26 May 2020 Annual Council Meeting

Minutes of the Annual Parish Council meeting held 6pm Tuesday, 26 May 2020 via remote attendance.

Present: Cllrs S. Booth (chairman), Scarlet (vice-chair), M Booth, Brewis, Clery (resigned at 18.06hrs), Davies, Goodwin, Summers, York
Clerk: Mr R Smith. Admin Asst: Mrs K Croxford
Public: 2
Press: Victoria Fear – Spalding Guardian 

Absent: Cllr Ebbs

Cllr S Booth greeted everyone present and informed them that the meeting would be recorded. 

20.050 Cllr S Booth was elected chairman for the year 2020/21. (1)

20.051 Cllr A Scarlett was elected vice-chair for the year 2020/21. (2)

Cllr Clery read out a statement resigning as a member of the Parish Council at 18:06hrs. 

20.052 Members’ attendance was noted, no apologies were given (3).

20.053 No declarations of disclosable pecuniary or other interests were received (4)

20.054 It was resolved for Standing Orders to incorporate the provisions of LAPCP 2020. (5)

20.055 Public participation (6)

A member of the public raised the following questions:

i. Regarding agenda item (14ii) in view of his position with Lincolnshire County Councillor (LCC), could Cllr Brewis explain his involvement in the planning for the Cross Keys marina extension and why he had not mentioned it before? 

Cllr Brewis replied that he understood that a successful bid for funds had been made by BCKLWN (Borough Council of King’s Lynn & West Norfolk) to extend the marina and that the bid was intended to benefit the Sutton Bridge community. Cllr Brewis stated that he was being updated by members of LCC later in the week.

ii. With reference to the Parish annual meeting, did the Parish Council hold a valid farm tenancy for land farmed by Cllr S Booth and if not, what was it doing to regularise the matter?

iii. As a County, District, and Parish Councillor, could Cllr Brewis explain why he had no done more to obtain the marina accounts, and would he now get that information?

iv. Having been led to believe that District Cllr M Booth and Cllr Brewis had declined to pass on any of the LCC food bank funding to Cllr York (local organiser), could they explain their reasons?

Cllr Brewis responded stating that within their District budgets, he and Cllr M Booth paid for the rent of the room where the Food Bank kept its stores and they felt that they were doing their bit for the food bank. Cllr M Booth responded stating that no charge was made to the Food Bank for the use of the room, the District councillors budgets had been cut by 25% and given they were now short of funds, it was felt the sufficient had been done on behalf of the Food Bank.

20.056 It was resolved to approve the minutes of the meeting held 25/02/20. (7)

20.057 The following police matters were noted (8).

i. The Parish Council’s electricity box adjacent to the entrance to the car park had been broken into. This had been reported to the police via 101 online. The lock had been replaced with an added lockable bolt. Signage indicating 400V danger of death had also been added. 

ii. Discussions with the local PCSO had been ongoing during the lockdown in relation to closing the children’s’ play area in the Memorial Park, Parish Council equipment in the Princes Street Park and the LCC picnic area, which the Parish Council was helping to maintain. The picnic area had since been reopened. It was intended that the reopening of the play area and outside equipment would take place in line with government advice.

20.058 Chairman’s report (9)

i. See appendix 1.

20.059 Clerk’s report (10)

i. The website had been regularly updated during the lockdown, both to report on the coronavirus emergency resolutions and to provide information relating to services available and service affected during the coronavirus emergency.

ii. The clerk and admin assistant continued to work from home. The equipment and software were in place to allow this to operate efficiently. The office was being checked weekly for post and messages.

iii. The Parish Council litter picker had restarted litter picking on 13th May, although due to health and safety issues, the clerk was continuing to empty the two Parish Council bins on Bridge Road. 

iv. Much of the last month had been spent completing the financial accounts for 2019/20 and submitting information to the internal auditor. This was further reported to the meeting under the agenda items for finance matters. Dealing with matters relating to the coronavirus medical emergency had also taken up considerable time.

Due to the above, certain works remained pending:

* Authorised electrical works in the Parish Office.

* Adaptation of the old toilet block to provide garaging of the new utility vehicle. 

* Progressing the Farm Business Tenancy agreements.

* Quotations for the design and build of a new sport’s pavilion.

* Drawings for improved drainage in the car park.

v. The utility vehicle was kindly being held in storage on behalf of the Council by Cllr M. Booth. Adequate cables to allow recharging through standard 13A electric supply were to be sourced at a cost of less than £30. Suitable drivers’ insurance would be in place shortly. A quote had just been received for marking the vehicle with Sutton Bridge Parish Council lettering @ £60 plus VAT. Artwork was awaited.

vi. The following previously arranged events had been postponed due to the coronavirus emergency:

* Meeting with District Council for discussions regarding the Bridge Hotel.

* Meeting with District Council for discussions regarding the District’s parks in the Village.

* Training for the new website provided by Lincolnshire County Council (LCC)

* Installation by LCC of an electric vehicle charging point in the Parish Council car park.

vii. Fly tipping at the entrance of Princes Street Park had been reported on 15th May.

viii. The broken gate on the old A17 had been reported to LCC on 19th May.

ix. Following a complaint from a resident of rubbish being put out days in advance of collection outside Chapel Court on Allenby’s Chase, this had been reported via the District’s fly tipping portal on 21st May. 

x. An acknowledgment had been received from The Pensions Regulator following the Parish Council’s re-declaration of compliance.

xi. A local resident had expressed interest in becoming the Community Speed Watch co-ordinator for the Parish Council.

xii. Following the removal of ivy from trees in the Memorial Park, the Parish Council had been advised by the LCC aboricultural officer to fell two poplar trees identified as suffering partial decay. TPO applications to permit this are being submitted. The removal of the trees is expected to cost £740. Further advice received about a cherry tree in the Memorial Park suffering from nectria canker confirmed that it did not require any further action at this time.

xiii. A grave burial would be taking place on Friday 5th June at the cemetery. The cemeteries rules and regulations were currently under review.

xiv. The LCC senior lighting engineer had requested that the Parish Council applied for a licence for its Christmas lights. This will require LCC inspections of the street light columns to be made and an unmetered electricity supply arrangement put in place. The Parish Council’s contractor had stated that this would all be dealt with at the time the first order was placed. However, it is understood that a more relaxed regime may have been in place at LCC at this time. 

xv. An extraordinary meeting was required to authorise two councillors (chairman and vice-chair) to sign on behalf of the Parish Council the contract of sale of its land at Kenzie Drive. It was intended that formal notice would go out for this to take place 6pm Tuesday 2nd June 2020, via remote attendance.

xvi. The vacancy on the Parish Council resulting from the resignation of Ms Cook, had received a request from 10 electors for an election to be held. Due to the coronavirus medical emergency, the Government had put in place The Coronavirus Act 2020, which suspended all elections until May 6th, 2021. This vacancy would not therefore be filled until after that time. 

xvii. Regarding the vacancy resulting from Mr Clery’s resignation earlier in the meeting, it was understood that unless there was a request from 10 electors for an election within the notice period, the position could be filled by co-option. If an election was requested, then in accordance with The Coronavirus Act 2020, the vacancy could not be filled until an election took place, not before May 6th, 2021. The matter would be confirmed with the District’s returning officer and appropriate notices posted.

20.060 To receive reports from District & County Councillors (11)

Cllr M. Booth reported: 

i. District Council meetings had been taking place through Zoom, Priory Road was closed, and staff were working from home. 

ii. Cllr M Booth made comments regarding the resignation of Cllr Clery and related events.

Cllr Brewis reported

iii. District & County Council officers were now working from home and continuing to do a good job. The area benefitted from excellent other services including retail, the health centre, pharmacy, refuse, recycling, and bus services. An expression of thanks was made to all those involved.

iv. An LCC grant of £3,000 had been provided to support the community during the coronavirus emergency. So far, £1,000 had been given to the Men’s Shed, £500 to Lives, £300 to Citizen Advice Bureau, and Cllr Brewis was enquiring about giving a small amount to Lincolnshire Air Ambulance. 

20.061 It was resolved to ratify emergency coronavirus resolutions CV1 through to CV27, as previously resolved by councillors through email polls and as published on the Parish Council website (12).

20.062 Financial matters (13)

i. It was resolved to approve the April bank reconciliation

ii. Payments to 26 May 2020, as below:

Payee Detail Net £ VAT £ Total £
Microsoft Office 365 Subscription     225.60     45.12     270.72
Talk Talk  Calls & Broadband       26.95      5.39       32.34
Mrs K Croxford Travel       20.52         20.52
Mrs K Croxford Mobile Telephone - April         8.33      1.67       10.00
Mrs K Croxford Mobile Telephone - May         8.33      1.67       10.00
ICCM  Subscription 2020/21       95.00         95.00
Mr R Smith  Travel       21.60         21.60
Mr R Smith  Webcam & mic       28.90      5.49       34.39
Mr R Smith  Zoom Meeting 1 month's subscription       11.99      2.40       14.39
Mr R Smith  Mobile Telephone - May         8.33      1.67       10.00
Mr R Smith  Salary   1,690.41     1,690.41
Mrs K Croxford Salary     332.85       332.85
Mr D Emerson  Salary     103.08       103.08
Lincs Pension Fund Pension Scheme     780.24       780.24
Heronwood Grass Cutting     525.00       525.00
Mr D Large  Memorial Park Maintenance     370.00       370.00
Mr D Emerson  Expenses          2.70           2.70
Fenland Fire Pavilion appliance certificate       33.00      6.60       39.60
Mr D Large  2 x picnic bench renovation     160.00       160.00
Anglian Water WAVE Water charges old toilet block         4.62      0.26         4.88
Anglian Water WAVE Water charges Pavilion         2.59           2.59
XBM Ltd Photocopier Charges       15.00      3.00       18.00
Total      4,475.04     73.27   4,548.31

It was resolved to approve payments as listed above

iii. The following receipts since the last meeting were noted: precept £65,759.00; VAT refund £2,209.83; interest £268.61; allotment rents £479.00; farm rents £4,377.30; LCC picnic site maintenance fees £757.50. 

iv. It was resolved to approve the actual vs. budget out-turn report for year ended 31st March 2020.

v. It was resolved to approve the financial accounts for the year ended 31st March 2020.

vi. It was resolved to approve the bank reconciliation for the year ended 31st March 2020.

vii. It was resolved to approve the asset register as at 31st March 2020.

viii. It was resolved to receive the annual internal audit report 2019/20 (AGAR page 3 of 6) noting that all relevant control objectives are appropriate and satisfactory and that no weaknesses in control have been identified.

ix. It was resolved to receive the detailed internal auditor’s report for 2019/20, noting recommendations.

A member of the public entered the meeting at 6.40pm.

x. It was resolved to approve an annual subscription to Adobe Acrobat Pro software to address the internal auditor’s recommendation R1, by moving towards paperless invoicing, which the internal auditor had agreed would be an acceptable solution.

xi. After considering and agreeing each statement in turn, it was resolved to approve the annual governance statement 2019/20 (AGAR page 4 of 6).

xii. It was resolved to approve the explanation of variance 2019/20.

xiii. It was resolved to approve the annual accounting statements 2019/20 (AGAR page 5 of 6).

 Recent correspondence (14)

i. The receipt of correspondence from a Parishioner, recording communications between them and Lincolnshire County Council concerning the Sutton Bridge marina was noted. The member of public concerned indicated that a copy of a further communications would be forwarded to the Parish Council for its records.

ii. It was resolved to consider a response to the Marine License consultation (MLA/2020/00002) on the ‘Sail the Wash’ pontoon extension scheme for the Cross Keys Marina at the next meeting.

A member of the public left the meeting at 6.50pm.

iii. It was resolved to approve a request by U3A group to resume archery practice on the Memorial Park subject to a satisfactory copy of an updated risk assessment incorporating coronavirus prevention measures.

20.063 It was resolved that while meetings were being held by remote attendance, planning matters would continue to be dealt with through email consultations in accordance with the Parish Council’s planning policy. (15)

20.064 The following planning comments were reported as having been submitted as agreed under the Council’s planning policy:

i. H18-0309-20: 146 Bridge Road. Change of use of shop to residential dwelling. Support – ‘supports housing need’.

ii. H18-0314-20/ H18-0333-20: 46 Bridge Road. Conversion of outbuilding to chiropractors’ studios. Support – ‘Benefit to the community’.

20.065 The following planning decisions for the Parish had been reported on the District’s planning portal:

i. H18-0220-20: 25 Wrights Lane. Extensions and alterations. Approved.

ii. H18-0199-20: 147 Bridge Road. Extension to bungalow. Approved.

iii. H18-0191-20: Adj. 236 Bridge Road. Residential development, 3 units. Refused.

iv. H18-0046-20: 46 New Road. Internal alterations and extension. Approved.

v. H18-1182-19: 92 Peters Point Road. Extension and alterations. Approved.

vi. H18-1167-19: Land North: Nightingale Way. Outline approved.

vii. H18-1160-19: Adj. 217 Bridge Road. Dwelling. Outline approved.

20.066 It was resolved that while meetings were being held by remote attendance, highways & footways matters should be reported directly to either County Council Highways or to the District Council, via their respective reporting portals. If there were problems, matters could be forwarded via email to the clerk. (16)

20.067 It was resolved to delegate to the clerk such action as was required for the licensing and testing of the Christmas lights installations with Lincolnshire County Council, and the establishment of an unmetered electricity supply; authorising required expenditure of no more than £500. (17)

20.068 It was resolved to approve 2 applications of weed killer in the Memorial Park @ £160 plus VAT. (18)

20.069 It was resolved to approve an annual agreement for the monitoring and treatment of Japanese knotweed in the Memorial Park @ £360 plus VAT. (19)

20.070 It was resolved to appoint Cllr Goodwin to the Finance committee to join current members: Cllrs Brewis, Booth, Scarlett & York (20). 

20.071 It was resolved to keep membership of the following committees unchanged, until such time as new councillors were elected (20):

i.  Personnel committee (current members: Cllrs Brewis, Goodwin, Ebbs, Scarlett, York)

ii.  Burial ground committee (current members: Cllrs Brewis, Booth, Davies, Scarlett,)

iii.  Pavilion and new projects committee (current members: Cllrs Booth, Brewis, Davies, Scarlett, York, +2 co-opted) (20):

20.072 It was resolved to appoint Cllr Summers to the open spaces working party to join current members: Cllrs Ebbs, Davies, Scarlett, York (21).

20.073 It was resolved to keep membership of the following working parties unchanged, until such time as new councillors were elected (21):

i. Allotments and farm tenancies (current members: Cllrs M Booth (advisory role), Brewis, Davies, Goodwin, Ebbs, Summers)

ii. Footpaths & byways (no current members)

20.074 It was resolved to authorise the clerk to discuss with interested members of the public the possibility of their co-option to the position of the Parish Council’s community speed watch co-ordinator. The co-option of any person to be considered at a future Parish Council meeting. (21):

20.075 It was resolved for representatives of the Parish Council on outside bodies to be as follows (22):

i. Allen’s and Thomas Blank’s charities - Ms Cook (co-opted), Cllrs Scarlett, York.

ii. Sutton Bridge Community Centre Fund – none.

iii. King’s Lynn & West Norfolk Advisory Group - Cllr Brewis.

iv. Voluntary car scheme - Cllr M Booth, Mr Grimwood (co-opted).

v. Lincolnshire association of local councils - Cllr Brewis.

vi. Sutton Bridge Power Station liaison group - Cllr York.

vii. Suttons emergency planning (Cllrs M Booth, Brewis, York)

viii. Charter of friendship group - Mr Grimwood (co-opted).

20.076 It was resolved that the date for the propeller memorial service would be Sunday 6th September 2020. Due to the coronavirus emergency, no catering or post service arrangements were to be made (23).

20.077 It was resolved to include the following items on the agenda of a future meeting (24):

i. Grant application for Jelly’s & Jolly’s.

ii. Marine License consultation (MLA/2020/00002) on the ‘Sail the Wash’ pontoon extension scheme for the Cross Keys Marina

19:08 Cllr Davis left meeting.

20.078 It was resolved to agree for the next full Council meeting to take place 6pm, Tuesday 30th June 2020, via remote attendance (25). 

20.079 It was resolved to delegate to the clerk the decision for ongoing subscription renewal to the Zoom virtual meeting software @£11.99 + VAT per month (26).

20.080 It was resolved to resolve on moving into closed session on the grounds of confidentiality by virtue of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 s.1(2) (27).           

19.13pm Cllr Davis returned 

20.081 Staffing & administration matters CONFIDENTIAL as matters relate to staff engagement; terms of service; staff conduct; or disciplinary matters]. (28).

i. It was resolved to authorise matters relating to the location of the electric utility vehicle, subject to appropriate insurance and signage being in place and subject to the purchase and operation of a wheel clamp for security purposes.

ii. It was resolved to delegate to the clerk the authority to deal with the matter of an anticipated staff expense relating to the utility vehicle.

iii. It was resolved that in line with government advice, the clerk and admin assistant would continue to work from their respective homes until further notice.

20.082 Cllr York reported that the foodbank had experienced unprecedented demand during the current coronavirus emergency, supplying over 145 parcels a week. It continued to work with the education authority and support 4 schools in the local area. An expression of thanks was made to all volunteers.

There being no further business the meeting was declared closed at 19:25 pm.


2020 has certainly thrown us a curveball. Xanne, my wife, is shielding and I am trying to have the least amount of contact with people, while keeping my business running. 

For those of you who are helping our community, I thank you for all your efforts. This past year I would like to thank the Parish Councillors who have helped the Parish Council to where it is at this point, and to Anne Scarlett my vice-chairman who has supported my chairmanship and stood in where necessary. Lastly, I would like to thank our staff - Robert, Karen, and Derek, who have kept the Parish Council going working from home and stepping up to do jobs that are not on their remit. 

Hopefully, we can all get back soon to what is being hailed as a new normal, to a meeting where we can be in the same room, but I guess still social distancing for some time to come.


Cllr Simon Booth
