11 July 2023 Open Spaces Committee

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Minutes of a meeting of the Open Spaces Committee held 19:00hrs, Tuesday, 11 July 2023, in the Bridge Room at the Curlew Centre, Sutton Bridge.

Present:       Cllr A Landy, Cllr M Landy, Cllr Middleton, Cllr Mills, Cllr Perkins (chair), Mr Smith (clerk), Mrs Croxford (admin asst.).

Observing:  Cllr Mclaughlin, Cllr Philpott

23.019.There were no apologies.

23.020.There were no declarations of interest or requests for dispensation.

23.021.It was resolved to approve the minutes of the meeting held on 13 June 2023.

23.022.Cllr A Landy would arrange with the committee a site visit of the Memorial Park on the 18 July 2023 to look at the safety inspections for the children’s play area.

23.023.A meeting had been arranged with the Football Club to discuss pavilion and pitch fees on the 18 July 2023 in the Curlew Centre at 19:00hrs.

23.024.Cllr A Landy would draft some rules for the signage in the park and report back at the next meeting. Quotes were to be sought to remove both signs.

23.025.General Maintenance

01.The committee would arrange a site visit of the play equipment in the Memorial Park and report back at the next meeting.

02.It was resolved to recommend restoring a memorial to the armed forces in the park. A working party made up of Cllr A Landy and Cllr Perkins would be set up.

23.026.Dog and waste bins

01.Members discussed various options for installing extra waste bins around the park. Committee members would inspect existing bins and report to the next meeting.

23.027.Parish Noticeboard

01.It was discussed whether there should be additional noticeboards within the village. Cllr Perkins suggested siting a noticeboard near St Matthews Drive Community Centre.

02.The clerk reported that there were currently three noticeboards within the Parish, one at the entrance to the Curlew Centre, one on the village green and one at the bus stop along the Bridge Road at the junction of Falklands Road.

19:45 hrs Standing orders were suspended to allow Cllr Philpott to speak on the subject.

03.Cllr Philpott reminded the committee that current plans for an additional noticeboard for the Parish Council and the Curlew Centre were in hand which had been intended to be positioned at the front of the Curlew Centre car park.

19:46hrs standing orders were resumed.

04.It was decided that there were sufficient noticeboards within the village.

23.028.Grant Applications

01.Cllr A Landy reported that following discussions with the Cllr Middleton and Cllr Perkins as chairs of the relevant committees, it was felt that there were more advantages to split the grant application into two projects. The first project would be for additional play equipment in the Memorial Park to help supply accessible and neurodiversity equipment, the second project would be for the new pavilion project. Further details would be provided at the next meeting.

02.The clerk reported that Westmere Community Primary School had undertaken a project about additional play equipment, he would forward the information to Cllr A Landy

23.029.It was resolved to hold the next meeting 19:00hrs 05 September 2023.