06 September 2022 Garden Allotments' Committee

Draft minutes subject to approval at the next meeting.

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Minutes of a meeting of the Garden Allotments Committee held 19:20hrs Tuesday, 06 September 2022 in the Diamond Hall at the Curlew Centre.

Present:  Cllr S. Booth, Cllr C Brewis, Cllr K Davies, Cllr Pitt, Mr R. Smith (clerk), Mrs K Croxford (admin assistant).
Absent:   Cllr Goodwin

22.14. The meeting was held after the tenants meeting and was moved to the Diamond Hall as the Bridge Room was unavailable.

22.15. There were no apologies.

22.16. There were no declarations of interest or requests for dispensations. 

22.17. It was resolved to approve the minutes from the meeting 21 June 2022.

22.18. Matters arising from the previous meeting 

i. It had been previously resolved (min ref 22.07) to hold monthly allotment inspections, it was further resolved that these would take place every third Sunday of the month at 10:00am apart from December. The next inspection would take place 16 October 2022 and allotment tenants would be advised of the inspection two weeks in advance.

ii. The clerk reported that there had been a delay on the delivery of stone plannings for the filling in of the potholes at the allotment roadway. It was hoped that further information would be available on these within the next few months. 

22.19. It was resolved to move into closed session on grounds of confidentiality in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 s1 (2).

22.20. Matters arising from the prior meeting with allotment tenants.

i. It was resolved to hold quarterly meetings with the allotment tenants, the next meeting would be held 18:00hrs Tuesday 06 December 2022.

ii. It was noted that the area of land at the Wright’s Lane allotments had not been cultivated. Cllr S Booth kindly offered to do this at no charge to the Parish Council.

iii. An overgrown hedge near the boundary of the Wrights Lane allotments would be investigated and quotes sought to cut this back. 

22.21. There had been no inspections since the last meeting

22.22. Matters relating to individuals’ allotment plots

i. It was resolved to recommend that an allotment deposit is not refunded to an ex-tenant because the allotment plot had been left in an unacceptable condition.

ii. A letter received from a tenant concerning help maintaining their plot by another allotment tenant was noted.

iii. The Committee agreed to meet Sunday 11 September at 10:00hrs to inspect an individual plot and report back at the next Parish Council meeting.

iv. It was resolved to recommend that the maximum size of a shed to be installed on the allotment plot should not exceed 2m x 2m x 2m.

22.23. The next committee meeting would be held immediately after the tenants’ meeting 18:00hrs Tuesday 06 December 2022.

The chairman closed the meeting at 20:04hrs.