18 August 2020 Extraordinary Council Meeting

Minutes of the Extraordinary Meeting of Sutton Bridge Parish Council held 7pm, 18 August 2020, via remote attendance

Present: Councillor Simon Booth (chairman), Councillor Anne Scarlet (vice-chair), Councillor Michael Booth, Councillor Chris Brewis, Councillor Kim Davies, Councillor Rachael Goodwin, Councillor David Summers, Councillor Terry York, Mr Robert Smith (Clerk), Ms A. Davies (Cadno Communications), Mr A. Bennett (EDF Renewables)

Not in attendance: Councillor Gavin Ebbs.

20.140 Members attendance was noted, no apologies were received

20.141 No declarations of disclosable pecuniary or other interests were received

20.142 Ms Davies and Mr Bennett gave a presentation on the proposed Sutton Bridge solar farm

20.143 Councillors posed a number of questions regarding the proposed project, which were responded to by Ms Davies and Mr Bennett

20.144 It was resolved to move into closed session on the grounds of confidentiality by virtue of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 s.1(2).

Ms Davies and Mr Bennett left the meeting.

20.145 Cllr Brewis stated that he would be abstaining from voting on issues relating to the solar farm, as he would be considering the matter as a member of the South Holland planning committee.

20.146 It was resolved for the clerk to respond to the EDF Energy’s consultation on behalf of the Council, as follows:

I. The Parish Council was concerned about the effects of climate change.

II. The Parish Council supported the development of solar farms in Lincolnshire.

III. The Parish Council was supportive of the Sutton Bridge solar farm proposal, subject to the following comments:

i That the Parish Council would be directly involved in the negotiation of a community benefits fund.

ii The natural planting scheme for the site should contribute to the area’s biodiversity, with the planting of native species.

iii Landscaping should provide satisfactory screening of the site from neighbouring properties, such that residents would not be adversely affected.

There being no other business the meeting closed at 19:06 hrs.