08 September 2020 Extraordinary Council Meeting

Minutes of the Extraordinary Meeting of Sutton Bridge Parish Council held 7pm, 08 September 2020, via remote attendance

Present: Councillor Anne Scarlet (vice-chair), Councillor Chris Brewis, Councillor Kim Davies, Councillor Rachael Goodwin, Councillor Terry York, Mr Robert Smith (Clerk), Mrs Karen Croxford (Admin. Asst.)

Not in attendance: Councillor Simon Booth, Councillor Michael Booth, Councillor Gavin Ebbs, Councillor David Summers.

20.147 Member’s attendance was noted, apologies were received from Cllrs M Booth & S Booth

20.148 No declarations of disclosable pecuniary or other interests were received

20.149 It was resolved to move into closed session on the grounds of confidentiality by virtue of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 s.1(2).

20.150 Farm Business Tenancies (FBT) agreements

I. Noting advice from the Council’s land agents concerning the exceptionally adverse weather conditions experienced during the growing season and its effect on farm rent values elsewhere, it was resolved to reduce the current rent increase from £220 (previously resolved 166.19) per acre to £200 per acre as from 11th October 2020, subject to updated agreements being implemented.

II. It was resolved to delegate responsibility to the clerk to have in place updated FBTs agreements ready for the new contract period commencing 11 October 2020 and to negotiate rationalisation of farm areas where possible, all subject to final approval by the Parish Council. An extraordinary meeting to be called as required to expedite the process.

III. It was resolved that the bar on the use of genetically modified crops contained within the new FBT agreements should be kept. Specific requests for the use of any genetically modified crops could be made to Parish Council for its consideration at a future time.

IV. Issues relating to the phasing out of direct farm subsidy payments between 2021-2027 were noted.

There being no other business the meeting closed at 18.41 hrs.