28 July 2020 Council Meeting

Minutes of the meeting of Sutton Bridge Parish Council held 6pm Tuesday, 28 July 2020 via remote attendance.

Present: Councillor Simon Booth (chairman), Councillor Anne Scarlett (vice-chair), Councillor Michael Booth (from 6.47pm), Councillor Chris Brewis, Councillor Kim Davies, Councillor Rachael Goodwin, Councillor Terry York, Mr Robert Smith (Clerk), Mrs Karen Croxford (Admin. Asst.), Ms Kat Wakefield (Spalding Guardian), two members of the public.

Cllr S Booth greeted everyone present and informed them that the meeting would be recorded.

20.117 Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Summers. Councillor Ebbs was not in attendance.

20.118 Disclosable pecuniary or other interests were declared by:

I. Cllr S Booth declared an interest in agenda item 11 (ix) as a tenant of the Parish Council

II. Cllr York declared an interest in agenda item 10 (vii) as an organiser of the local food bank.

20.119 Public participation

I. One member of the public requested to speak relating to agenda 11. (viii):

i The opinion was expressed that the use of the development funds, containing s.106 Power Station Funds, for financing of the Cross Keys marina was mismanaged and that the decision to use those funds as undertaken was ultra vires. It was reported that County Councillor Davie had declined to provide any recompense to the Parish. The resident stated that he would be making a formal complaint about the matter. It was requested that the Parish Council support the resident’s efforts to obtain a refund for the Parish in respect of £270,000 allegedly misspent on the original marina.

20.120 It was resolved to approve the minutes of the meeting held 30/06/20 as an accurate record

20.121 It was noted that no applications the Council casual vacancy had been received prior to the deadline of 17/07/20. The vacancy would be advertised with a revised deadline of 18th September 2020, in time for a co-option at the September meeting.

20.122 The local PCSO had reported that police drop-in sessions were expected to start again in the police room from 1st August.

20.123 Chairman’s report (see appendix 1.)

20.124 Clerk’s report

I. The website had been updated.

II. Following the completion of a risk assessment and inspection by members of the Open Spaces Committee, the children’s play area had reopened on Monday 20th July.

III. LCC had approved the purchase of a fire-resistant bin for dog poo and general waste at the East Bank Picnic area.

IV. Service of the pavilion’s boiler @ £50 and the fitting of smoke detectors, cost to be advised at next meeting, had been authorised under clerk’s delegated powers.

V. The problem of parking at the junction of Nightingales and Bridge Road is being monitored but appeared to have improved.

VI. LCC had been written to regarding Pippa’s Pantry, as resolved. LCC now had in place an on-line application system for street café and stall licences.

VII. Clerk’s on-line training for new website from LCC had been rescheduled for the end of August.

VIII. Burial ground regulations and memorial application form had been modified, as resolved.

IX. Responses to residents’ questions raised at the last meeting had been sent and were included under agenda item 11 – Recent Correspondence.

X. A response to recent Freedom of Information request about the sale of Parish Council land at Kenzie Drive was included in agenda item 11 – Recent Correspondence. The matter of the sale was further raised under agenda item 14.

20.125 To receive reports from District & County Councillors

I. Cllr Brewis reported

i The new Highways Community Works team would be visiting in September spending two weeks in each division for various work to be undertaken.

ii An emergency LCC meeting in early August was scheduled to agree policy on café street licence during the Covid-19 pandemic.

iii Bus stop markings to be applied to bus stop on the north of the bridge.

iv Expression of thanks to fellow Councillor Peter Coupland for his help to reinstate the Long Sutton Friday market. 20.126 Financial matters

I. It was resolved to approve the June bank reconciliation

II. It was resolved to approve payments to 28 July 2020 as below, and for Cllr Brewis & Cllr York to authorise on-line bank payments.

Table 1: Payments to 28 July 2020



Net £


Total £

Unity Trust

Service Charge





Calls & Broadband




GES Water Ltd

Water Monitoring Pavilion




N Power

Electricity Rates Pavilion





Photocopier C/N 22/05-21/06





Photocopier 22/06-21/07





Photocopier C/N 22/06-21/07





Photocopier 22/06-21/07




Jelly's & Jolly's

Grant Application





Parish Cutting





Highways Cutting





LCC Picnic Site





Garden Of Rest




Mr R Smith

Travel Expenses




Mr R Smith

Key Cutting




Mr R Smith

Adobe Acrobat Subscriptions




Mr R Smith

Zoom Monthly Subscriptions




Mr R Smith

Mobile Phone




Mrs K Croxford

Mobile Phone




Mr R Smith





Mrs K Croxford





Mr D Emerson





Lincs Pension

Pension Scheme




G Collings & Co

Estate Agent fees for land sale





Solicitor's fees for land sale









III. The following receipts since the last meeting were noted:

i Land sale £104,200.00 (less fees of £1,983.60 incl. VAT)

ii Interest £142.00

iii VAT refund £207.45

iv Burial receipts £250.00.

IV. It was resolved to accept the Quarter 1 budget review, noting funds remaining under individual headings.

V. It was resolved to delegate power to the Finance Committee to authorise August 2020 payments.

VI. It was resolved to add Cllr Goodwin as a bank signatory and remove any signatories that were no longer Council members. Cllr York declared an interest in the following agenda item and abstained from any vote.

VII. It was resolved to defer the agenda item for further clarification on the sum required.

20.127 Recent correspondence

I. Letter from MP to the Chairman regarding new sports pavilion to be further discussed under agenda item 16.

II. It was resolved to endorse the clerk’s previous response to resident relating to the new pavilion and further elaboration on the matter was unnecessary. The clerk’s response to the same resident refusing a freedom of information request to release details relating to the recent sale of Parish Council land at Kenzie Drive, on the grounds that the information was already intended for publication at this meeting (agenda item 14), was additionally endorsed.

III. Fly tipping had been reported to SHDC by resident. Further fly tipping reported on Gunthorpe Road on Norfolk boundary to be reported to the Borough Council of King’s Lynn & West Norfolk.

IV. The reporting of the burning of a sofa to SHDC by a resident was noted.

V. A letter sent to the police from resident regarding speeding in the village was to be further discussed under agenda item 15

VI. It was noted that an LCC poster providing recycling centre information, had been posted on the Council’s website.

VII. A report of antisocial behaviour at the Memorial Park car park & objection to anticipated new store planning application was noted. Standing orders were suspended at 6.30pm to allow a member of the public to speak on the matter.

VIII. A member of the public reported that SHDC had advised that no planning application was required for an anticipated new store on Bridge Road, as it was already commercial premises. A planning application would only be required if significant changes were to be made to the existing listed building frontage. An alcohol license had been applied for. Standing orders were reinstated at 6.31pm

IX. It was resolved for the clerk to confirm the planning situation and inform the resident accordingly.

X. It was noted that the Parish Council had already resolved on the matter of the marina at the last meeting and that this resolution stood (min.ref.113.20). Therefore, it was not appropriate to resolve on supporting the resident’s endeavour, as requested during public participation. Following a councillor Page 26 query, the clerk cited Standing Order 7.1.a., which referred to the procedure required to reconsider a recent resolution. Cllr S Booth declared an interest in the following agenda item and did not participate in discussions. Cllr A Scarlett (vice-chair) took over the meeting.

XI. It was resolved to endorse the clerk’s previous response to a resident regarding Council’s Farm Business Tenancies, new tenancies agreements were to be in place for October 2020 Cllr S Booth resumed as chair of the meeting

XII. It was resolved for the clerk to respond to resident confirming the situation relating to the One Stop Store alcohol licence application.

XIII. It was resolved to hold an extraordinary meeting in August to allow a presentation by a company on a renewable project for the area.

XIV.A report from the football club of weeds outside the pavilion were being dealt with by contractor undertaking other weed control in the Memorial Park. Additional costs to be advised at the next meeting. It was resolved to authorise the clerk to monitor and if necessary act, regarding reported mole activity on Memorial Park pitch.

XV. The latest advice from NALC on the holding of face to face meetings was noted.

20.128 To note responses on planning decisions submitted on behalf of the Parish Council

I. H18-0411-20: 1B-2 High Street. Change of use of 1st floor to self-contained flat – No comment.

II. H18-0569-20: The Villa, 83 New Road. PE12 9RQ. Proposed extension & alterations including new garden buildings. Comment pending.

III. H18-0525-20: Adj. 236 Bridge Road, PE12 9SG. Erection of 2 dwellings - re-submission of H18-0191- 20. It was resolved not to support due to over development Cllr K Davies left the meeting at 6.45pm

20.129 To note planning decisions

I. H18-0411-20: 1B-2 High Street. Change of use of 1st floor to self-contained flat. Approved.

II. H18-0413-20: 146 Fields Farm, Bridge Road, PE12 9SN. Barn conversion including extension. Approved. [PC no comment as response inquorate] Cllr K Davies returned to the meeting at 6.46pm Cllr M Booth entered the meeting at 6.47pm

20.130 The clerk reported on the sale of Parish Council land at Kenzie Drive which was completed on the 10 July 2020.

I. The sale price was £105,000, from which the following deductions had been made: £800.00 a provision for a buyer’s indemnity policy; £1,260 (including VAT) for estate agents fees; and £723.60 (including VAT) for Solicitors fees. A discount of £100 had been provided by solicitors relating to the insurance indemnity.

II. It was resolved to thank the clerk for the work that had been done to achieve a successful outcome.

20.131 The Chairman invited a member of the public to speak prior to the consideration of co-opting a member of the public to become Community Speed Watch (CSW) co-ordinator

I. The member of the public reported concerns about speeding on Bridge Road and other streets in Sutton Bridge. The situation had become even worse now that lockdown had been lifted. Due to further enquiries with the Parish Council he had found out that there was a Community Speed Watch Team to which he would like to be considered as a co-ordinator.

II. It was resolved to co-opt Mr Craig Jackson as the Parish Council’s Community Speed Watch coordinator, permitting relevant Parish Council’s equipment to be held in his care. Cllr Davies put forward her willingness to assist. A member of the public left the meeting at 6.54pm.

20.132 The draft minutes of the New Pavilion and Project Committee held on Tuesday 21 July 2020 had been circulated to all members of the council and were noted.

I. The clerk reported that Sport England design guidance had been copied to all committee members.

II. The clerk reported that three architectural design consultants had been contacted to quote for the design and contract management of the build project. It was intended that a further two architects would be approached. Details to be reported at the next Pavilion Committee meeting.

III. The clerk reported that from 1st August, Parish Meetings would be allowed to be held remotely.

IV. It was resolved to delegate to the Pavilion Committee the authority to arrange a public consultation as required.

V. It was noted that the next meeting of the committee was to be held 7pm Tuesday 04 August 2020 via remote attendance

VI. It was resolved that Cllr S Booth would respond to letter from MP in consultation with the clerk. 20.133 It was resolved that SBUFC pavilion and pitch fees for 2021/22 be kept at the current level of £310.00 p.a. plus 50% of the utility costs incurred. If there were to be changes in Government/Football Association advice restricting training or matches for the forthcoming season, the Council would be willing to consider representations from the football club regarding its fees, prior to them becoming due in April 2021 Page 27

20.134 It was reported that a meeting with the Curlew Centre chairman had taken place, when options to improve the security of the Curlew Centre/Memorial Park carpark had been considered. (18).

I. The option of closing the carpark gate was rejected on the following grounds:

i Impracticality, due to need to open the carpark early in the mornings, and the late and changeable closing times of the Curlew Centre.

ii It would only prevent vehicles entering the carpark, not the groups of young people who had been reported as creating a nuisance.

iii It would hamper legitimate car users and police patrols, both of which were to be encouraged.

iv It would not accord with the need for 24-hour access for the proposed electric vehicle charging points.

v Improved carpark LED lighting, including at the proposed vehicle charging points, was thought likely to discourage unwelcome visitors.

vi Upgrading the Parish Council’s CCTV in collaboration with The Curlew Centre was thought to be a practical deterrent to antisocial behaviour and assist fighting crime.

vii Fencing off the area immediately behind the Curlew Centre was considered beneficial as it was thought to be an attraction to those not wanting to be observed.

II. It was resolved to work in partnership with the Curlew Centre to investigate options for improving carpark lighting, upgrade the CCTV, and fencing off the rear of the Curlew Centre.

20.135 Quotes for the upkeep of Parish Council assets

I. It was resolved to approve quotes in the Garden of Rest @ £813.60, the work split between two contractors.

II. A quote was considered for quarterly temperature and legionella sampling, as well as for a legionella risk assessment. It was resolved to investigate further quotes for the next meeting.

20.136 To receive requests from members for items to be included on the agenda of a future meeting

I. Cllr M Booth requested to speak and apologised for his lateness to meeting.

i Concerning agenda item 11 (vii) a licence application meeting was to take place on 12 August via remote attendance for the anticipated new One Stop store this would discuss issues with preservation of crime, public safety, public nuisance and prevention of children from harm. Only objections and observations however could be made on this application as the premises was in Cllr Booth’s ward.

20.137 It was resolved that the next ordinary Council meeting would be held on 29 September 2020, location to be confirmed

20.138 It was resolved to move into closed session on the grounds of confidentiality by virtue of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 s.1(2)

20.139 To consider staffing & administration matters [CONFIDENTIAL as matters relate to staff engagement; terms of service; staff conduct; or disciplinary matters].

I. It was resolved for staff to continue to work from home.

II. It was resolved to note and agree staff holiday

III. It was resolved for the Clerk & Admin Asst to carry out emptying out of PC’s bins, litter picking at the LCC picnic site and the utility vehicle to be sited at the clerk’s property.

IV. The legal situation relating to councillors’ attendance was noted.

There being no further business the meeting was declared closed at 7.45 pm.

Appendix 1: Chairman's Report

Good evening.

Firstly, I must correct a mistake in my email to all councillors on 27 May. I stated, ‘after a meeting with the monitoring officer’ when I should have said ‘after a meeting with an officer of the monitoring office’. This email was in response after criticism of me to you all. I still stand by what I said in this reply with this one amendment.

During this last month we have had a couple of constructive meetings: with Neil Wright the Curlew Centre chairman, which will be discussed at item 18; and a new pavilion project committee at item 16, which I think we can all see a way forward.

I received a letter from Sir John Hayes and intend replying to this after this meeting with its decisions. This letter is included in correspondence in 11i.

An interesting development is being put forward at 11xi. Where we may need to organise a special meeting in August.

Apart from that I wish you a pleasant summer and hopefully in September we may be able to meet face to face.