21 June 2022 Garden Allotments' Committee

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Minutes of a meeting of the Garden Allotments Committee held 18:00hrs Tuesday, 21 June 2022 in the Bridge Room at the Curlew Centre.

Present:  Cllr S. Booth, Cllr C Brewis, Cllr K Davies, Cllr Goodwin, Mr R. Smith (clerk), Mrs K Croxford (admin assistant).
Absent:   Cllr M Pitt.

22.01. It was resolved to elect Cllr Brewis as Committee chair for the year 2022/2023.

22.02. Apologies were received from Cllr Pitt.

22.03. There were no declarations of interest or requests for dispensations. 

22.04. It was resolved to recommend to full Council the adoption of the draft committee terms of reference as circulated, with the following changes:

i. “The Committee’s terms of reference shall be reviewed annually for approval at the annual meeting of the Parish Council or otherwise as required.”

ii. “The Committee shall hold monthly meetings excepting August and December, unless otherwise agreed”

iii. “The Committee shall review and make decisions on matters affecting individual allotment plots but shall not issue any notice to quit without first referring the matter to full Council.”

iv. “The Committee shall review allotment rules and regulations at least annually recommending resolution for adoption by full Council”.

22.05. It was resolved to recommend that full Council consider undertaking the following works:

i. To install five concrete posts to mark the boundary and reinstate a three-foot pathway at the north end of the allotments

ii. To acquire road plannings to fill in the potholes along the allotment roadway.

22.06. It was resolved to recommend to full Council that any future plots allocated would be full plots and that any appeals for half plots would be decided upon by the Committee.

22.07. It was resolved to undertake monthly inspections of the Wrights Lane & Westbank allotments and to add a map of the area on the checklist form. 

22.08. It was resolved to recommend to full Council the adoption of the current allotment rules and regulations with the following amendments:

i. All references to Allotment Working Party to be changed to Allotment Committee.

ii. “The tenant shall not plant any trees other than small fruiting trees and or fruiting bushes. Fruit trees shall be no higher than 7ft 6in and shall be pruned as required.”

iii. “No more than 20% of a garden allotment plot may be given over to fruit trees/bushes. The tenant must ensure that the area between and surrounding the tree/ bushes are kept free of weeds.”

iv. “Applicants for a tenancy of an allotment plot must be a resident of Sutton Bridge Parish and shall provide proof of residence prior to becoming a tenant”.

v. “Where a vacancy exists, the allocation of a plot may be offered to a non–resident charged at double the normal annual rent”.

vi. “A member of the Committee, or officer of the Council may enter and inspect an allotment plot at any time. Tenants must provide Committee members or Council officers access to sheds/enclosed structures following a request giving reasonable notice.”

vii. “Bonfires shall not be lit when the wind speed is above Beaufort Scale 2 i.e., more than a light breeze above 7 mph”.

viii. Amend rule 9.3 to “A tenant may allow a dog onto their own allotment but must ensure that the dog is always under control and that the dog does not wander onto any other plot. All fouling to be removed by the tenant.”

19.34 hrs Cllr Davies left the meeting

22.09. It was resolved to recommend increasing the allotment rent to £32.50 p.a. effective 29 September 2023.

22.10. It was resolved to hold a meeting with the allotment tenants 18:00hrs Tuesday 19 July 2022.

19.35 hrs Cllr Davies returned to the meeting 

22.11. It was resolved to move into closed session on grounds of confidentiality in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 s1 (2).

22.12. It was noted that matters concerning individual allotment plots had been covered by the changes made to the rules and regulations.

22.13. The next committee meeting would be held immediately after the tenants’ meeting Tuesday 19 July 2022.

The chairman closed the meeting at 19.40hrs.