25 July 2023 Parish Council Meeting

Draft minutes subject to approval at the next meeting.

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Minutes of the Sutton Bridge Parish Council Meeting held 18:00hrs Tuesday, 25 July 2023, in the Curlew Centre Bridge Room, Sutton Bridge.

Present: Cllr Ann Billings, Cllr Chris Brewis, Cllr David Bruch, Cllr Sue McLaughlin, Cllr Mary Middleton, Cllr Nat Mills, Cllr Melvyn Philpott, Mr. Robert Smith (clerk), Mrs. Karen Croxford (admin assistant), Cllr J Tyrrell, fourteen members of the public.

Absent:    Cllr Michael Booth, Cllr Adam Landy, Cllr Mellissa Landy, Cllr Ray Perkins.

Unless otherwise stated, actions are to be undertaken by the clerk.

23.168.Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Booth, Cllr A Landy, Cllr M Landy, & Cllr Perkins.

23.169.A declaration of interest was received from Cllr D Bruch declared regarding agenda item 9.02 and 9.04, as he was a member of both the Curlew Centre and Mad Hatters and one of the payments was for his expenses.

23.170.The following representations from members of the public were received:

01.It was asked if any information had been received regarding the withdrawal of the Stagecoach Route 50 to Wisbech. Cllr Bruch commented that this matter was raised later on the agenda.

02.Reports were made of cars parked illegal outside the One Stop along the Bridge Road. Clerk would report the matter to the Police.

03.It was asked if a bin could be placed in the Curlew Centre car park. The clerk noted that the previous bin had been both vandalised and set on fire. A quote for a replacement would be considered at the next meeting.

04.Thanks were given to Cllr Brewis for visiting Granville Terrace, where there had been an issue with rubbish. Cllr Brewis said that he would chase the matter up with the District Council (SHDC).

05.Following a request from a member of the public, Cllr Brewis agreed to forward an email that confirmed the District Council’s responsibility for the road’s maintenance.

06.A question was asked if SHDC could do something about the state of the Bridge Hotel and untidy sites within the village. Cllr Brewis said that the Hotel had been recently purchased and SHDC were trying to find out the owners’ intentions for the building.

07.It was asked if there was any update on transferring the parks in the Village to the Parish Council. Cllr Bruch stated that the Parish Council was now investigating putting its own equipment in SHDC owned parks.

08.Concern was expressed about the terms of reference for the new Youth Committee and if had sufficient scope to encourage youth groups to Sutton Bridge.

09.It was asked if the CCTV cameras in the park & car park were working given the lack of Police presence in the village. Cllr Bruch reported that an upgrade to CCTV was being investigated.

10.Thanks were expressed to Sutton Bridge Wombles for their time & hard work collecting litter around the village. Cllr Bruch gave thanks to the Wombles on behalf of the Parish Council.

23.171.It was resolved to approve the minutes of the 27 June 2023 Parish Council meeting.

23.172.Police matters.

01.The clerk had written to the police requesting confirmation on the number of PCSO’s the local area would have after the implementation of planned changes in September.

23.173.The chairman reported that he was pleased that the new councillors had settled in and were working well together. The agenda highlighted lots of items which were currently being worked on which would take time to complete.

23.174.The clerk reported on the following matters:

01.Information had been updated on the website.

02.Internal bank transfers had been made to cover payments.

03.A statement of support from the Parish Council for the work of voluntary organisations helping those affected by alcohol, drug, and mental health related issue has been published on the website and displayed at the office.

04.The terms of reference for the Open Spaces Committee had been redrafted to be considered at the next committee meeting to be held 05 September 2023.

05.The unauthorised gateway into the Memorial Park had been blocked.

06.The cherry tree stump in the Memorial Park had been removed.

07.Treatment of Japanese knotweed in the Memorial Park had gone ahead.

08.Weed control of the paths in the Garden of Rest had been undertaken.

09.An application for tree works on a protected tree has been submitted.

10.Two notices to quit had been issued to garden allotment tenant holders, as previously resolved.

11.To address the problem of weeds, Cllr Booth had kindly ploughed the vacant allotment plots.

12.Photos for some councillors ID cards were awaited.

23.175.Cllr Brewis reported on the following District Council (SHDC) matters:

01.There were proposed cuts to the Stagecoach 50 bus route which if they enacted would cause many people difficulties.

02.Cyber security would be discussed at the District Council meeting this week.

19:23hrs A member of the public left the meeting.

23.176.Cllr Tyrrell reported on the following District (SHDC) & County Council (LCC) matters:

01.An overgrown hedge on the corner of the West Bank was being investigated and would be brought up at the County Council meeting this week.

02.The Garden Waste Collection would be at Spring Gardens, Long Sutton, Saturday 29 July 2023.

03.Cllr Tyrrell stated that he was portfolio holder for the environment and a study was being undertaken for street bins in the area. Purple recycling bins were being introduced within the next year and wheelie bins within the next two to three years. Further garden waste brown bins would be issued later in the year.

23.177.Financial Matters

01.It was resolved to approve the June cash book and month and quarter 1 bank reconciliations.

02.It was resolved to approve payments to 25 July 2023 as below. Cllr Bruch and Cllr Philpott agreed to authorise bank payments.

Payee Detail Net £ VAT £ Total £
Post Office  Postage Stamps           30.90          -           30.90
Unity Trust  Service Charge          18.00          -           18.00
Adobe Acrobat  Clerk Adobe Subscription           16.64       3.33         19.97
B2C Retail  Wombles Black Bags           43.72       8.74         52.46
Amazon  HDMI Lead             3.65       0.73          4.38
TalkTalk  Calls & Broadband           41.69       8.34         50.03
Adobe Acrobat  Admin Adobe Subscription           16.64       3.33         19.97
Staff Home Office Allowance           10.00           10.00
Heronwood Landscapes Parish Grass Cutting 2 & 29th June 2023        256.00         256.00
Heronwood Landscapes Burial Ground GrassCutting         136.00         136.00
Heronwood Landscapes LCC Picnic Area Grasscutting           30.00           30.00
Heronwood Landscapes Highways Grass Cutting         190.00         190.00
The Curlew Centre Room Hire           30.00           30.00
SHDC Election Costs      5,088.31      5,088.31
Bridge Buns & Roses WI Grant  (LGA s.214(6))        500.00         500.00
Mr David Bruch  Coronation Events Expenses      1,294.12     19.80    1,313.92
Staff Home Office Allowance           26.00           26.00
Staff Travel Expenses           15.75           15.75
Staff Salary     2,671.96      2,671.96
Staff Mobile Phone Allowance           10.00           10.00
Staff Mobile Phone Allowance           10.00           10.00
Staff Electric Home Allowance           11.00           11.00
Lincs Pension Fund  WYPF Contributions         906.19         906.19
XBM  Photocopier 20/06- 20/07/23          15.89       3.18         19.07
Complete Weed C'trol Weed Control MP        413.40     82.68       496.08
Complete Weed C'trol Weed Control Garden of Rest         110.00     22.00       132.00
Independent Grab Co Garden Waste Collection        400.00     80.00       480.00
SSE  Pavilion Electricity         261.47     52.29       313.76
SMC  Monthly Legionella Testing           60.00     12.00         72.00
Total     12,617.33    296.42  12,913.75

03.It was resolved to approve the 1st quarter budget review noting all budget transfers and category totals were within budget.

04.Regarding a grant application for £500 from the Mad Hatters, it was resolved to defer this to the September meeting and request a copy of the group’s accounts.


01.Lincolnshire Police review of CCTV arrangements. Responded to by Cllr Bruch.

02.It was resolved to approve a request from the Boxer dog rescue to hold a Funday in the Memorial Park 20 August 2023.

03.A summer grants to support young people during the holidays was noted.

04.It was resolved to post the highway’s survey request on the website for public comment.

05.It was resolved to approve the use of the Curlew Centre car park for the use of a Slushie/Hook a duck stall 14 October 2023.

06.It was resolved to reject an application to use of the Memorial Park as an overflow car park for the event 14 October, due to the increased risk of damage to the field at this time of year.

07.It was resolved to post the SHDC Household Support Fund poster on the website.

08.It was resolved for the clerk and Cllr Bruch attend a meeting to be arranged by Tydd St Giles Parish Council about the surrender of the Stagecoach bus service.

09.Information on Love Parks Week was noted. Guidance and information received from this would be forwarded to the Open Spaces committee.

23.179.Planning Applications.

01.H18-0609-23: The Curlew Centre. Works to Tree Preservation Order No. 15 1994. It was resolved to support the required works. Cllr Brewis abstained.

02.H18-0513-23 Silverleas, 47 Wrights Lane. Single storey flat & pitched roof extension. It was resolved to support the application being in keeping with the street scene. Cllr Brewis abstained.

23.180.Planning Decisions

01.H18-0480-23: 45 St Matthews Drive. Proposed concrete hardstanding. Approved

02.H18-0429-23: 72 Princes Street. Proposed concrete hardstanding. Approved.

23.181.Committee Reports

01.New Pavilion

01.The minutes of the last meeting were noted. It was resolved to ratify the committee’s decision to co-opt Mr David Wall onto the committee.

02.The project manager’s report was noted.

03.Regarding a members’ visit to a modular building manufacturing unit, it was resolved to authorise Cllr Middleton, Mr Marchant, and Mr Wall, reasonable travel expenses and up to £300 for overnight accommodation.

04.Regarding funding for the new pavilion, it was resolved to approach grant awarding bodies.

05.Quotes for required surveys would be considered in closed session.


01.The minutes of the last Garden Allotments’ meeting were noted. It was resolved to ratify the committee’s resolutions passed at the meeting.

03.Open Spaces

01.The minutes of the last Open Spaces meeting were noted, it was resolved to approve the reinstatement of a memorial to the armed forces within the park.

02.It was resolved to agree the return of £300 damage deposit to the circus.

04.CCTV Working Party

01.Cllr Bruch reported that a zoom meeting would be arranged to discuss quotes within the next week.

05.Community Speed Watch (CSW) Working Party

01.Three members of the working party had attended CSW training. Another five members’ training was pending. All equipment had been checked and the first CSW event was planned for August.

02.The speed watch sign would be erected when the weather improved.

06.Burial Ground committee

01.The painting of the bench in the Garden of Rest would be undertaken when the weather allowed.

07. Youth Committee

01.The draft Terms of Reference would be considered at the next meeting.

08.Pavilion and Memorial Park Play areas.

01.Research was being undertaken to consider the inclusivity of current provisions for the pavilion and the play area.

09.Cllr McLaughlin reported that an allotment inspection had taken place 22 July at the Wrights Lane & Westbank allotments. However, due to the bad weather it was not possible to complete the inspection. A new date would be arranged at the next allotment meeting. Thanks were given to Cllr Booth for ploughing the vacant allotment plots.

23.182.Outside body representative report - LALC conference.

01.Cllr Brewis reported that he and Cllr A Landy had attended the LALC Annual Conference 19 July 2023. A copy of his report was circulated to members.

23.183.The clerk reported that Cllr Booth had been in contact with both the Wombles & SHDC. With Cllr Tyrrell’s kind agreement, the Wombles would continue to deposit rubbish at his yard. It was thought unlikely that the District Council would allow rubbish to be deposited at the SHDC’s industrial units. Ideas for other sites would be welcomed. Cllr Bruch thanked the Wombles again for their time and hard work. District councillors were looking at how they could support the Wombles with the additional transport costs being incurred.

23.184.Regarding the provision of defibrillators within the village, it was resolved to organise a working party made up of Cllr Middleton and Cllr Philpott to look at potential sites to locate the defibrillator.  

23.185.It was resolved to move into closed session in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 s.1(2).

20.30hrs Thirteen members of the public and Cllr Tyrrell left the meeting.

23.186.Quotes for general works.

01.Propeller Memorial Refreshments, it was resolved to obtain another quote and delegate final approval to the clerk in liaison with the chair, or vice-chair.

02.It was resolved to approve the quote for the structural testing of 21 columns @ £1250.00.

03.It was resolved to remove the solar metal pole near the Memorial Wall in the Remembrance Garden @ £30.00

04.It was resolved to sand, clean and treat the bench near the entrance to the children’s area of the Garden of Rest @ £130.00

05.It was resolved to obtain a further quote to trim back the boundary hedges in the Garden of Rest and delegate final approval to the clerk in liaison with the chair, or vice-chair.

06.It was resolved to approve work to trim the yew hedges in the Garden of Rest @ £220.00

07.Regarding the maintenance to the children’s roundabout, it was resolved to obtain a further quote and delegate final approval to the clerk in liaison with the chair, or vice-chair.

23.187.Survey quotes for the new pavilion project.

01.It was resolved to approve the quote for the Tree survey @ £807.00.

02.It was resolved to approve the quote for the Flood risk assessment @ £450.00.

03.It was resolved to approve the quote for the Drainage Strategy @ £2,755.00 + VAT.

04.Following quotes received for the ground investigation work it was resolved to defer this to the next pavilion meeting.

05.Further quotes were to be received for services capacity.

06.Cllr Middleton reported that she was unable to attend the next pavilion meeting 29 August. It was resolved for the clerk to liaise with the project manager and chair of the Pavilion committee to arrange a suitable date for the next meeting.

23.188.It was resolved to set the pitch and pavilion fees for 2023/24 @ £360.00, plus 50% of the electricity and water charges for the previous year.

23.189.Following advice received from land agents, Longstaff & Co, it was resolved to undertake rent reviews for Farm Business Tenancies.

23.190.The clerk reported that he would be holiday 14 -21 August 2023.

The chairman closed the meeting at 21:10hrs.