25 February 2020 Council Meeting

Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held 7pm Tuesday, 25 February 2020 in the Farmers’ Room at The Curlew Centre, Sutton Bridge.

Present: Cllrs: S. Booth (chairman), Scarlet (vice-chair), M Booth, Brewis, Clery, Davies, Goodwin, Summers.
Clerk: Mr R Smith.
Public: 5
Press: Ms Lynne Harrison, Spalding Guardian

Cllr S Booth greeted everyone present. 

Two members of the public requested to speak during the public forum and the following items were discussed:

I. It was requested that Cllr Brewis, as county councillor, support an action for a proportion (27.8%) of the surplus generated from the Sutton Bridge marina (£10,075 for y/e 31/03/18) to be received from Lincolnshire County council (LCC) for the benefit of the local community. After raising the matter of Cllr Brewis’ LCC allowance and expenses, a dispute and altercation occurred between Cllr Brewis and the member of the public concerned. The forum was called to order by the chairman.

II. a) A request was made for an update on progress with the Bridge Hotel. This matter was to be further discussed under agenda item 16. b) Tyres fly tipped on the East Bank had been reported and cleared by the District Council.

20.024 Apologies (1) 

Cllrs Cook, Ebbs, and York.

20.025 Declarations of disclosable pecuniary or other interests not previously notified to the Monitoring Officer and any written requests for dispensation. (2)

i. Cllr S. Booth declared an interest in agenda item 26 as a tenant of the Parish Council.

ii. Cllr M. Booth declared an interest in agenda item 26, being related to Cllr S. Booth.

20.026 Signing of the minutes (3)

It was resolved to approve the minutes of the meeting held 28/01/20 as an accurate record.

20.027 Police matters (4).

i. A police surgery had taken place on Friday 21st February and a further surgery was scheduled for Thursday 27th February. No feedback had been received.

ii.  As resolved, the clerk had sent a suggestion to the PCSO that the time allocated for the police surgery be split between attending the police room and walking around the village. No formal response had been received.

20.028 Chairman’s remarks (5)

i. See appendix 1.

20.029 Clerk’s report (6)

i. The website had been updated.

ii. New pictures of Sutton Bridge for the website’s picture gallery had been sourced by Cllr Clery and would be added to the web site in due course. 

iii. Training for the new website provided by Lincolnshire County Council (LCC) had been booked for 26th March at the District Council’s offices to be attended by the clerk. Only one space was available.

iv. Planning comments had been submitted as resolved.

v. A meeting with SHDC to discuss Princes’ Street Park and the play equipment had been requested. A response was still awaited.

vi. The LCC Parish highways grass cutting agreement had been signed and accepted.

vii. A response regarding school safety patrols at the Bridge Road zebra crossing was still awaited from Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership.

viii. A letter had been written to the head of Westmere Primary School in support of a new youth club.

ix. The notice and agenda for the Annual Parish Meeting had be posted and circulated. The Bridge Magazine had indicated that it would be promoting the event at no cost to the Council.

x. The chairman had kindly donated his chairman’s allowance of £550 to the Christmas lights reserve. This had been reflected in the budget and accounts.

xi. A representative of the East Elloe Good Neighbour scheme had been invited to address a future Parish Council meeting, or the Annual Parish Meeting.

xii. The cost for the highway’s cemetery sign had been determined at £285 + VAT. On receipt of an invoice it is intended to raise a cheque and complete acceptance form as provided for under previous resolution (189.19i)

xiii. The internal auditor would be undertaking the on-site review in the Parish office on Monday 27th April. 

xiv. Speed watch equipment had been returned to the office. A new co-ordinator was required to get this initiative off the ground. Interested parties, including members of the public, please contact the clerk. Training would be provided.

xv. Following receipt of reports of damage to the Memorial Park surface from a heavy vehicle, the football club were contacted. They had confirmed that they were responsible and would be repairing the surface as soon as the weather allowed. 

xvi. A quote from electricians for extending the electrics in the Parish Office as resolved on at the last meeting, wasn’t received until last Thursday. Given the price quoted, following consultation with the chairman and vice-chairman, it had been agreed that any delegated decision would await a further quotation and confirmation that the Curlew Centre didn’t have any objections or obligations in respect of the works.

20.030 To receive reports from County and District Councillors (7)   

Cllr Brewis’ reported:

i. Trees had been cut down at the Wingland’s lighthouse picnic site. It was agreed that the clerk would determine if LCC were responsible and if so the reasons for this action.

ii. Sutton Bridge and Long Sutton had not been included in available funds to help towns in South Lincolnshire. Cllr Brewis would be determining why this was the case.

iii. Tyres fly tipped on the East Bank had been reported and cleared by the District Council.

iv. Subject to confirmation of cost, the local district councillors would be supporting the purchase of three additional Christmas lights.

v. The faulty light on the pole for the zebra crossing’s Belisha beacon had been reported again.

vi. The planning application on the development north of Nightingale Way would be considered by the District’s planning committee.

Cllr M. Booth reported:

vii. The government had announced additional business rates measures applicable from 1st April 2020, which would provide relief for a significant number of businesses in South Holland.

viii. The government’s New Homes Bonus had been extended for another year.

ix. The District Council was holding a special meeting on climate change. It was said that this matter should be on everyone’s agenda.

x. Potholes, surface water flooding, and standing water needed to be dealt with by LCC highways.

xi. Previous emergency committee priorities had been flooding and aircraft accidents. Whereas pandemics should be the first item on any priority list.

20.031 Financial matters (8)   

Schedule of Payments to 25/02/2020:

Payee Detail Net £ VAT £ Total £
Anglian Water -Wave Water Rates old toilet block Sept-Dec 44.93 2.67 47.60
Ges Water 29.01.20 Water testing - Pavilion  130.00 26.00 156.00
Ges Water 31.10.19 Water testing credit Note  -130.00 -26.00 -156.00
Post Office Ltd Postage AB book 3.00   3.00
Post Office Ltd Postage 2.26   2.26
Staff Salaries 1,850.59   1,850.59
Lincs Pension Fund Pension Scheme 623.82   623.82
Bridge Hardware Padlock 2.82 0.56 3.38
Bridge Hardware Pegs for marking graves 3.65 0.73 4.38
Bridge Hardware Padlock  4.98 1.00 5.98
Amazon Uk  Key cabinet 16.11 3.23 19.34
Universal Silk Printers Hazard Sign  1.09 0.22 1.31
Mineet Uk ltd  Key Tags  3.93 0.78 4.71
Duke Gifts Hazard Sign  6.24 1.25 7.49
XBM LTD  Photocopier  5.01 1.01 6.02
Mr D Large Maintenance work in MP 160.00   160.00
LCC Signage for Burial Ground 285.00   285.00
S H Everitt Electric Report for Pavilion  200.00 40.00 240.00
Safety Signs Hazard Sign  17.35 3.47 20.82
Total    3,230.78 54.92 3,285.70

i. It was resolved to approve the payments as above. 

ii. It was noted that included above was delegated expenditure* by the clerk of £56.17 plus VAT.

iii. The following receipts were noted: interest £135.08; VAT refund £708.17; burial interment £400.00.

iv. It was resolved to approve the annual investment strategy 2020-21 document as circulated.

v. it was resolved not to make any material amendments to the Parish Council’s pension discretions statement as circulated.

vi. A grant application for £400 had been received from the Sutton Bridge in Bloom group. Noting the remaining budget in the General Grant Fund of £1,183.38, it was resolved to approve the application (LGA 1972, s137).

20.032 Recent correspondence (9)

i. Following receipt of details of the Great British spring clean taking place between 20th March and 13th April, it was resolved to sign up in support and contact the District’s Pride team for their support.

ii. Receipt was noted of East Elloe Good Neighbour Scheme poster & residents’ survey, held in the library. 

iii. It was noted that the Lincolnshire Best Kept Villages Competition would not be running this year due to a loss of funding. 

iv. An invitation to the Wisbech Mayor’s Sunday lunch on Sunday 26th April @ £32 per person was noted.

20.033 Planning matters (10)

i. New applications

* H18-0137-20: Estate Office Bridge Farm, New Road, PE12 9QE. Condition compliance. It was resolved to make no comment.

* H18-0171-20: Estate Office Bridge, Farm New Road, PE12 9QE. Condition compliance. It was resolved to make no comment.

ii. Decided applications

* H18-1211-19: 45-50 Bridge Road, PE12 9UA. Residential development. Outline. Approved.

* H18-1215-19: Barn adj. Westmere Farm, New Road. Barn conversion. Modification. Approved.

* H18-1189-19: Land east of Bridge Autos, Bridge Road. 2 semi-detached houses. Full. Refused.

* H18-1149-19: 8a High Street, PE12 9LH. Condition compliance. Approved. [

* H18-1099-19: Bridge Road, PE12 9RA. 2 Commercial units with flats. Full. Approved.

* H18-1070-19: Land rear 158 Bridge Road. Pair of semi-detached houses. Full. Approved.

* H18-0631-17: Land rear of old Post Office, 158 Bridge Road. Condition compliance. Withdrawn.

* H18-1070-19: Land rear old Post Office, 158 Bridge Road. 2 semi-detached houses. Full. Approved.

20.034 Highways & footways (11)  

i. Update on outstanding matters

* Crumbled road surface at junction of Garner’s Lane and Grange Road to be reported.

* Large pothole on New Road on left as approaching village from the north had been filled.

* Column light failure on Bridge Road zebra crossing had been reported again.

* Road surface of zebra crossing to be further investigated.

* The reasons for the lack of bus stop road markings outside the Boathouse to be investigated with highways.

* Large pothole on Avenue Farm Road to be reported.

ii. New matters to be reported:

* 30/40 mph sign at the west end of the Village had been knocked/blown round.

* BT vehicles had been observed parking up on the side of the old A17 footpath churning up and damaging good work done by others. To be reported to highways.

20.035 Committees and working party reports (12)


20.036 Outside bodies’ representatives’ reports (13)

A written note was received from Cllr York that a meeting of the Lincolnshire Community Voluntary Service would be held 9.30am on Monday 2nd March 2020 in the Police Room, to discuss local community funding needs.  

20.037 Car park (14).

Drawings of the drainage proposals for the car park had been requested from the contractor as resolved. A response was still awaited. Cllr Brewis agreed to chase the contractors.

20.038 School Crossing Patrol (15)

A response was still awaited from the Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership.

20.039 Bridge Hotel (16)

i. As previously circulated to members, a response had been received from the District’s Building Consultancy Manager to a query originally made by the clerk in March 2019. Dates for a meeting had been requested at which the clerk would pass on information as previously resolved by the Parish Council. A response from the officer concerned was awaited.

ii. Cllr Clery expressed his dissatisfaction that his previous proposals on the Bridge Hotel had not been taken up by the Parish Council.

20.040 New pavilion and associated facilities (17)

i. As previously resolved, a meeting with Savills to discuss the provision of sports pitches and had now been arranged for 26/02/2020. This would be attended by Cllr S. Booth, Cllr Brewis, and the clerk. 

ii. Design and build quotations for the new pavilion were still to be arranged, pending the outcome of the above meeting.

20.041 Utility vehicle (18)

It was resolved for the clerk, subject to the agreement of the chairman, to purchase an electric utility vehicle, up to a maximum initial expenditure of £15,000.00 including cost of conversion for garaging and electric charge point installation. Financing as well as outright purchase to be considered.

20.042 To consider the creation of a community wood - Cllr Brewis (19)

It was resolved for an appropriate area of around 2 acres to be identified prior to further consideration by the Parish Council.

20.043 Memorial Park (20)

i. It was resolved to approve work on storm damaged trees in various locations @ £160.00. 

ii. It was resolved to renovate 2 picnic benches on the village green @ £160.00.

iii. It was resolved to accept the recommendation for the LCC arboricultural officer to resurvey the Memorial Par trees in 2022.

20.044 To consider LALC annual training scheme (ATS) (21)

       It was resolved not to renew the ATS this year but to keep the matter under annual review.

20.045 To receive members’ requests for consideration at the discretion of the chairman (22).

i. Cllr Summers questioned the situation with the old British Legion building. It was agreed that the clerk would obtain a copy of the title deeds from Land Registry.

ii. The chairman had inspected the cemetery and while areas of the land (old sugar beet clamp) were sodden and needed to be monitored, it was hoped that this would improve with drier weather. The southern hedge was budding up, but gaps might need to be considered towards the end of the year.

20.046 It was resolved to move into closed session on the grounds of confidentiality by virtue of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 s.1(2).   (23).

Five members of the public and one member of the press left the meeting at 8.04pm.

20.047 Sale of Kenzie Drive (24)

Following a report from the Clerk, the Parish Council resolved appropriately.

20.048 Staffing matters

Following the receipt of appraisal reports, the Parish Council resolved appropriately.

Cllrs S Booth and M Booth left the meeting at 8.35pm having previously declared an interest in the following agenda item 25.

Cllr A Scarlett took the chair 

20.049 Farm Business Tenancies (FBTs) (25)

The clerk reported on three quotes that had been provided for the supply of suitable FBT agreements and tenant facilitation. It was resolved to appoint R. Longstaff & Co from Spalding to produce up to five FBT agreements and up to 4 hours facilitating discussion between the Council and Tenants, at a maximum cost of £1,800 + VAT, including disbursements. 

There being no further business the meeting was declared closed at 8.46pm.