home Electric Nov Allowance  8.00   8.00
Mrs K Croxford Travel Expenses  2.34   2.34
Mrs K Croxford Mobile Phone  8.33 1.67 10.00
Mrs K Croxford Home Allowance  10.00   10.00
Lincs CM Tree Work in Memorial Park  515.00 103.00 618.00
Lincs CM Fence & Target Wall Repairs  1,270.00 254.00 1,524.00
Lincs CM Garden of Rest Maintenance  230.00 46.00 276.00
RBL Poppy Appeal Poppy Wreaths  51.00   51.00
Mr D Large Parish Sites Maintenance  470.00   470.00
SMC Consultants  Legionella Testing Pavilion  140.00 28.00 168.00
Wave  Water Rates 6/10- 5/12 - Old toilets 39.59 2.38 41.97
Heronwood  Garden of Rest Cutting  65.00   65.00
Heronwood  Parish Cutting 110.00   110.00
Heronwood  Highways  80.00   80.00
Heronwood  Picnic Area  15.00   15.00
XBM  Photocopier  4.06 0.81 4.87
Mr D Borkertas  Home Electric Dec Allowance 8.00   8.00
Mrs K Croxford Expenses December  18.33 1.67 20.00
Mrs K Croxford Adobe Acrobat  Subscription  12.64 2.53 15.17
HMRC Tax & NI Contributions  2,571.89   2,571.89
Staff  Salaries - December  2,449.10   2,449.10
LCC WYPF Pension Scheme 801.81   801.81
Mr R Smith  Expenses November 36.58 1.67 38.25
Mr R Smith  Expenses December  34.33 1.67 36.00
Mr R Smith  Adobe Acrobat  Subscription  8.42 1.69 10.11
EON  Electricity 1/9- 30/12 Pavilion  184.55 9.22 193.77
Total   13,627.25 473.44 14,100.69

III.To note any delegated expenditure as reported by the clerk.

IV.To note receipts: November bank interest £72.87; Farm Business Rent £1745.00, Garden Allotment Rent £20.00, VAT Reclaim £909.66, Burial receipts £350.00.

VI.To consider precept and draft budget 2022-2023

I.To resolve on grant request from Mad Hatters for £500 to provide gifts for Father Christmas to hand out. as allowable under LGA 1972 s.137.

19:47 (10 min)

10.To consider recent correspondence, including any late received.

I.Lincolnshire Association of Local Councils (LALC) advice on moving into closed session.

II.Meeting request from the District Council to discuss the Welcome Back Fund.

III.Ørsted's Community Benefit Funds - Autumn 2021 Newsletter

IV.Information on Anglian Water Priority Services Register.

V.LALC News.

VI.Christmas bus operating hours and timetables.

VII.Late correspondence.

19:57 (6 min)


I.To resolve on moving the following complaint against the Parish Council into closed session later in the meeting.

II.To resolve on whether to uphold a complaint that the Parish Council was in deliberate breach of its Standing Orders when at its meeting 29 June 2021 the Council resolved to report allegations of abusive and threatening communications to the Police (minute 21.127.09).

18:03 (4 min)

12.To consider planning applications, including any late received.

I.H18-1213-21: 102 Bridge Road. Change of Use from furniture showroom to domestic dwelling.

II.H18-1179-21: 79 Princes Street, PE12 9RF. Single storey rear extension

20:07 (2 min)

13..Planning appeals

I.H18-0535-21: Appeal ref: APP/A2525/D/21/3280845: La Triste 9 Wrights Lane. Extension of existing 2 metre fencing. Refused by the District Council because the fencing would reduce vehicle visibility and is incongruous in its setting. The Parish Council supported the application.

20:09 (2 min)

14..To note District Council planning decisions.

I.H18-1040-21: Land to the south of Centenary Way, PE12 9TF. Condition compliance. Approved.

II.H18-1033-21: 55 New Road, PE12 9RQ. Extensions and Alterations. Approved.

III.H18-0991-21:  338 Bridge Road, PE12 9SH. Two storey extension & alterations. Approved.

IV.H18-0992-21: 340 Bridge Road.  PE12 9SH. Two storey extension & alterations   . Approved.

20:11 (19 min)

15.Highways & footways:

I.Update on outstanding matters.

i.To receive notes of meeting held on 25 November 2021 with the LCC Highways and to resolve appropriately.

ii.To receive response from LCC following request for information on visits to the village by car parking enforcement.

iii.To consider response from LCC Road Safety adviser about the purchase and operation of reactive speed signs.

II.Reports of new matters.

i.To consider consultation on LCC Local Transport Plan, noting expired deadline of 01 December 2021.

ii.To resolve on renewing for 2022-23 LCC Parish agreement for urban highways grass cutting.

iii.Notice of temporary traffic restrictions King John Bank 21/12/21.

iv.To consider the poor condition of the ‘Story of the Fens’ sign located on the East Bank.

20:30 (15 min)

16.Committee and Working Party Reports

I.New Pavilion

i.To undertake a six month’s review of the membership of the pavilion committee, as previously resolved (21.111.04) (current members: Cllr S Booth, Cllr M Booth, Cllr Brewis, Cllr Bruch, Cllr Davies, Cllr Goodwin, Cllr Perkins, Cllr Robinson, Cllr Scarlett, Cllr York, Mr Earth (co-opted), Mr D Smith (co-opted).

ii.To note that quotations for the provision of project management services have been received and are to be considered under closed session as matters relate to commercial negotiations.

II.Open spaces

i.To receive update from working party on CCTV project.

III.Garden allotments

i.Report of damage caused to allotment chicken pen.

ii.To note that a rent review is still pending.

IV.Garden of Rest

i.To consider elaborate headstone design application in the Garden of Rest.

  • Original Design.

  • Modified Design.

20:45 (7 min)

17.Outside body representative reports.

i.To receive update on Community Speed Watch (Cllr Davies)

ii.To receive update on the Queen’s platinum jubilee celebrations (Cllr Bruch).

iii.To note the resignation of Mike Barton from the Sutton Bridge Power Fund and to consider nominating a representative as his replacement.

20:52 (3 min)

18.To resolve that in the event of a future contested Parish Council by-election, poll cards are to be requisitioned from the District Council.

20:55 (3 min)

19.To consider football club pitch and pavilion charges.

20:58 (3 min)

20.To resolve to note on the agenda how many months any repeated item has been carried forward. (Cllr Robinson).

21:01 (3 min)

21.To consider joining Long Sutton, Lutton, and Tydd St Mary parish councils in the garden waste collection scheme.

21:04 (3 min)

22.To receive requests from members for items to be included on the agenda of a future meeting.

21:07 (3 min)

23.To resolve on moving into closed session on the grounds of confidentiality in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 s.1(2).     

21:10 (15 min)

24.  To consider quotes received [confidential, as matters relate to commercial negotiations].

I.To resolve on approving quote for reinstating ‘Gateway to Sutton Bridge’ sign on Bridge Road and to cut back trees and hedges on Parish Council land both sides of Sir Peter Scott Road.

II.To resolve on approving quote for replacing the vandalised rubbish bin in the carpark.

III.To resolve on approving quote for boundary survey and pegging out Wright’s Lane allotment.

IV.To resolve on approving quote for the provision of project management services for the new pavilion build.

V.To resolve on approving quote for Parish grass cutting for 2022.

21:25 (3 min)

25.To consider Parish office lease.

21:28 (2 min)

26.To report on and to consider any staffing & administration matters. [confidential as matters relate to conditions of employment, pending grievance or disciplinary proceedings, or other personal matters].

i.To approve staff Christmas holiday arrangements.

Estimated finish time 21:30hrs