25 January 2022 Finance Committee

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Minutes of the meeting of the Finance Committee held 18:00hrs Tuesday, 25 January 2022, held in the Curlew Centre Diamond Hall, Sutton Bridge.

Present: Cllr S Booth, Cllr Brewis, Cllr Bruch, Cllr Davies, Cllr Goodwin, Cllr Scarlett, Mr R Smith (clerk), Mrs K Croxford (admin assistant).

Absent: Cllr York

22.001. Apologies Cllr York

22.002. Cllr Scarlett declared an interest in agenda item 12.III in that the contractor had undertaken private work on her behalf 

22.003. It was resolved to approve the minutes of the meeting held 14 December 2021 as an accurate record.

22.004. It was resolved to approve the December bank reconciliation and cash book 

22.005. It was resolved to recommend for approval payments to 25 January 2022 set out in the table below. Cllr Brewis abstained from voting due to his involvement with Sutton Bridge Fund Raisers for the Christmas Lights. Cllr Goodwin and Cllr Scarlett to undertake bank payments.

Payee Detail  Net £  VAT £ Total £
XBM  Photocopier payment 53.33 10.66 63.99
Unity Trust  Service Charge Oct- Dec 2021 18.00   18.00
Talk Talk  Calls & Broadband  34.00 6.80 40.80
Mad Hatters  Grant Application  500.00   500.00
SMC  Pavilion Monthly Water Monitoring 60.00 12.00 72.00
Cozens  Purchase & Supply Additional Motifs 5,985.00 1,197.00 7,182.00
Cozens  Christmas Lights call out 300.00 60.00 360.00
Cozens  Installation of 21 Column Motifs  1,050.00 210.00 1,260.00
SSE Pavilion Electricity 21/10- 30/11/21 108.33 5.41 113.74
Mrs K Croxford Adobe Acrobat Montly Subscription 12.64 2.53 15.17
Mrs K Croxford Travel Expenses  1.44   1.44
Mrs K Croxford Mobile Telephone  8.33 1.67 10.00
Mrs K Croxford Home Allowance  10.00   10.00
Mrs K Croxford Black Bags Outside Operative 15.66 3.13 18.79
Mrs K Croxford Black Bags - Outside Operative  15.75 3.15 18.90
Mr D Borkertas  Home Electric Allowance  8.00   8.00
Staff Salaries 2,424.20   2,424.20
LCC WYPF Pension Scheme 801.81   801.81
Clerk Home Office Allowance - January 26.00   26.00
Clerk Mobile phone - January 8.33 1.67 10.00
Clerk Travel Expenses to 19/01/22 7.65   7.65
Clerk Adobe subscription  8.42 1.69 10.11
SHDC Election Recharge  3,228.47   3,228.47
LALC AGM Attendance  55.00 11.00 66.00
Mr D Large  Reinstate Gateway Sign  55.00   55.00
Mr D Large  Sir Peter Scott - Tree Maintenance  200.00   200.00
Total   14,995.36 1,526.71 16,522.07

22.006. Delegated expenditure included in the table above for black bags @ £31.41 + VAT was noted.

22.007. The following receipts were noted: bank interest £70.63; Garden of Rest £600.00; Wayleave £193.02

22.008. It was resolved to recommend acceptance of the 3rd Quarter budget review with budget transfers as circulated.

22.009. Budget 2022-23

01. A proposal to increase the precept by 7.5% on the previous year was rejected.

02. It was resolved to recommend approval of the draft budget 2022-2023 rev. 1, as circulated. It was recommended that the included three-year forecast should be further discussed early in the new financial year.

22.010. It was resolved to set the precept requirement for 2022-23 at £70,033. 

18:45hrs Cllr M Booth joined the meeting as an observer 

22.011. There were no grant applications to consider.

22.012. It was resolved on moving into closed session on the grounds of confidentiality, in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 s.1 (2)

22.013. Quotations for works

01. It was resolved to proceed with quote @ £60.00 to repair the ‘Story of the Fens’ sign

02. Subject to any alternative quotes received, it was resolved to accept the quote to service the electric utility vehicle @ £520.00 for two services.

03. It was resolved to proceed with the quote for the mole pest control in the Memorial Park up to the value of £15.00 per hole.

22.014. Little Sutton Parish Meeting’s financial contributions to services

The clerk declared an interest in this item, as his wife was clerk to Little Sutton Parish Meeting.

01. It was resolved to recommend to full Council a charge to Little Sutton Parish Meeting for £100 p.a. as contribution to the maintenance and upkeep of the Parish Council’s Garden of Rest. This would allow Little Sutton residents, as included in the electoral register, to be treated as though residents of Sutton Bridge in relation to the Garden of Rest.

02. It was resolved to accept a £15 p.a. contribution from Little Sutton Parish Meeting towards the two Sutton Bridge Garden Waste collections paid for by the Parish Council and as organised by County Cllr Tyrrell. 

There being no other business, the meeting closed at 18:58hrs.