16 May 2023 Annual Meeting of the Parish Council

Draft minutes subject to approval at the next meeting.

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Minutes of the Annual Meeting of Sutton Bridge Parish Council, held 19:00hrs Tuesday 16 May 2023, in the Curlew Centre Bridge Room, Sutton Bridge.

Present: Cllr Ann Billings, Cllr Michael Booth, Cllr Chris Brewis, Cllr David Bruch, Cllr Adam Landy, Cllr Mellissa Landy, Cllr Sue McLaughlin, Cllr Mary Middleton, Cllr Nat Mills, Cllr Ray Perkins, Cllr Melvyn Philpott, Mrs. Anne Scarlett (past chair), Mr. Robert Smith (clerk), Mrs. Karen Croxford (admin assistant), Cllr Jack Tyrrell (County & District), sixteen members of the public.

Unless otherwise stated, actions are to be undertaken by the clerk.

As the existing chair, Mrs Anne Scarlett opened the meeting and welcomed those present.

23.109.Election of chair & vice-chair.

01.It was resolved to elect Cllr Bruch as chair for the year. Abstentions: Cllr Booth, Cllr Brewis.

02.Cllr Bruch signed the chair’s declaration of acceptance of office, witnessed by the clerk.

As Mrs Scarlet had not been re-elected to the Council, she duly retired and joined members of the public. Cllr Bruch took the chair.

03.It was resolved to elect Cllr A. Landy as vice-chair. Abstentions: Cllr Booth, Cllr Brewis.

04.Cllr A. Landy signed the vice-chairs’ acceptance of office, witnessed by the clerk.

23.110.As all members were present, there were no apologies for absence.

23.111.All members’ acceptance of office had been signed, witnessed, and received by the clerk.

23.112.It was resolved to readopt the Council’s Code of Conduct. All members had signed a copy.

23.113.Declarations of Interest.

01.All members had completed a declaration of pecuniary interests (DPI) form.

02.There were no declarations of pecuniary or other interests in items on the agenda.

03.There were no requests for a grant of dispensation.

23.114.All councillors were reminded of the requirement to submit their declaration of election expenses.

23.115.Representations from members of the public.

01.Reassurance was sought that no predetermination of Parish Council decisions would occur. The chair stated that matters would be decided at proper meetings and that up to the point of resolution by the Council, members were reminded that they should keep an open mind.

02.Had the District Council responded about plans for the parish parks? The chair said that no response had been received. Now the election had taken place, the Parish’s district councillors would follow this matter up.

03.A member of the public stated that the £10,000 previously allocated from Mutual Gain for play equipment had now been taken back from the Police.

04.Congratulations were given to all councillors on their election to the Parish Council, and to Cllr Booth and Cllr Brewis, for their additional election to the District Council.

05.It was stated that enjoyment of the children’s play area and of the park in general was marred by feelings of intimidation from anti-social behaviour. It was also felt that the play area should remain in its current position and that it should not be moved nearer to the car park.

19:13hrs Two members of the public entered the meeting.

06.A group of adults and children had been tidying up the flower boxes and troughs in the village. It was asked about the disposal of the garden waste arising. Cllr Tyrrell advised that the rubbish could be put in green sacks and deposited with the monthly local parishes’ garden waste collection service. Cllr Tyrrell would send details of dates and collection sites would be sent to the clerk for publishing on the Parish Council’s website.

23.116.It was resolved to approve the minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday, 18 April 2023. As they were not present, the following members abstained: Cllr Billings, Cllr A. Landy, Cllr M. Landy, Cllr McLaughlin, Cllr Middleton, Cllr Mills, Cllr Perkins, Cllr Philpott.

23.117.Police matters

01.Cllr Brewis reported that Sutton Bridge had been selected for an increase in Police Community Support officers (PCSO).

23.118.Clerk’s report/matters arising from the last meeting.

01. Information had been updated on the website. Councillors DPI forms would be added soon.

02. Internal bank transfers had been made to cover payments.

03. The reactive speed sign had arrived and was currently in the Parish Office. The installation and operation of the equipment to be discussed later in the agenda.

04. Planning comments had been submitted as resolved.

05.The Coronation Events working party had reported damage to the Memorial Park playing field resulting from the celebrations. This was to be repaired soon.

06.Due to an oversight by Anglian Water, to disconnect the water supply to the old toilet block, a further two metres of pipework needed disconnection from the network. This work required a traffic management order from LCC to allow 2-way traffic lights and a temporary footway diversion. The work was scheduled to take place on Sunday 4 June 2023.

23.119.Reports on District (SHDC) & Lincolnshire County Council (LCC) matters.

01.Cllr Brewis reported that the planning appeal relating to land north of Nightingale Way had failed. The Parish Council’s objection to the appeal was appreciated.

02.Cllr Booth said that given the recent elections he had nothing to report. He thanked the staff for their hard work over the last four years.

03.After being invited by the chair Cllr Tyrrell reported on County Council matters:

i.Long Sutton Youth shed was doing well and had been awarded a grant of ~£66,000. They now had 37 children attending between the ages of 11 – 15 years. Both the Mens’ and Youth Shed had been short listed for awards.

ii.The South Holland Flower Parade took place 13 May 2023. It had gone very well and the float, part sponsored by the Parish Council, had been a great success.

23.120.It was resolved to make the following appointments to committees and working parties:

01.Finance Committee - Cllrs Bruch, A Landy, M Landy, Middleton, Perkins, Philpott.

02.Personnel Committee - Cllrs Billings, A Landy, Middleton, Mclaughlin, Philpott.

03.Burial ground committee - Cllrs Billings, A Landy, M Landy, Mills, Perkins, Philpott.

04.Pavilion Committee - Cllrs Billings, A Landy, M Landy, McLaughlin, Middleton, Mills, Philpott.

05.Open Spaces Committee - Cllrs A Landy, M Landy, Middleton, Mills, Perkins.

06.Garden Allotments Committee - Cllrs M Landy, Mclaughlin, Perkins, Philpott.

07.CCTV Working Party - Cllrs M Landy, Perkins.

08.Community Speed Watch Working Party - Cllrs Bruch, A Landy, M Landy, Perkins.

09.Footways and Byways Working Party - Cllrs A Landy, M Landy.

23.121.Outside Bodies

01.It was resolved to make nominations for representatives on the following outside bodies:

i.Sutton Bridge Solar Farm Liaison Group - Cllr Bruch, Mr R Smith.

ii.King’s Lynn Advisory Group, The Wash & North Norfolk Marine Partnership - Cllr Middleton.

iii.Voluntary car scheme - Cllr Mclaughlin.

iv.Lincolnshire Association of Local Councils (LALC)- Cllr Bruch

v.Suttons’ emergency planning - Cllr Perkins

02.It was resolved to contact the Allen’s & Thomas Blank’s charities to ask if they were happy to receive a Parish Council nomination.

19:36hrs Cllr Philpott and a member of the public left the meeting.

19:37hrs Standing Orders were suspended to allow a member of the public to speak.

03.Charter of friendship group.

i.An email had been received from representatives from Sedlec-Prčice, who were keen to restart the twinning programme. The member of the public concerned would contact the clerk about the matter.

19:38hrs Standing Orders were reinstated.

23.122.Financial matters.

01.It was resolved to approve the April bank reconciliation and cash book.

02.It was resolved to approve payments to 16 May 2023 as below. Pending new bank mandates, previous councillors had agreed to authorise payments.

19:44hrs Cllr Philpott and a member of the public returned to the meeting.

Payee Detail Net £ VAT £ Total £
XBM LTD Photocopier 21/3 -19/4/23            0.37              0.07          0.44
SSE Electricity 9/3 -12/4/23        192.43              9.62       202.05
Pandora Technologies Ltd Speed Sign      4,100.00          820.00    4,920.00
Auditing Solutions Ltd  Auditor Fees        130.00            26.00       156.00
Microsoft 365 Subscription Fee        247.20            49.44       296.64
Inkredible Ink Cartridges           42.94              8.59         51.53
SMC Ltd  Pavilion Monthly Legionella           60.00            12.00         72.00
Whitelightning  Coronation Pyrotechnics     2,000.00          400.00    2,400.00
Adobe Acrobat  Admin Adobe Subscription           16.64              3.33         19.97
Adobe Acrobat  Admin Adobe Subscription           12.64              2.53         15.17
Fenland Fire Appliance Pavilion Fire Appliances         104.50            20.90       125.40
Lift Safe Ltd  Electric Vehicle Service         325.00            65.00       390.00
The Curlew Centre  Room Hire April           30.00           30.00
Mrs K Croxford Expenses Black Bags           18.32              3.67         21.99
Mr R Smith  Home Office Allowance           26.00           26.00
Mr R Smith  Travel Expenses           38.70           38.70
Staff  Salaries      2,837.86      2,837.86
Mr R Smith  Mobile Phone Allowance           10.00           10.00
Mrs K Croxford Mobile Phone Allowance           10.00           10.00
Mr D Lambert Electric Vehicle Service           11.00           11.00
Lincs Pension Fund  WYPF Pension Contributions        948.04         948.04
Mrs K Croxford Home Office Allowance           10.00           10.00
TalkTalk  Calls & Broadband           45.62              9.12         54.74
Heronwood Grass cutting         400.50         400.50
Total      11,617.76       1,430.27  13,048.03

03.It was noted that spending on coronation celebrations was in accordance with LGA 1972, s145.

19:54hrs A member of the public left the meeting.

04.Receipts: bank interest £213.97, VAT reclaim £4,831.09, garden allotments £531.03, farm rent £4,993.13, Garden of Rest £50.00. Total £10,619.22.

05.LGA 1972, s137 expenditure for y/e 31/03/23 of £424.00 was within the limit of £29,882.16.

06.It was resolved to appoint Cllrs Bruch, A Landy, M Landy, Middleton, Perkins, Philpott as bank signatories.

07.The annual internal audit certificate 2022/23 (AGAR page 3 of 6) was received.

08.The final internal auditor’s report for 2022/23 was received. It was resolved to adopt new VAT reclaim procedures, as recommended.

09.Considering each statement in turn, it was resolved to agree and approve responses to the annual governance statement 2022/23 (AGAR page 4 of 6).

10.It was resolved to approve the annual accounting statements 2022/23 (AGAR page 5 of 6).

11.It was resolved to approve the explanation of variance 2022/23.

12.Subject to confirmation of costs, it was resolved to appoint Auditing Solutions Ltd as the internal auditor for the financial y/e 31/03/2024.

13.It was resolved to approve the Council’s Annual Investment Strategy 2023-2024.

23.123.Recent correspondence.

01.The LCC Highway Infrastructure Asset Management Plan was noted.

02.LCC’s document ‘Report a pothole or road edge problem’ was noted.

03.It was resolved that the Garden Allotments Committee should investigate a tenant’s report of a shed break in at Wright’s Lane and report back to the Council with recommendations.

20:08hrs Cllr A Landy left the meeting.

04.An application to hold a circus in the Memorial Park was noted. It was resolved delegate arrangements to a working party consisting of Cllrs M Landy, Mclaughlin, Perkins.

20:09hrs Cllr A Landy returned to the meeting.

23.124.Planning applications.

01.H18-0429-23: 72 Princes Street, PE12 9RE. Concrete parking area. It was resolved to make no comment.

23.125.District Council planning decisions.

01. H18-0199-23: Land off New Road, PE12 9RQ. New dwelling. Refused.

23.126.Highways & footways.

01.Update on any outstanding matters.

i.Potholes reported on Cocklehole Road had been repaired by LCC.

ii.LCC had denied responsibility for collapsed fence panels along the old A17. Cllr Brewis said that the fence was the responsibility of LCC and asked Cllr Tyrrell to investigate.

iii.LCC had programmed works to restore the East Bank footpath to the bus stop on the A17.

02.New matters.

i.Reported fly tipping on footpath between Granville Terrace & Withington Street. After reporting to SHDC, the resident had been advised about reporting fly tipping left on the adjacent private land.

23.127.Committee and Working Party reports.

01.A New Pavilion Committee was to be arranged.

02.An Open Spaces Committee was to be arranged.

03.Cllr Bruch would send information to the new members of the CCTV Working Party.

04.Cllr Bruch reported that despite the weather, the Coronation celebrations had gone well. Thanks were given to Cllr Perkins and all those that had helped on the day.

05.A Community Speed Watch (CSW) Working Party meeting was to be arranged to fit the newly purchased speed sign and to set up CSW events.

20:17hrs four members of the public left the meeting.

23.128.Annual review of the Council’s fees and charges.

01.It was resolved to defer consideration of pavilion and pitch fees, pending a review by the Open Spaces committee.

02.It was resolved to confirm the Council’s Cemetery Fees as resolved 18 April 2023.

03.It was resolved to confirm the Council’s Garden allotment fees as resolved 18 April 2023.

04.It was resolved to make no changes to the Council’s Publication Scheme charges.

23.129.The following agreements and arrangements with outside bodies were noted and approved.

01.Agreement to April 2023 with LCC to maintain the East Bank picnic site.

02.Rolling annual agreement to undertake highways verge grass cutting on behalf of LCC.

03.Ongoing agreement to provide agency litter picking on behalf of SHDC.

04.Grass cutting agreement to 31/12/23 with Heronwood Landscapes.

05.Farm Business Tenancy Agreements.

06.Garden allotment agreements.

07.Pavilion and pitch fees agreement with SBUFC.

08.Rolling 12-month verbal agreement with the Curlew Centre for the use of the Council’s office.

09.Long-term insurance undertaking with BHIB to 29/09/23.

23.130.It was resolved to approve continuation of the following subscriptions.

01.National and Lincolnshire Association of Local Councils (NALC & LALC) @ £754.47.

02.The Society of Local Council Clerks (SLCC) on behalf of the clerk @ £234.00 (2022-23).

03.Institute of Cemetery and Crematorium Management (ICCM) @ £95.00 (2022-23).

04.Information Commissioner’s Office Data Protection Registration @ £35.00 p.a.

05.Microsoft 365 Business Standard two-user subscription @ £247.20 (2023-24).

06.Microsoft 365 Business Basic eleven-user subscription @ £594.00 (2022-23).

07.Adobe Acrobat Pro two-user subscription @ £351.36 p.a.

08.Parish On-line Mapping @ £0.00 (included with BHIB insurance).

09.Domain – suttonbridge-pc.gov.uk @ £55.00 p.a.

10.Domain - suttonbridgeparishcouncil.co.uk @ £11.99 p.a.

23.131.Council policies and procedures.

01.It was resolved to arrange a meeting to readopt the Council’s policies and procedures.

20:22hrs A member of the public returned to the meeting.

23.132.It was resolved to approve the dates of Parish Council meetings for the year, as proposed.

23.133.It was resolved to approve the date of the Annual Assembly of the Parish Meeting, 18:00hrs Tuesday 14 March 2024.

23.134.Items to be included on the agenda of a future meeting.

01.To resolve to set up an outside events committee. (Cllr Perkins)

02.To resolve on a statement of support for people affected by drug and alcohol problems. Signposting them to professional outside agencies. (Cllr Billings)

03.To resolve to set up a youth committee. (Cllr A Landy) 

23.135.It was resolved to move into closed session on the grounds of confidentiality in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 s.1(2)

20.25hrs Cllr Tyrrell and fourteen members of the public left the meeting.

23.136.The chair reminded members of the requirement of confidentiality that closed session afforded.

23.137.Quotes for works.

01.It was resolved that the Open Spaces Committee would investigate the repairs to the play area fence and report back to Council with its recommendations.

02.It was resolved that the Open Spaces Committee would investigate the unauthorised gate into the Memorial Park and report back to Council with its recommendations.

03.It was resolved to approve the quote to fix the bollards in the Garden of Rest @ £85.00

04.It was resolved that the Burial Ground Committee would investigate the faulty tap in the Garden of Rest and report back to the Council with its recommendations.

05.It was resolved to accept the quote to install a memorial bench and 8 concrete slabs in the Garden of Rest, which would be reimbursed by the bench’s sponsor.

06.It was resolved to approve remedial legionella works in the pavilion @ £164.20 (excl. VAT).

23.138.Regarding an appeal against the Council’s decision of 18 April 2023, which refused a request to release details of individual staff salaries, it was resolved to reject the appeal because:

01.Releasing the clerk’s salary would allow the salaries of other staff to be determined.

02.Publishing total salaries met the requirements of the Local Government Transparency Code 2015, without breaching General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

03.No salaries met the requirement to publish as set by the Accounts & Audit Regulations 2015.

04.The original decision of 18 April 2023 had been properly and reasonably considered.

The chair closed the meeting at 20:44 hrs.