26 July 2022 Parish Council Meeting

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Minutes of the meeting of Sutton Bridge Parish Council, held 19:00hrs Tuesday, 26 July 2022, in the Curlew Centre Diamond Hall, Sutton Bridge.

Present: Cllr Michael Booth, Cllr Simon Booth, Cllr Chris Brewis, Cllr David Bruch, Cllr Kim Davies, Cllr Rachael Goodwin (vice-chair), Cllr Ray Perkins, Cllr Michelle Pitt, Cllr Colin Robinson, Cllr Anne Scarlett (chair), Cllr Terry York, Mr. Robert Smith (clerk), Mrs Karen Croxford (admin assistant), County Councillor Jack Tyrrell, four members of the public.

Absent: None 

Unless otherwise stated, actions to be undertaken by the clerk.

22.167. As all members were present, no apologies were received. 

22.168. Cllr Brewis declared an interest in item 9.02 the approval of payments as they included his expenses. As a trustee, Cllr Bruch declared an interest in matters relating to the Curlew Centre,

22.169. One member of the public made a representation about matters not on the agenda.

01. As a member of Sutton Bridge Wombles, the speaker and her partner collected rubbish around the village and had picked up over 2,400 full bags. The bags were left at the entrance to the Memorial Park for collection by the District Council. It was requested that the Parish Council ask the District Council to pick up the bags more frequently, as the contents of the bags were potentially hazardous, as well as being unsightly and smelly. Both the clerk and Cllr M Booth said that they would contact the District Council about the matter.

02. It was asked if the Parish Council could help with the purchase of heavy-duty black bags, litter pickers, and two ‘Wombles at Work’ signs. Under their respective district councillor grant allowances, Cllr M Booth and Cllr Brewis offered to reimburse the Parish Council up to £300.00 for it to pay for such items. The member of the public was to forward to the clerk appropriate invoices on behalf of the Wombles, which the clerk was authorised to reimburse on behalf of the district councillors. 

03. Grateful appreciation was expressed by the Parish Council for all the Wombles hard work.

22.170. It was resolved to approve the minutes of the annual meeting of the Parish Council held 28 June 2022. Not having attended, Cllr M Booth and Cllr C Robinson abstained.

22.171. Police matters.

01. Receipt of The Suttons NPT July Newsletter was noted. This had been published on the website.

02. Receipt of information about the Young Voices project was noted. To be published on the website.

03. A report had been received from an allotment tenant that their shed had been broken into and chickens released. The tenant had rounded up the chickens back into the shed, affixing a new lock with a stronger fitting. The matter had been reported to the police.

22.172. There was no report from the chair.

22.173. The clerk reported the following matters not otherwise covered on the agenda.

01. Information had been updated on the website.

02. Internal bank transfers had been made to cover payments.

03. Planning comments had been submitted as resolved.

04. Communications had been written and sent as resolved.

05. A date for the repairs & annual test of the water heater was awaited.

06. The Jubilee beacon gas canister was now being kindly stored free of charge at Bridge Hardware.

07. The drop-down posts at the Garden of Rest had been tightened as resolved.

08. The bench in the Memorial Park had been repaired but another had been identified as needing repair. This was included under quotes for works later in the meeting.

09. Bird control spikes for the Garden of Rest’s gazebo had been purchased and passed to Cllr S Booth for his kind installation.

10. Savills had been contacted for further information about benches and the ‘Story of the Fens’ sign on the West Bank, which had been damaged and vandalised.

22.174. District Council (SHDC) & County Council (LCC) matters.

01. Cllr M Booth reported on SHDC matters.

i. A planning appeal had been submitted for the installation of a solar farm, south of Gunthorpe Road.

ii. With the recent extreme heat, it was noted that fly tipping added significantly to the risk of wildfires. Discarded glass and plastic could act as a magnifier to the sun’s rays and garbage was a source of flammable material. Within the last week, there had been a couple of roadside fires in the area, including at Lutton Marsh. If these fires had spread, there could have been dire consequences. The fire service was thanked for successfully putting out the fires that had occurred. Members of the public were urged to report any fly tipping incidents, identifying the perpetrators where possible.

iii. The Policy Development Panel had completed the policy to deal with untidy sites in the district and Cllr M Booth expressed his hope that this would be passed by the three joint district council’s.

02. Cllr C Brewis reported on SHDC matters.

i. Anyone witnessing fly tipping should report immediately to the police, giving any details that might help catch those responsible. Incidents could be reported anonymously via the District Council’s website.

ii. Cllr Brewis would be enquiring at the next District Council meeting about progress separating drainage board levies from the District Council’s precept, as these had limited increases to the district’s budget.

iii. Plans were in progress to rebuild parts of the University Academy Long Sutton. 

iv. A meeting of the East Joint Public Transport Task Group would be taking place soon.

v. A public right of way near the old British Legion had been blocked. Cllr Brewis would give a report to Cllr Tyrrell so LCC could investigate the matter.

03. Following an invitation from the chair, Cllr Tyrrell reported on LCC matters.

i. LCC was putting a plan together to make improvements to the Sutton Bridge Marina.

ii. The next garden waste collection was at 8:30am Sat. 30 July 2022, Spring Gardens, Long Sutton.

iii. Boston College was visiting the Men’s Shed 28 July 2022, with a view to the youth scheme providing an entry level qualification for its courses. 

iv. The youth scheme was expecting to be ready to start mid-September, weekdays 4pm – 7pm as well as Saturday mornings. It would accommodate up to 20 teenagers.

v. The car park bench had now been completed by the Youth Shed and was ready for installation.

22.175. Finance

01. It was resolved to approve the June cash book, the June bank reconciliation, and the first quarter bank reconciliation, all as circulated.

02. It was resolved to approve payments to 26 July 2022 as below. Having declared an interest Cllr Brewis & Cllr Bruch abstained. Cllr Goodwin and Cllr Scarlett would authorise bank payments.

Payee Detail Net £ VAT £ Total £
Unity Trust Bank Service Charge  18.00   18.00
TalkTalk Business  Calls & Broadband  36.50 7.30 43.80
Heronwood  Parish grass cutting 366.00   366.00
Heronwood  Garden of Rest Grass Cutting 195.00   195.00
Heronwood  Highways Grass Cutting  270.00   270.00
Heronwood  LCC Picnic Area Grass Cutting 18.00   18.00
SMC Ltd  Pavilion Legionella Control 60.00 12.00 72.00
The Curlew Centre June Room Hire  120.00   120.00
The Curlew Centre Office Hire July - September  1,000.00   1,000.00
LALC  Training 23rd June 2022 60.00 12.00 72.00
Ridge & Partners  Interim Fees  2,250.00 450.00 2,700.00
Mr D Borkertas  Home Electric Allowance  8.00   8.00
LALC  Cllr Brewis Networking Day 25.00 5.00 30.00
Cllr C Brewis  Travel expenses  37.80   37.80
SSE Electricity 11/06 - 08/07/22 160.70 8.03 168.73
Mrs K Croxford Expenses - Postage  27.00   27.00
Mrs K Croxford Home Allowance  10.00   10.00
Mrs K Croxford Mobile Phone Allowance  8.33 1.67 10.00
Corporate Express Home Printer Ink Cartridges  27.95   27.95
Mr R Smith Home Allowance  26.00   26.00
Mr R Smith Mobile Phone Allowance  10.00   10.00
Mr R Smith Travel Expenses  11.70   11.70
Mr R Smith Adobe Acrobat Subscription  12.64 2.53 15.17
Mrs K Croxford Adobe Acrobat Subscription  12.64 2.53 15.17
Staff  Salaries  2,600.54   2,600.54
SLCC  National Conference 2022 335.00 57.50 392.50
Lincs Pension Fund WYPF Pension Contributions 816.82   816.82
JW Drainage  Clear Pavilion blocked drains 100.00 20.00 120.00
Mr D Large Install memorial bench 120.00   120.00
Mr D Large Fix drop-down posts GOR 35.00   35.00
Mr D Large Repair Memorial Park bench 105.00   105.00
XBM Photocopier charges 19.57 3.91 23.48
Total   8,903.19 582.47 9,485.66

03. Delegated expenditure was noted (excl. VAT): postage £27.00; ink cartridges £27.95. 

04. Receipts were noted: Christmas lights donation £3,180.00; Christmas lights donation (Mrs D Cook) £100.00; Bank interest £96.05.

05. It was resolved to approve the first quarter budget review including budget transfers, noting that all category totals were within budget. 

06. There were no grant applications.

22.176. Correspondence.

01. Correspondence about suggestions for the Memorial Park were noted.

02. Correspondence about a Bridge Road planter was noted. It was resolved to enquire with planning enforcement about the farm shop.

03. Information on the South Holland Pride Awards was noted, it was resolved to nominate the Sutton Bridge Wombles in the appropriate category.

04. An invitation to Citizens Advice Spalding office was noted. It was resolved to contact Citizens Advice to ask if face to face meetings would be reinstated in Sutton Bridge.

05. Information on South Holland District Council ‘Love Your Parks’ week was noted.

06. Correspondence about an LCC call for change to 2022/23 parish grass cutting agreement was noted. It was resolved for the clerk to respond appropriately.

07. A report finding that press accounts about Sutton Bridge air quality were wrong was noted.

08. Details of the LCC scrutiny review of towns & parish centres was to published on the website.

09. Further information on the Spalding Flower Parade 2023 was noted.

19:47hrs Standing Orders were suspended to allow Cllr Tyrrell to speak.

i. Cllr Tyrrell reported that two other smaller neighbouring parishes were each giving £500 to help finance the building of a thirty-foot float to be shared by local parishes, ready for the Spalding Flower Parade 2023. It was confirmed that there would be no cost for labour or the purchase of the trailer.

19:49hrs Standing Orders were reinstated.

ii. It was resolved to provide a £1,000.00 grant to the Youth Shed as the Parish Council’s contribution for constructing a float for the Spalding Flower Parade 2023, as allowable under LGA 1972, s145.

10. Details of the County Views citizen’s panel and survey were to be published on the Council’s website

11. Cllr S Booth reported that he had received communications about a neighbours’ dispute. It was resolved to raise this item in closed session due to its sensitive nature.

12. Information about the Good Homes Alliance was to be published on the Council’s website.

22.177. Planning applications.

01. H18-0722-22: 2 New Road, PE12 9RA. Pair of Semi-Detached Houses, re-submission of previously withdrawn application H18-0189-22. It was resolved to object to the application because it was an overdevelopment of the site.

19:55 hrs Cllr Robinson left the meting

02. H18-741-21: Land South of Gunthorpe Road, Walpole Marsh. Gunthorpe Road Solar Farm. Appeal under Town and Country Planning Act s.78 was noted.

03. It was resolved to calculate an appropriate sum to be requested for a S106 agreement. Copy to be sent to SHDC.

19:56 hrs Cllr Robinson returned to the meeting

22.178. The following District Council planning decisions were noted.

01. H18-0766-21: 8 New Road. Proposed vehicular access. Approved.

02. H18-0005-22: Land Adj. Nightingale Way, Granville Terrace, Withington Street & Chestnut Terrace. Residential development of 123 dwellings. Refused. 

22.179. Highways & footways.

01. Outstanding matters.

i. The streetlight on Royal Close had been repaired.

02. To consider matters arising from LCC highways officers’ visit.

i. The following matters had been completed since the last meeting held 25 November 2021:

• Bus stop markings had been painted at the Boathouse, Bridge Road.

• The redundant pole near the refurbished bus stop on Bridge Road had been removed.

• Overgrown trees obstructing the footpath on the village green had been cut back.

• The trimming back of trees and bushes on the A17 had been completed.

• Linings on the zebra crossings had been refreshed.

• Bollards had been installed to replace the broken gate at the Sutton Road end of the old A17.

ii. After reporting via FixMyStreet.com, LCC had replied that a laurel hedge on the corner of West Bank Road didn’t meet its intervention criteria and that it would continue to monitor. However, following the inspection, officers would review this decision.

iii. As recommended by highways officers, trailers parking inappropriately along Millennium Way had been reported to Lincolnshire Police. The local PCSO responded stating that in his view it was not a police matter. It was resolved to revert the matter to highways officers.

iv. Highways officers would review the application requirements for applying for a 20mph zone on Bridge Road and forward information to the clerk.

v. Officers would review the poor state of pavements & drop-down kerbs on Bridge Road & New Road.

vi. Due to Bridge Road having previously been downgraded, the junction with New Road no longer met the requirements for having a box junction. An email confirming this would to be sent to the clerk.

vii. Officers agreed that the telegraph pole at the junction of Bridge Road and Railway Lane North did cause a visibility obstruction and would investigate options to address this.

viii. Officers would consider the onerous licensing requirements set out as required for erecting Christmas lights on LCC streetlights, with a view to simplifying the process and omitting any application costs.

ix. Officers would consider cutting back overgrown LCC trees and hedges on Hospital Drove.

x. Officers would follow up on the clearing out of the gullies along the A17.

xi. Officers would consider the supply of road scrapings to fill potholes at parking by the West Bank lighthouse.

xii. Officers would consider painting ‘keep clear’ road markings to stop the A17 roundabout (with exits to Nene Produce and West Bank) from being blocked when the bridge was closed to traffic.

xiii. Officers would consider the removal of advertising banners at the Sutton Road end of old A17.

xiv. Officers would investigate replacing broken & missing bollards on Bridge Road buildouts.

xv. Officers would look at re-painting worn road markings at the A17 junction with Sutton Road.

xvi. As circulated to Councillors, notification was received last Friday evening of overnight bridge traffic restrictions for 11 nights (7pm – 7am) commencing 25 July 2022.

• Officers would look to arrange a meeting with relevant parties, including the Parish Council, to review the effectiveness of road bridge traffic restrictions made during the recent bridge works.

• Officers would set the intention to hold a meeting with relevant parties, including the Parish Council, in advance of any such future works.

• It was resolved to write to the Highways Engineer to complain about the short notice of new overnight restrictions on the bridge crossing in effect from 25 July 2022.

xvii. Road surface damage opposite NISA, caused by the recent extreme hot weather was reported via FixMyStreet with a response received of ‘no further action’. Officers were to reconsider the decision.

03. New matters.

i. A temporary traffic restriction on Young’s Row and Crosby Row was noted

ii. Brambles had been reported as overgrowing the footpath on the Falkland’s Estate at Tom’s Wood, it was resolved to contact LCC informing them that the area was privately owned.

iii. It was resolved to contact highways concerning the closing off of the walkway near the old Royal British Legion.

iv. Cllr Perkins reported an overgrown hedge on Royal Close and would send a picture to the clerk to be reported on Fixmystreet.

v. It was resolved to contact the highways officers and thank them for their time in attending the meeting on Tuesday, 26 July 2022.

22.180. Committee and Working Party reports.

01. New Pavilion Committee.

i. The draft minutes of the last meeting held 12 July 2022 were noted.

ii. It was resolved for the chair to call a Parish Meeting 18:00hrs Tuesday, 04 October 2022 to provide an update of progress on the new pavilion.

iii. The clerk reported that after writing to a senior partner at the Council’s solicitors, Land Registry matters were now progressing. Whilst it was hoped to be no longer necessary, it was resolved, in consultation with the chair or vice-chair, to delegate to the clerk authority to take any appropriate action, including the submission of a complaint, so as to expedite solicitor’s action.

iv. It was resolved to delegate to the New Pavilion committee such actions as were required to send out invitations to tender for the appointment of a contractor for the design of the new pavilion. 

v. It was resolved that members’ requirements for the new pavilion should be sent to the clerk no later than 5pm 27 July 2022, so that these could be forwarded to Mr Sandell at Ridge and Partners, in time for the previously agreed deadline of 28 July 2022.

vi. Cllr Brewis stated that he would be arranging a further meeting of the working party to confirm arrangements for the delivery of the letter requesting support from businesses.

vii. Following a request by the chair to reduce the number of members on the committee, Cllr M Booth, Cllr Perkins, and Cllr Pitt, resigned as members of the New Pavilion Committee.

02. Garden Allotments Committee.

i. The date for the collection of ~3 tonnes of hardcore from Foul Anchor to repair the track at Wright’s Lane allotment had been delayed. It was agreed to accept Cllr York’s kind offer to transport the stone when the revised collection date was received.

ii. It was noted that the meeting postponed due to the excessive heat warnings had been rescheduled for 06 September 2022.

iii. The concrete posts for the Wrights Lane allotments had been ordered. As previously agreed, three boundary posts would be installed first. with the remaining two posts installed sometime after the planned meeting with the allotment tenants.

03. Open spaces Working Party.

i. It was resolved to elevate the Open Spaces Working Party to a committee. The nominated members were to remain the same: Cllr Davies, Cllr Perkins, Cllr Robinson, Cllr Scarlett, & Cllr York.

ii. It was resolved to authorise Cllr York to hold a key for the Memorial Park for emergency access.

iii. It was resolved to purchase a combination lock, to the value of £50.00, for the Memorial Park gate so that details could be given to the emergency services.

04. CCTV Working Party.

i. It was reported that a CCTV working party meeting would be arranged shortly.

05. Community Speed Watch (CSW).

i. Cllr Perkins reported that as daytime bridge works had ended, traffic monitoring sessions could restart. Volunteers were still required, please contact the clerk for further information.

ii. CSW Zoom training on 08 August 2022 was noted. Please contact the clerk if interested.

22.181. To receive outside body representative reports.

01. The clerk reported that an up-to-date poster for the Allen’s charity for publishing on the Council’s website had yet to be received.

02. Cllr Brewis had attended the latest LALC meeting and reported there was a new code of conduct, which he suggested should be adopted. A new LALC website had been set up.

03. Cllr Bruch confirmed that a copy of the Curlew Centre constitution would be forwarded to the clerk as soon as possible.

22.182. To consider update in discussions with SHDC regarding village parks.

i. A late email had been received from SHDC confirming that they had received the proposals for the village parks controlled by the district, and that a progress update would be sent in due course. 

20:40hrs Standing Orders were suspended to allow Cllr Tyrrell to speak on the subject

ii. Cllr Tyrrell reported that the Parish Council should submit bids to the levelling up fund. District Council members had confirmed that once levelling up funds were committed to the Spalding leisure complex, the previously budgeted spend on the project would be reallocated for grants to parish council projects.

20:43hrs Standing Orders were reinstated 

iii. As the Parish Council had already submitted a bid, it was resolved to follow this up with SHDC.

22.183. Since the circulation of a NALC report to councillors on 15 June 2022 about the proposed introduction of a compulsory Infrastructure Levy by central government for 2024, no further update was available.

22.184. Items to be included on the agenda of a future meeting.

01. To consider an authorised gateway installed into the Memorial Park

02. To consider the removal of a felled tree stump in the Memorial Park.

22.185. It was resolved to move into closed session on the grounds of confidentiality in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 s.1(2).

20:48hrs Four members of the public and Cllr Tyrrell left the meeting.

22.186. Reactive Speed Indication Devices (SIDs),

01. Under previous minute 22.137.01, it had been resolved to purchase two battery-operated SIDs @ ~£2,200.00 + VAT each, with six fixing brackets. However, following further clarification from the Highways Road Safety Officer, it was found that the proposed SIDs were too large to be fixed to LCC streetlights, and instead would need to be fixed to separate posts @ £250 per location.

02. After consideration of a subsequent quote, if after agreement of approved locations had been made with the highway’s safety officer, and if the previous supply company could not provide units suitable to be fixed to LCC streetlights, it was resolved to proceed with the purchase of two units as detailed in the latest quote received @ £5,500 in total.

22.187. Quotes for other works.

01. It was reported that highways required a design for licensing approval, prior to the installation of a village gateway on a highways’ verge. It was resolved to appoint a working party to propose a location on New Road, the size and design of the gates, and the wording of any signage. Cllr Pitt, Cllr Scarlett, and Cllr York were appointed to the working party, who between them would arrange a meeting. Quotes were to be submitted to full Council for authorisation.

02. It was resolved to approve a savoury and sweet buffet for Propeller Memorial Service @ £13.95 per person for 30 people. Total £418.50.

03. Regarding the removal of stump in the Memorial Park, it was resolved to defer this matter to the next meeting.

04. It was resolved to cut back the laurel hedge in the Garden of Rest to 5ft at the front of the gazebo and to tidy and shape up the hedge behind the gazebo @ £125.00 plus VAT.

05. It was resolved to approve works for the application of a suitable weed killer on the twitch grass in the Garden of Rest @ £165.00 plus VAT for three occasions.

06. It was resolved to trim back and tidy the West and East boundary hedges of the Garden of Rest maintaining 6ft height @ £345.00 plus VAT.

07. It was resolved to repair the unstable bench near the entrance to the Memorial Park @ £105.00.

08. It was resolved to approve works to trace and locate buried manhole using a camera, excavate buried manhole to allow access, and cut root within the pavilion foul sewer @£572.50 plus VAT.

22.188. The clerk read out communications with the Spalding Police Inspector about a previous report of assault in the Memorial Park. The matter did not require any further action by the Parish Council.

22.189. Cllr S Booth reported that he had been contacted by a resident about a potential dispute with a neighbour. As this was not a Parish Council matter, he had advised the resident to contact SHDC environment services for advice.

22.190. The clerk reported that solicitors were to be consulted on the matter of a private gateway having been installed into the Memorial Park, as soon as Land Registry matters had further progressed. It was resolved to defer further reports of the matter to the next meeting.

22.191. Staffing & administration matters

01. It was resolved to ratify the clerk’s attendance at the SLCC National Conference in November 2022 @ £335.00+VAT+ travel.

02. The clerk reported that he believed that had made an error in the way certain expenses had been paid. It was resolved to refer the matter to LALC for further advice.

21:12hrs Having previously declared an interest in the following matter, Cllr Bruch left the meeting.

22.192. Cllr Bruch had previously advised the clerk that a copy of the constitution for The Sutton Bridge Community Centre Fund (1072664) would be forwarded shortly. Cllr Robinson stated that the Constitution for The Curlew Community Centre (1165098) was being requested from the Charity Commission and that he would forward a copy to the clerk. 

The chair closed the meeting at 21.17hrs.