10 January 2023 New Pavilion Committee

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Minutes of a meeting of the New Pavilion Committee held 18:00hrs, Tuesday, 10 January 2023, in the Bridge Room at the Curlew Centre, Sutton Bridge.

Present: Cllr S Booth, Cllr C Brewis (chair), Cllr D Bruch, Cllr K Davies, Cllr R Goodwin, Cllr C Robinson, Cllr A Scarlett, Cllr T York, Mr D Earth (SBUFC), Mr D Smith (SBUFC), Mr D Sones (SBUFC), Ms S Harris (Ridge & Partners LLP), Mr Andrew Oglesby (Oglesby & Limb Ltd), Mr R Smith (clerk), Mrs K Croxford (Admin. Asst.).

Absent:   Mr R Sandell

23.001. The chair, Cllr Brewis gave welcome.

23.002. Apologies were received from Mr Sandell.

23.003. There were no declarations of interest or requests for dispensation. 

23.004. It was resolved to approve the minutes of the meeting held on 15 November 2022.

23.005. It was resolved to move into closed session in accordance with the public bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 s.1(2).

23.006. Current expenditure

01. The clerk provided details of project expenditure to date.

Capital Reserve Account Opening Balance 01 April 2022: £102,547.00

Expenditure to date

Inv. Date


Amount (excl. VAT)


Ridge & Partners LLP



Ridge & Partners LLP



Ridge & Partners LLP



Ridge & Partners LLP




 Forecast to y/e 31/03/23.


Amount (excl. VAT)

Expenditure to date


Ridge & Partners LLP


Oglesby & Limb Ltd






Budget y/e 31/03/24


Amount (excl. VAT)

Ridge & Partners LLP


Oglesby & Limb Ltd






23.007. In the absence of Mr Sandell, Ms Harris gave the Project Manager’s update.

01. A letter of intent had been sent to the architect and copies of insurance details from the architect had been forwarded to the Project Manager.

02. A cashflow forecast was circulated. It was emphasised that this was a provisional draft and work in progress.

23.008. Update from architects Oglesby & Limb Ltd.

01. A programme of works and risk register was circulated to members.

02. Rough plan & basic design.

i. Taking the initial wish list and comments from the recent site visit into consideration, three locations had been analysed as possible positions for the project. These included behind the Curlew Centre, site of the existing pavilion and on the opposite side of the field on the south side.

ii. The disadvantages and advantages of each site was discussed. It was resolved to disregard location three and investigate the other two locations.

03. Schedule of accommodation

i. Draft drawings were circulated to all members one option included a changing room, a single toilet and two benches with showers at the end.

ii. The second draft included a space in the changing room for a tactical board, two toilets with the possibility of further toilets outside with lockers. 

iii. Further guidance was needed to determine if staggered use of the pitch time would help decide how many changing rooms and toilets were required and if any potential funders required any additional changing room facilities.

iv. A cafe and communal area had been added in the draft which overlooked the pitches. Further clarification was required to see if this area could be incorporated into one and if any further space was needed for additional storage, or an electrical charging point included within the draft?

v. Mr Oglesby commented that the meeting had given him some positive comments and he would draft a list of questions ready for the next Pavilion Committee meeting on the 17th January 2023.

vi. Thanks were expressed to Mr Oglesby for all his work so far with moving the project forward. 

04. Mr Oglesby reported that he had received fourteen quotes for the specialist surveys he would work through them and report back to the committee with further guidance.

05. Planning and infrastructure matters 

i. Discussions would need to take place with South Holland District Council planning department as early as possible to minimise any matters arising.

19:30hrs Cllr S Booth left the meeting 

ii. Specialists would be required to produce accurate and detailed surveys in the Memorial Park to determine how to move forward.

19:34 Cllr S Booth returned to the meeting 

23.009. The clerk provided details on the costs and terms of taking out £100k, £250k, and £500k Public Works Loan over a period of 25 years and 50 years.

23.010. Next steps.

01. Grant applications and fundraising to be further investigated

02. Parish consultations.

i. Next assembly of the Parish Meeting to be held 6pm Tuesday 17 January 2023.

ii. Mr Oglesby would reply to the letter sent from resident.

23.011. To set date and time for the next meeting

23.012. The next committee meeting was scheduled to take place after the Parish Meeting on Tuesday 17 January 2023 in the Diamond Hall of The Curlew Centre.

The chairman closed the meeting at 19:50 hrs.