18 April 2023 Parish Council Meeting

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Minutes of the meeting of Sutton Bridge Parish Council, held 19:00hrs Tuesday, 18 April 2023, in the Curlew Centre Bridge Room, Sutton Bridge.

Present: Cllr Michael Booth, Cllr Simon Booth, Cllr Chris Brewis, Cllr David Bruch, Cllr Kim Davies, Cllr Michelle Pitt, Cllr Colin Robinson, Mr. Robert Smith (clerk), Mrs. Karen Croxford (admin assistant), four members of the public.

Absent:   Cllr Rachael Goodwin, Cllr Anne Scarlett, Cllr Terry York,

Unless otherwise stated, actions to be undertaken by the clerk.

23.088.In the absence of the chair and vice-chair, it was resolved to elect Cllr Brewis as chair.

23.089.Apologies for non-attendance were received from Cllr Goodwin, Cllr Anne Scarlett, Cllr York.

23.090.There were no declarations of interest.

23.091.The chair gave instruction that during the current pre-election period neither councillors nor members of the public should during the meeting make any announcements or statements about matters that might be seen to be advantageous to any candidate, nor say anything that might be seen as an attempt to influence electors in the forthcoming election.

23.092.There were no representations from members of the public.

23.093.It was resolved to approve the minutes of the 28 March 2023, adding the time that Cllr Goodwin left and returned to that meeting. Cllr Robinson abstained, having not attended the meeting.

23.094.Police matters

01.Cllr Brewis reported that despite cuts in Police Community Support Officer (PCSO) numbers across Lincolnshire, Sutton Bridge had been selected for an increase in numbers following a recent Lincolnshire Police review.

23.095.The clerk reported on matters arising, not otherwise covered on the agenda.

01.Information had been updated on the website.

02.Internal bank transfers had been made to cover payments.

03.A reactive speed sign had been ordered, as resolved.

04.The internal audit had been completed and the audit report was expected to be available for consideration at the May Annual Parish Council meeting.

05.Planning comments had been submitted as resolved.

06.SHDC had been asked if the rubbish collected by the local Wombles could be relocated to the back of its industrial units off Railway Lane North. The matter was being considered by District officers with a response promised within the next few days. There had been some resistance to the idea expressed by industrial unit holders who had been approached about the matter. In any event, steps were being taken to ensure that there was no rubbish placed at the park entrance just prior to, or during the coronation event on 06 May 2023.

07.Additional supplies for servicing the outside toilets had been agreed with SHDC. The toilets would be open for the coronation event and the Parish Council had been provided with a key for the duration of the celebrations.

08.The Parish Council’s outside operative had been tasked with focusing attention on the Curlew Centre car park and the Memorial Park leading up to the Coronation event in the park.

23.063 Finance

01.It was resolved to approve the March cash book and bank reconciliation.

02.It was resolved to approve payments to 18 April 2023 as below. Cllr York & Cllr Goodwin to authorise bank payments.

Payee Detail Net £ VAT £ Total £
Adobe Acrobat  Clerk Adobe Subscription           12.64      2.53          15.17
Adobe Acrobat  Admin Adobe Subscription           16.64      3.33          19.97
Heronwood Landscapes Parish Grass Cutting 30 March        105.00          105.00
Heronwood Landscapes Highways  Grass Cutting           63.00            63.00
Heronwood Landscapes Garden of Rest Grass Cutting           65.00            65.00
ICCM  Annual Subscription           95.00            95.00
SBPCC Churchyard Grant      2,750.00       2,750.00
SHIDB  Drainage Rates         751.37          751.37
SMC  Pavilion Monthly Legionella           60.00    12.00          72.00
Talk Talk  Calls & Broadband           39.28      7.86          47.14
Mrs K Croxford  Burial Marking Expenses            5.97      1.19            7.16
Mrs K Croxford  Travel Expenses            2.34              2.34
Mrs K Croxford  Home Office Allowance           10.00            10.00
Mr R Smith  Home Office Allowance           26.00            26.00
Mr R Smith  Travel Expenses            9.90              9.90
Staff Salaries     2,631.56       2,631.56
Mr R Smith  Mobile Phone Allowance           10.00            10.00
Mrs K Croxford Mobile Phone Allowance           10.00            10.00
Mr D Lambert Home Electric Allowance           11.00            11.00
The Curlew Centre  Room Hire March           67.50            67.50
Lincs Pension Fund  WYPF Pension Contributions        864.34          864.34
Total       7,606.54    26.91     7,633.45

03.Receipts: precept £77,036.00; burial ground £400.00; bank interest £177.68; garden allotments £45.34.

04.It was resolved to approve the financial accounts for y/e 31 March 2023, including the end of year budget review and transfers in earmarked reserve.

05.It was resolved to approve the bank reconciliation for the year ended 31 March 2023.

06.It was resolved to approve the asset register as of 31 March 2023.

23.096.The following correspondence was noted.

01.A request had been received from the Mad Hatter’s to hold a bank holiday tea party 2-4pm Monday 29 May 2023 in the Memorial Park. It was resolved to approve the application.

02.Request from the Curlew Centre for volunteers. Please contact the Curlew Centre if you are interested. Contact details can be obtained from the clerk.

03.The football club had reported that it had recently taken possession of its own portable defibrillator.

04.Complaint regarding anti-social behaviour at the East Bank picnic area car park. The clerk reported that a meeting had been arranged for the 19 April 2023 with an officer from Lincolnshire County Council to discuss the matter further.

23.097.Planning applications.

01.H18-0310-23: Boud Minerals & Polymers Warehouse, West Bank Road PE12 9UR. Proposed Open Storage Buildings, Concrete Yard, & Access. It was resolved to express concern about the kind of materials to be stored in the open storage building and that they would be suitably secured.

02.H18-0340-23: 66 Bridge Road, PE12 9UA. Replacement rear door & windows. No comment.

23.098.District Council planning decisions.

01.H18-1174-22: Land Rear of 158 Bridge Road, PE12 9SF. Pair of semi-detached dwellings previously approved H18-1070-19. Approved.

02.H18-1073-22: Fields Farm South, PE12 9XT. Continued use of land as a site for static caravans in residential use in breach of Conditions. Refused.

23.099.Highways & footways:

01.Update on outstanding matters.

i.Regarding maintenance of Chalk Lane, LCC Highways had stated that the potholes near to the junction with East Bank, which do come under its remit, did not meet its intervention criteria. The remainder of Chalk Lane is neither the responsibility of SHDC nor LCC. Ownership of the road had not been recorded with Land Registry.

19:41hrs standing orders were suspended to allow a member of the public to speak on the subject.

ii.It was reported that the road had large potholes. Also, haulage vehicles were reversing dangerously along the road. This matter had been reported several times, but no one was taking responsibility.

19:48hrs standing orders were resumed.

iii.District Councillors agreed to hold a site visit with SHDC Housing and District Councillors to discuss the ownership of and responsibility for the road, after the forthcoming elections.

iv.A request to place a rubbish bin at the bottom of the steps on Westbank had been submitted to SHDC.

v.The footpath adjacent to the Feldbinder UK Ltd site had been reported to SHDC for street cleaning.

vi.A reported overgrown hedge on the East bank footpath was being investigated.

19:50hrs standing orders were suspended to allow a member of the public to speak on the subject.

vii.It was reported that the overgrown hedge had now been cut.

19:51hrs standing orders were resumed.

viii.A hedge on the footpath from Stanley Drive to Railway Lane North had been reported to LCC.

02.New matters to be reported.

i.Fence panels along the old A17 had fallen over.

ii.There were potholes along Sluice and Cocklehole Road.

23.100.Committee and working party reports.

01.Burial Ground Committee meeting.

i.The minutes of the last meeting held 04 April 2023 had been published on the website.

ii.It was resolved to agree the siting of a donated memorial bench within the Garden of Rest, as recommended by the Burial Ground committee.

iii.It was resolved to approve burial ground price changes as recommended by the Burial Ground Committee, effective from 01 May 2023.

•An increase in the exclusive right of burial fee for a grave plot, for a parishioner from £100 to £150, for a non-Parishioner from £200 to £300.  

•An increase in the exclusive rights of burial for a cremation plot, for a parishioner from £50 to £75, for a non-parishioner from £100 to £150.

•An increase in the exclusive rights to erect a memorial stone fee for a burial and cremation, for a parishioner from £50 to £75, for a non-parishioner from £100 to £150.

•An increase in the exclusive right to erect a small wooden cross, for a parishioner from £30 to £45, for a non-parishioner from £60 to £90.

•An increase in the right to add an additional inscription fee, for both parishioners and non-parishioners, from £25 to £30.

iv.It was resolved to approve the planting of an 8ft oak tree within the remembrance garden of the Garden of Rest, subject to final approval of costs.

02.Garden Allotments Committee meeting.

i.The minutes of the last meeting held 11 April 2023 had been published on the website.

ii.After its kind donation by Martin Childs Ltd, foundation stone had been collected from Foul Anchor Sluice by Cllr York and helper. Together with the clerk this had been used for filling potholes in the allotment roadway.

iii.Cllr S. Booth had kindly offered to prepare an uncultivated plot ready for a new tenant. Thanks were expressed to Cllr S Booth for his help in this matter.

iv.New plots were to be mapped by the clerk and marked out Cllr Brewis.

v.The clerk and the admin asst. were to inspect the Wright’s Lane allotments and issue improvement notices to any tenant in breach of the rules and regulations.

vi.It was resolved to authorise the clerk to arrange grass cutting of the new northern pathway as recommended by the committee.

vii.It was resolved to allow the clerk to refund tenants who paid in advance, for any period that was subsequently rented to a succeeding tenant, net of any other charges due.

viii.It was resolved to confirm that there would be no increase in garden allotment fees from September 2024, as recommended by the committee.

23.101.There were no outside body representative reports.

23.102.Update of obstruction of public byway 501 through Sutton Bridge Port was awaited from LCC.

23.103.Cllr Bruch circulated a poster to all members advertising the Coronation event on Saturday 6th May 2023 from midday till late. Thanks were expressed to Cllr Bruch and Mr Perkins for their hard work involved in organising the event.

23.104.It was resolved on moving into closed session on the grounds of confidentiality in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 s.1(2).   

20:06hrs four members of the public left the meeting.

23.105.There were no quotes for works.

23.106.Land registration

01.Land Registry had rejected the application for the registration of Speechley’s land due to a lack of the mortgage deeds. Fraser Dawbarns in Wisbech have been contacted to check again as to whether these were being stored in the solicitor’s safe. They had stated that they would not be able to confirm the matter until next month.

23.107.Staffing & administration matter.

01.A request had been made for the release of individual staff salaries. It was resolved to decline the request due to General Data Protection Regulations.

23.108.Next meeting: Annual Parish Council Meeting 19:00hrs 16 May 2023.

The chair closed the meeting at 20:21hrs.