11 April 2023 Garden Allotments Committee

Draft minutes subject to approval at the next meeting.

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Minutes of a meeting of the Garden Allotments Committee held 18:00hrs Tuesday, 11 April 2023 in the Bridge Room at the Curlew Centre.

Present: Cllr C Brewis (chair), Cllr K Davies, Cllr Goodwin, Cllr Pitt, Mr R. Smith (clerk), Mrs K Croxford (admin assistant).

Absent:   Cllr S Booth

23.001.Apologies were received from Cllr S Booth.

23.002.There were no declarations of interest or requests for dispensations.

23.003.It was resolved to approve the minutes from the meeting 06 September 2022.

23.004.Reports on matters arising from the last meeting.

  1. The clerk reported that Cllr York and helper had collected foundation stone from the Foul Anchor sluice and together with the clerk had filled in the potholes at the allotment roadway.  Thanks were expressed to all those involved.

  2. The overgrown hedge near the boundary of the Wrights Lane allotments had been cut.

23.005.It was resolved to move into closed session on grounds of confidentiality in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 s1 (2).

23.006.Matters arising from allotment inspections.

i.It was resolved to send notice letters to any tenants whose sheds lay over the new three-foot pathway.

ii.It was resolved to recommend that the Parish Council take on the maintenance of the northern pathway.

iii.It was noted that a plot at the Wright’s Lane allotments had not been cultivated following a recent notice to quit. Cllr S Booth had kindly offered to do this at no charge to the Parish Council

iv.The clerk would map out the new allotment plots at Wright’s Lane and Cllr Brewis would mark them out accordingly.

v.It was resolved to send letters to those tenants that were in breach of their tenancy agreements.

23.007.Matters relating to individuals’ allotment plots.

  1. It was resolved to recommend allowing half allotment plots if the adjacent tenant declines the offer of a full plot.

  2. It was resolved to recommend that tenants who fail to give a full notice to quit and are liable to pay the rent in full would receive a refund of the rent difference if the plot was subsequently rented out within those twelve months.

23.008.The provisions of additional allotments had been covered under matters arising from allotment inspections.

23.009.It was resolved to recommend that there would be no increase in garden allotment fees from September 2024

23.010.It was resolved for the chair to call another meeting as and when required.

The chairman closed the meeting at 18:30 hrs.