25 January 2022 Parish Council Meeting

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Minutes of the meeting of Sutton Bridge Parish Council, held 19:00hrs Tuesday, 25 January 2022, in the Curlew Centre Diamond Hall, Sutton Bridge.

Present: Cllr Simon Booth (chairman), Cllr M Booth, Cllr Chris Brewis, Cllr David Bruch, Cllr Kim Davies, Cllr Rachael Goodwin, Cllr Ray Perkins, Cllr Colin Robinson, Cllr Anne Scarlett (vice-chair), Mr. Robert Smith (clerk), Mrs K Croxford (admin assistant), County Councillor Jack Tyrrell, Three members of the public.

Absent: Cllr Michelle Pitt, Cllr Terry York.

Unless otherwise stated, actions to be undertaken by the clerk.

22.001. Apologies were received from Cllr Pitt and Cllr York

22.002. Pecuniary or other interests and requests for dispensation.

01. Cllr Scarlett declared an interest in agenda item 25.III in that the contractor had undertaken private work on her behalf.

22.003. It was resolved to approve the minutes of the meeting held 14 December 2021. 

22.004. Written representations from members of the public were received about matters on the agenda.

01. For the Parish Council to object in the strongest terms to planning application H18-0005-22 

02. Request as to whether a response had been received from the Chief Constable’s Office to allegations of abusive and threatening communications being made to councillors. 

22.005. Police matters.

01. Lincolnshire Police and the Curlew Centre Committee had been contacted about the possibility of jointly purchasing a ‘mosquito alarm’ for installation at the rear of the Curlew Centre. The Police had responded stating that it did not recommend them. It was resolved for the CCTV working party to investigate and report back to Council the benefits of such an alarm.

02. It was noted that no response had been received from the Chief Constable’s Office. It was resolved to chase up a response from the Chief Constable Office. For: Cllr Brewis, Cllr M Booth, Cllr S Booth, Cllr Davies, Cllr Goodwin, Cllr Scarlett; Against: Cllr Bruch, Cllr Robinson; Abstentions: Cllr Perkins.

22.006. There was no report from the Chairman.

22.007. The clerk reported the following matters not otherwise covered on the agenda.

01. The website had been updated.

02. Internal bank transfers had been actioned to cover this month’s payments.

03. Emails to councillors were now only being sent to the official Council addresses. Assistance had been provided and more was planned to help some councillors with their email setup.

04. The Christmas lights had now been removed. Consideration was being given as to Lincolnshire County Council (LCC) licence approval for next Christmas.

05. The school had again been contacted with a view to arranging a meeting about the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee celebrations with Cllr Bruch.

06. As resolved, a grant application of £5,000 had been submitted to the Grange Wind Farm Community Fund, with the objective of adding to a pot of £15,000 financed by the Police. The pot was intended to give funding for local group projects as decided under a community participatory budgeting process, meetings for the organisation of which were ongoing.

07. As resolved, trees and hedges on Parish Council land on Sir Peter Scott Road had been cut back.

08. The Sutton Bridge Power Fund had been informed that the Parish Council wished to nominate Mrs Anne Scarlett as the Sutton Bridge representative.

09. The replacement of the vandalised rubbish bin in the car park was pending.

10. It had been verbally agreed with the chairman of the Curlew Centre for the office lease to continue, on a rolling 12-month basis with 3 months’ notice at the current level of rent. A written agreement was to be drawn up.

11. A preliminary review by the internal auditors would start in the next few weeks.

12. An application for an LCC grant to refurbish the bus stop opposite the Bridge Hotel was in progress.

13. The lease with District Council (SHDC) for the Electrical Vehicle charging point had been received. Some further information was required before the works progress.

14. Continuing invoicing and payment issues with photocopier service company, XBM Ltd, had been escalated to their account manager.

22.008. SHDC & LCC matters 

01. Cllr M. Booth reported on SHDC matters.

The Chairman agreed that facemasks could be removed when speaking.

i. SHDC Garden Waste scheme was to be extended to more areas by utilisation of a new vehicle. This would increase the subscription of the scheme by up to 15,000 people. Whilst purple bags were to be phased out, existing bags were to be used up.

ii. A letter had been sent to the Chancellor of the Exchequer about the financial affects the move to white diesel would have on South Holland Internal Drainage Board (SHIDB).

iii. The Omicron Hospitality & Leisure Grant, aimed at supporting businesses in South Holland was now open to applicants.

iv. Thanks were expressed to everyone litter picking in the village.

02. Cllr Brewis reported on SHDC matters.

i. SHIDB would be significantly affected by the move to white diesel

ii. All district housing tenants were still paying an extra 23p in every pound on their rents due to central government’s policy on rights to purchase.

iii. Cllr J Tyrrell and Cllr Brewis had tried to reverse the decision by SHDC to increase stall fees for Long Sutton market traders. So far, these attempts had been unsuccessful.

03. County Councillor Tyrrell reported on LCC matters:

i. A copy of a quarterly police report would be made available to the chairman.

ii. A shop on Bridge Road had lost its appeal against the removal of its off-sales licence, due to selling alcohol to minors. Premises selling alcohol to anyone underage would be shut down. 

iii. The Wombles group had done a great job litter picking in the area, The Parish Council gave its thanks and appreciation to all volunteer litter pickers in the village.

iv. Cllr Tyrrell said that he was disappointed that SHDC was seventh from bottom for recycling in the country and hoped to improve this record within the next couple of years.

22.009. Finance

01.  It was resolved to approve the December bank reconciliation and cash book.

02.  It was resolved to approve the payments to 25 January 2022 as below. Cllr Goodwin and Cllr Scarlett would authorise bank payments.

Payee Detail  Net £  VAT £ Total £
XBM  Photocopier payment 53.33 10.66 63.99
Unity Trust  Service Charge Oct- Dec 2021 18.00   18.00
Talk Talk  Calls & Broadband  34.00 6.80 40.80
Mad Hatters  Grant Application  500.00   500.00
SMC  Pavilion Monthly Water Monitoring 60.00 12.00 72.00
Cozens  Purchase & Supply Additional Motifs 5,985.00 1,197.00 7,182.00
Cozens  Christmas Lights call out attendance  300.00 60.00 360.00
Cozens  Installation of 21 Column Motifs  1,050.00 210.00 1,260.00
SSE Pavilion Electricity 21/10- 30/11/21 108.33 5.41 113.74
Mrs K Croxford Adobe Acrobat Montly Subscription 12.64 2.53 15.17
Mrs K Croxford Travel Expenses  1.44   1.44
Mrs K Croxford Mobile Telephone  8.33 1.67 10.00
Mrs K Croxford Home Allowance  10.00   10.00
Mrs K Croxford Black Bags Outside Operative 15.66 3.13 18.79
Mrs K Croxford Large Black Bags - Outside Operative  15.75 3.15 18.90
Mr D Borkertas  Home Electric Allowance  8.00   8.00
Staff Salaries 2,424.20   2,424.20
LCC WYPF Pension Scheme 801.81   801.81
Clerk Home Office Allowance - January 26.00   26.00
Clerk Mobile phone - January 8.33 1.67 10.00
Clerk Travel Expenses to 19/01/22 7.65   7.65
Clerk Adobe Acrobat monthly subscription  8.42 1.69 10.11
SHDC Election Recharge  3,228.47   3,228.47
LALC AGM Attendance  55.00 11.00 66.00
Mr D Large  Reinstate Gateway Sign  55.00   55.00
Mr D Large  Sir Peter Scott - Tree Maintenance  200.00   200.00
Total   14,995.36 1,526.71 16,522.07

02. The following delegated expenditure included in the above was noted: black bags £31.41+VAT. 

03. The following receipts were noted: bank interest £70.63; Garden of Rest £600.00; Burial Ground Wayleave £193.02.

04. It was resolved to approve the 3rd quarter budget review with budget transfers, as circulated.

05. Budget 2022-23

i. It was resolved to approve the draft budget 2022-2023 rev. 1, as circulated. The included three-year forecast was to be further discussed early in the new financial year.

ii. It was resolved to set the precept requirement for 2022-23 at £70,033. 

06. There were no grant applications

22.010. It was resolved to note the receipt of the following correspondence.

01. Notification from SHDC of the by-election charge for £3,228.47.

02. LIVES winter newsletter.

03. A message from the H.M. Lord Lieutenant of Lincolnshire about the Queens Jubilee Big Lunch had been circulated. This was to be further discussed under agenda item 15v.

04. A resident’s account of the District Council Monitoring Officer’s comment on a reported complaint.

05. The District Monitoring Officer’s record about the above resident’s account.

06. LALC e-news as circulated to councillors.

22.011. Complaint – ‘That by not declaring a vacation of office allegedly occurring from Cllr Goodwin’s failure to attend meetings for a period of six months, the Parish Council had not followed legislation and/or its own procedures’.

01. A proposal to move into closed session was defeated. For: Cllr M Booth, Cllr S Booth, Cllr Brewis; Against: Cllr Bruch, Cllr Davies, Cllr Perkins, Cllr Robinson, Cllr Scarlett; Abstentions: Cllr Goodwin.

02. The clerk presented evidence and legislation relevant to the complaint. He advised Council that in his opinion there was no vacancy due to non-attendance. Within the required period Cllr Goodwin had attended an allotment working party meeting as a representative of the Parish Council. This met the attendance requirements as set out in the Local Government Act 1972 s.85. This view was supported by Lincolnshire ALC. The clerk recommended that the Parish Council reject the complaint.

03. Several questions were asked. Cllr Robinson raised a point of order stating Cllr Brewis was talking over Cllr Bruch. The chairman invited Cllr Bruch to continue.  

04. The proposal to uphold the complaint was defeated. For: Cllr Bruch, Cllr Robinson; Against: Cllr M Booth, Cllr S Booth, Cllr Brewis, Cllr Davies, Cllr Scarlett; Abstentions: Cllr Goodwin, Cllr Perkins.

22.012. Planning applications, including any late received. 

01. H18-0005-22: Land Adj. Nightingale Way, Granville Terrace, Withington Street & Chestnut Terrace Sutton Bridge. Residential development of 129 dwellings (including 32 affordable units), site access and associated external works - re-submission of H18-0824-20. It was resolved to object to the application with the following grounds:

i. The development would put unsustainable vehicular pressure on the access roads for Nightingale Way and Withington Street.

ii. There was Insufficient access for farm machinery to access farmland on neighbouring land.

iii. There would be a poor visual impact as properties would need to be raised to mitigate flood risks.

iv. There would be an adverse Impact on local schools, doctors, and services.

v. Plans to build on an existing drain would result in problems with maintenance access.

vi. Trees were to be planted on areas that were required for local drainage

vii. A large part of the application area was outside the village development envelope.

02. H18-0019-22: 36 Petts Lane. Re-build existing small garage/store including link to existing barn. It was resolved to request that officers undertake a site visit to check that the use of the existing barn as well as the application are in order.

20.27hrs Cllr M Booth left the meeting

03. H18-1343-21: Sutton Bridge Golf Course West Bank. Proposed change of use of land from D2 (Golf Course) to B2 (General Industrial). It was resolved to object to the application because the proposed use as B2 (General Industrial) was too wide a designation for this site.

20.29hrs Cllr M Booth returned to the meeting 

04. H18-1344-21: Sutton Bridge Golf Course. Proposed Green Keepers Hut. It was resolved to make no comment.

05. H18-0053-22: 102 Bridge Road. Change of use from furniture showroom to domestic dwelling - re-submission of H18-1213-21. It was resolved to make no comment.

22.013. The following District Council planning decisions were noted:

01. H18-1215-21: Westmere Barn, New Road, PE12 9QD. Condition compliance. Approved.

02. H18-1213-21: 102 Bridge Road, PE12 9SA. Change of Use from furniture showroom to domestic dwelling. Refused.

03. H18-1179-21: 79 Princes Street, PE12 9RF. Single storey rear extension. Approved.

22.014. Highways & footways

01. Further information from LCC Parking Services Management about categorisation for parking enforcement was noted.

20.40hrs Standing orders were suspended to allow Cllr Tyrrell to speak on highways’ matters.

02. Cllr Tyrrell reported that a visit was to be arranged to look at highways’ issues in the area. The police would also provide a report of which authority to contact over parking offences.

20.42hrs Standing orders were resumed.

03. Update on outstanding matters.

i. No comments had been received from councillors about the consultation for the LCC Local Transport Plans. The consultation was now closed.

ii. Confirmation that the Parish Council wished to continue the arrangement for Highway Verge grass cutting for the 2022-23 had been submitted to LCC. Finalisation of the agreement was expected soon.

iii. Following a complaint from a member of the public, a large hole in the pavement outside the Bridge Hotel had been reported via the LCC Fix My Street portal and the problem was fixed the same day. 

iv. Following reports of a sinkhole on public footpath #1, the matter was reported both to LCC and South Holland IDB. Although the matter was logged and acknowledged by LCC no update has been received. 

04. Reports of new matters.

i. Foot Light still not working in Royal Close. To be reported again. 

ii. Substantial pothole at the top of Chalk Lane and the East Bank. To be reported. 

22.015. Committee and Working Party Reports

01. New Pavilion

i. A Zoom meeting with two short-listed prospective project management services companies for the new Pavilion build, had been arranged to take place from 18:00hrs Thursday 03 February 2022. 

ii. So far there had been no grant applications made by the fund-raising working party

02. The was no report on Open spaces

03. Garden allotments

i. A complaint had been received from SHDC regarding cockerels and ducks at the Wright’s Lane allotment. Following an inspection by members of the allotment working party, it was resolved to send the tenant an enforcement notice.

ii. A dog fouling sign was missing at the Wrights Lane allotment. To be investigated.

iii. Thanks were expressed to Cllr M Booth & Cllr S Booth for ploughing the land near the garden allotments.

04. CCTV Working Party

i. Cllr Bruch & Cllr Bruch would arrange a meeting next week.

05. Platinum Jubilee Celebrations

i. A further email had been sent to Westmere Community Primary School to arrange a meeting regarding the Queens Platinum Jubilee celebrations. Cllr Pitt had agreed to chase the matter up. 

ii. Cllr Bruch and Cllr Perkins would arrange a meeting to discuss some ideas for the celebrations. Contact details of the church warden had been passed with his permission to Cllr Bruch 

iii. It was resolved to appoint Cllr Pitt, subject to her agreement, and Cllr Robinson to The Queens Platinum Jubilee working party.

22.016. Outside body representative reports.

01. Following a report from Cllr Davis, it was resolved to appoint Mr Paul Lowe as Community Speed Watch Coordinator. Mr Lowe would be hosting Zoom training at his home. Contact Cllr Davis for further information.

02. The CCTV working party would be investigating reactive speed signs.

22.017. Information received from the football club about where its members lived was noted. It was resolved for the clerk to arrange a meeting with the football club to discuss the pitch and pavilion fees. Cllr Brewis, Cllr Bruch, Cllr Scarlett, and the clerk to attend.

22.018. It was resolved to defer the matter of the Parish’s road surfaces and pavements to the next meeting.

22.019. It was resolved to proceed with the purchase of the Parish Council ID cards. Councillors who had not submitted photographs would not be included in the purchase.

22.020. Change in ownership of Sutton Bridge Port

01. A resident had received a response form County Cllr Davie and had been informed that any details of the new owners would be subject to confidentiality. However, any change of use to the Port would be reported to the statutory consultees. Any further information discovered was to be reported back at the next meeting.

22.021. Proposed recycling plant in Sutton Bridge. 

01. Cllr Perkins would contact Cllr Tyrrell to arrange a visit to look around the site at Holbeach

02. No plans had yet been summitted for Sutton Bridge.

22.022. It was resolved to delegate authority to the chairman, vice chairman, and clerk, in relation to Covid-19 risk mitigation measures, in accordance with government rules and guidelines, and advisory body recommendations. It was expected that normal public participation would recommence at the next Parish Council meeting.

21.43hrs Cllr Perkins and two members of the public left the meeting 

22.023. Items to be included on the agenda of a future meeting.

01. To consider condition of the Parish’s road surfaces and pavements (Cllr York)

22.024. It was resolved to move into closed session on the grounds of confidentiality in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 s.1(2).    

21.45hrs One member of the public and County Cllr J Tyrrell left the meeting

22.025. To consider quotes received

01. It was resolved to repair the ‘Story of the Fens’ sign @ £60.00

02. Subject to alternative quotes being received, it was resolved to service the electric utility vehicle @ £520 for two services per annum.

03. It was resolved to proceed with the quotes for mole pest control in the Memorial Park up to the value of £15.00 per run.

22.026. Following a report from the clerk on matters relating to the Garden of Rest, the Parish Council resolved appropriately. Thanks were expressed to the chairman and the clerk.

22.027. Little Sutton Parish Meeting’s financial contributions to services

The clerk declared an interest this item as his wife was clerk to Little Sutton Parish Meeting.

01. It was resolved to agree a charge to Little Sutton Parish Meeting for £100 p.a. as contribution to the maintenance and upkeep of the Parish Council’s Garden of Rest. This would allow Little Sutton residents, as included in the electoral register, to be treated as though residents of Sutton Bridge in relation to the Garden of Rest.

02. It was resolved to accept a £15 p.a. contribution from Little Sutton Parish Meeting towards the two Sutton Bridge Garden Waste collections paid for by the Parish Council and as organised by County Cllr Tyrrell. 

22.028. To report on and to consider any staffing & administration matters. 

01. Councillor appraisal forms had been circulated and should be completed and returned to Cllr Scarlet by 15 February 2022.

02. It was resolved to delegate authority to the clerk for dates in the Memorial Park for the Fair, with consideration being taken of comments from the Football Club.



The chairman closed the meeting at 22.00hrs.