05 May 2020 Coronavirus Emergency Resolutions CV17 - CV27

On 05 May the following resolutions were passed based by a majority of councillors responding to an email consultation.

Coronavirus Emergency Resolutions (to be ratified at the next Parish Council meeting)

CV17 It was resolved that the next meeting of the Parish Council would be the Annual Meeting to be held through remote attendance at 6pm on Tuesday 26 May 2020 in accordance with The Local Authorities and Police and Crime Panels (Coronavirus) (Flexibility of Local Authority and Police and Crime Panel Meetings) (England and Wales) Regulations 2020. The virtual location will be published with the notice of the meeting.

CV18 It was resolved to agree the period of Public Rights, when members of the public can inspect the Parish Council’s accounting records and other documents, as being from Monday 15 June to Friday 24 July 2020.

CV19 It was resolved to confirm with St Matthew’s Church PCC the continuation of the existing churchyard maintenance agreement, authorising an annual churchyard grant of £2,500 to be paid next month by the Parish Council (as permitted Local Government Act (LGA) 1972 s.214).

CV20 It was resolved that any previous Parish Council bank signatories who are no longer members of the Council be removed as signatories from all Parish Council bank accounts.

CV21 It was resolved to keep cemetery fees for 2020/21 at the current level.

CV22 It was resolved to keep photocopying charges on the model publication scheme document at current levels:

A4 Black & White - £0.10; colour - £0.50 per copy.

A3 Black & White - £0.20; colour - £1.00 per copy

CV23 It was resolved to ratify an agreement with Lincolnshire County Council with the Parish Council providing litter picking and grass cutting services at the East Bank picnic site.

CV24 It was resolved to remove ivy on Memorial Park trees excluding western boundary @ £300.

CV25 It was resolved to attach tags to all trees on the memorial park, to fix key cabinet in the Parish Office and to fix hazard signs on the outside electric box @ £50.00.

CV26 Following a review, it was resolved to adopt a revised Parish Council Risk Assessment

CV27 The Council resolved on confidential matters relating to a member of staff’s terms of service.