11 October 2022 Extraordinary Parish Council Meeting

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Minutes of the extraordinary meeting of Sutton Bridge Parish Council, held 18:00hrs Tuesday, 11 October 2022, in the Curlew Centre Diamond Hall, Sutton Bridge.

Present: Cllr Chris Brewis, Cllr David Bruch, Cllr Kim Davies, Cllr Rachael Goodwin, Cllr Michelle Pitt, Cllr Colin Robinson, Cllr Anne Scarlett (chair), Mr. Robert Smith (clerk), Mrs Karen Croxford (admin assistant).
Absent: Cllr Michael Booth, Cllr Simon Booth, Cllr Ray Perkins, Cllr Terry York.

Unless otherwise stated, actions to be undertaken by the clerk.

22.227. Apologies for nonattendance were received from Cllr M Booth, Cllr S Booth, Cllr Perkins, Cllr York.

22.228. There were no declarations of disclosable pecuniary or other interests or any requests for dispensation.

22.229. For reasons of better acoustics, reduced noise, and increased comfort, it was resolved to hold future Council meetings in the Bridge Room of The Curlew Centre instead of the Diamond Hall. There were no cost implications. The decision on which rooms were to be used for Parish Assemblies would be left to the discretion of the Parish Council chair.  

22.230. It was resolved to move into closed session on the grounds of confidentiality in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 s.1(2).

22.231. As recommended by the Parish Council’s project managers, Ridge and Partners LLP, and by members of the New Pavilion Committee who attended the tender interviews, it was resolved to appoint Ogelsby & Limb Ltd as the architect and principal designer for the new pavilion as tendered @ £31,500 excl. VAT.

22.232. Christmas lights.

01. The clerk circulated a copy of the letter sent to Lincolnshire County Council (LCC) about the Christmas lights, as resolved, and the reply received. He reported that in consultation with the chair he had deferred forwarding the matter to the press.

02.  It was resolved to delegate to the clerk, in consultation with the chair or vice-chair, the composition of an appropriate response to LCC Streetlighting, along with the decision as to when and whether to make any press release.

03. It was resolved to delegate to the clerk the completion of an unmetered electricity supply agreement for the Christmas lights.

04. Understanding that a licence agreement with LCC for the erection of Christmas lights on its lighting columns had yet to be agreed, it was resolved to instruct the clerk to confirm with the contractor the date for putting up the Christmas lights this year.

22.231. Following a suggestion that the Parish Council provide Christmas lights on a tree in the village this year, Cllr Pitt and Cllr Robinson agreed to look for suitable locations. The clerk would investigate the availability and costs of putting up a ~20ft Christmas tree and would check with the Church as to whether it had any planned arrangements for decorating any trees in the churchyard. The matter was to be included on the next Parish Council meeting’s agenda.

The chair closed the meeting at 18:41 hrs.