5th September 2023 Allotments Committee

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Minutes of a meeting of the Allotments Committee held 18:00hrs, Tuesday, 05 September 2023, in the Bridge Room at the Curlew Centre, Sutton Bridge.

Present:      Cllr Mclaughlin, Cllr Perkins, Cllr Philpott, Mr Smith, Mrs Croxford.

Observing:  Cllr Bruch

Members of Public: One (from 18:02hrs).

23.012. Apologies were received from Cllr A Landy & Cllr M Landy. 

23.013. There were no declarations of interest or requests for dispensation.     

23.014. It was resolved to approve the minutes of the meeting held 11 July 2023.

18:02hrs A member of the public entered the meeting.

23.015. The clerk would draft a starting line on Parish Online for the additional allotments.

23.016. An inspection had taken place on the 22 July however due to bad weather it was not possible to complete a full inspection. A further inspection of the committee would take place on the 16 September 2023 at 10am. 

23.017. It was resolved to move into closed session in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 s.1(2).

18:30hrs One member of the public and Cllr Bruch left the meeting.

23.018. Individual allotments

01. It was resolved to write to a tenant concerning details of their allotment plot.

02. It was resolved to approve the quote to remove rubbish from the allotment @ £140.00 and issue the appropriate invoice to the tenant. 

03. It was resolved to recommend to full council to amend the rules & regulations and tenancy agreements to include a provision for recovering costs from any tenant who leaves an allotment plot in an unacceptable condition.

04. It was resolved to write to a tenant concerning a breach of their tenancy agreement.

05. It was resolved to offer an existing tenant the other half of the non-cultivated allotment plot.

23.019. It was resolved to hold the next meeting on the 03 October 2023 at 18:00hrs.


The chair closed the meeting at 18:53 hrs.