26 October 2021 Council Meeting

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Minutes of the meeting of Sutton Bridge Parish Council, held 19:00hrs Tuesday, 26 October 2021, in the Curlew Centre Bridge Room, Sutton Bridge.

Present: Cllr Simon Booth (chairman), Cllr Michael Booth, Cllr Chris Brewis, Cllr David Bruch, Cllr Kim Davies, Cllr Ray Perkins, Cllr Colin Robinson, Cllr Terry York, Mr. Robert Smith (Clerk), District Councillor Jack Tyrrell, 15 members of the public.

Absent: Cllr Rachael Goodwin, Cllr Anne Scarlett.

Unless otherwise stated, actions to be undertaken by the clerk.

21.213. Apologies were received from Cllr Rachael Goodwin, Cllr Anne Scarlett.

21.214. Pecuniary or other interests and requests for dispensation.

01. Cllr Brewis declared a pecuniary interest on the agenda item 9.II regarding payment against his expenses. 

02. Cllr York declared an interest in agenda item 9.IV consideration of a grant application, being the chairman on the Sutton Bridge Community Larder (Foodbank). 

03. Cllr York requested dispensation to address the meeting about the Foodbank. The chairman stated that this could take place under the agenda item for outside body reports.

21.215. Three members of the public indicated that they wished to make representations.

01. A resident raised issues with several items on the agenda (see appendix 1.)

02. A resident raised matters about the agenda items on the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) and Police matters. The resident also raised issues about the Sutton Bridge Marina (see appendix 2.)

03. A resident raised the following issues.

i. Shock was expressed that over 70 rats had recently been found and exterminated at the Wright’s Lane allotments. The allotment holder who had dealt with the rats was to be greatly thanked. It was suggested that the allotment working party put a regime in place to check for rodent infestation. It was noted by Cllr Perkins that the discovery of the rats had followed the removal of a chicken coop, which had been an accessible food source for the vermin.

ii. The roadway at the Wright’s Lane allotments had some bad potholes which needed addressing.

iii. Thanks were expressed to the Council for resolving the unauthorised large number of vehicles belonging to farm workers that had been parking on the wildflower strip at the Garden of Rest. It was also suggested that the Parish Council should consider measures to stop unauthorised access to this land.

21.216. It was resolved to approve the minutes of the meeting held on 28 September 2021

21.217. Police matters.

01. It was resolved to give permission for the Police & Crime Commissioner to forward correspondence about allegations of abusive and threatening communications to the Chief Constable’s office. (For: Cllr M. Booth, Cllr S. Booth, Cllr Davies, Cllr Brewis. Against: Cllr Bruch, Cllr Perkins, Cllr Robinson, Cllr York. The motion was passed on the Chairman’s casting vote). 

21.218. Chairman stated that he had no report to give this month.

21.219. The clerk reported the following matters not otherwise covered on the agenda.

01. The website had been updated. 

02. A response was awaited from Lincolnshire County Council (LCC) about whether automatic notifications could be sent when the website was updated. 

03. Planning comments had been submitted, as resolved.

04. A contested by-election for the parish councillor vacancy would take place 18 November. There were three nominees for the position. The required notices had been published on the website.

05. Internal bank transfers had been actioned to cover this month’s payments.

06. The finalised electric vehicle charging point lease was awaiting return from the District Council’s solicitors.

07. The new donated bench for the burial ground had been installed. One of the existing benches had been temporarily removed as it requires repair due to rot. Quotes to be considered under closed session. 

08. The old notice board on the East Bank was awaiting removal as volunteered by Cllr York.

09. Dates were yet to be agreed for a meeting with the chairman of the Curlew Centre, to discuss office hire arrangements from 2022.

10. The Council’s revised Code of Conduct had been circulated to members for signature. Please return any outstanding to the clerk.

11. Work into making the councillors official email addresses more accessible had yet to be completed.

12. Since the last meeting no further photographs had been received from councillors for identity cards. Without photographs, the purchase of IDs cannot go ahead. Councillors who had yet to forward photographs were requested to do so at their earliest convenience.

21.220. The following South Holland District Council (SHDC) reports were received:

01. District & Parish Councillor Brewis reported:

i. A report was going to the SHDC Cabinet about South Holland’s retail markets. The district councillors representing the local area were extremely unhappy that the district was recommending charging a 60% higher rate at Long Sutton than other markets in the district. They would be contesting this.

02. District & Parish Councillor Cllr M Booth (SHDC councillor) reported:

i. As he had previously been accused at the Parish Council meeting of being wrong and biased, Cllr M Booth stated that he would not be making a report.

03. County Councillor Tyrrell apologised for not submitting a report, but his father had recently died. Fully understanding the matter, the chairman expressed his condolences on behalf of those present.

21.221. Finance

01. It was resolved to approve the September bank reconciliation

02. It was resolved to approve payments to 26 October 2021 as below. Cllr Goodwin and Cllr York to authorise bank payments.

Payee Detail  Net £  VAT £ Total £
Unity Trust Bank Bank Service Charge         18.00          18.00
Talk Talk  Calls & Broadband        34.00     6.80        40.80
Complete Weed Control Hedge Maintenance MP       305.00   61.00       366.00
The Curlew Centre  Room Hire         55.00          55.00
Cllr C Brewis  Travel Expenses         48.60          48.60
Mrs K Croxford Black Bags - Outside Operative        15.75     3.15        18.90
Mrs K Croxford Expenses         23.06          23.06
Mrs K Croxford Adobe Acrobat         12.64     2.53        15.17
Mr D Borkertas  Electric Allowance           8.00            8.00
Staff  Salaries    2,390.28      2,390.28
LCC Pension Fund WYPF Pension Scheme       801.81         801.81
Mr R Collingwood Smith  Adobe Acrobat           8.42     1.69        10.11
Mr R Collingwood Smith  Expenses         46.48     1.67        48.15
Heronwood Grass cutting      500.00         500.00
SMC Ltd  Monthly Legionella Control         60.00   12.00        72.00
Mr D Large Installation of donated bench        30.00          30.00
Fenland Leisure Product Operation inspection       110.00   22.00       132.00
Total      4,467.04  110.84    4,577.88

03. There was no delegated expenditure. 

04. The following receipts were noted: bank interest £71.86; Highways’ grass cutting agreement £1,020.88; Garden Allotment receipts £100.00; Farm Business Tenancy Rent £4,381.80; Burial Ground receipts £500.00. 

05. Second quarter budget review.

i. It was reported that at the Finance Committee meeting, noting the Council’s bank deposits, Cllr Bruch had offered to investigate investment accounts for recommendation at a future meeting.

ii. Cllr Bruch gave his view that the budget reports were very well set out and that the questions he had put had been amply responded to. He was very happy with the report. 

iii. It was resolved to approve the second quarter budget review noting all major headings were within budget.

06. Following confirmation that there were sufficient funds in the budget, it was resolved to approve a grant application of £1,000 to be made to Sutton Bridge Community Larder, as allowable under LGA 1972 s.137.

21.222. It was resolved to give Cllr York dispensation to speak about the Community Larder. Cllr York stated that the Foodbank had been started some seven years ago by a previous vicar and was based in St Matthew’s Church. With dramatically increased demand it had outgrown these premises. It had now become a registered charity and had recently moved to an industrial unit on Railway Lane where renovations had been made. Now that an appropriate lease and insurance were in place, members of the public were welcome to visit. Both volunteers and donations were sought. There were donation points at the Church and at the local Co-op.

21.223. Correspondence.

01. Items 10.I to 10.VI.

i. The chairman declared a personal interest in correspondence listed in items 10.I, 10.II, 10.III, 10.V & 10.VI on the agenda as they were matters of complaint that either he or a close relative were named as a respondent.

ii. The clerk stated that he had circulated recommendations as to whether items 10.I to 10.VI should be considered in closed session and the Parish Council might wish to resolve on this matter.

iii. The chairman suggested that given his involvement with the complaints and in the absence of the vice-chair another councillor should take the chair.

iv. Given that other councillors felt that they were in some way concerned with the complaints, no other councillor was willing to take the chair.

v. The clerk suggested that in these circumstances and given the matter was not a pecuniary or other interest as covered by the Council’s code of conduct, the chairman should continue chairing the meeting with councillors noting the chairman’s declared personal interest. Objections to this were raised.

vi. Given that there was councillor disagreement about the clerks’ advice on the legality of moving into closed session, it was resolved to defer consideration of correspondence relating to agenda items 10.I to 10.VI pending the clerk seeking a second opinion, and on a previous decision to discuss a matter in closed session. This advice was to be sought from Lincolnshire Association of Local Councils (LALC) and additionally, if required and at the clerk’s discretion, a solicitor.

19:52hrs one member of the public left the meeting.

02. The clerk read out a written statement received from Cllr Goodwin (see appendix 3.)

19:54hrs one member of the public returned to the meeting.

03. To consider South Holland Internal Drainage Board voting paper. It was resolved not to respond.

04. A request had been received from County Councillor Jack Tyrrell for Sutton Bridge to join Long Sutton, Lutton, and Tydd St Mary Parish Councils on their garden waste collection scheme. As this matter involved expenditure, it was resolved to consider the matter with cost details at the next Parish Council meeting.

05. An email had been received from an allotment holder requesting a notice board at the allotments. Also questions about the Wright’s Lane allotments had been made. As a noticeboard would involve expenditure it was resolved for this to be put forward for consideration at the next Parish Council meeting and for the queries to be responded to separately by the clerk.

06. A report from a resident about damage and vandalism at the back of the Curlew Centre and to the Constitutional Club’s notice board occurring at around 6pm 25 October, which had been reported to the Police, was noted.

07. A copy of a report made by a resident to the Environment Agency about benches in disrepair on the West Bank along with a redundant galvanised box now collecting dog poo, was noted.

08. Cllr Perkins reported that the local area now had use of an urgent response vehicle which contained emergency equipment and personnel trained at a level just below that of paramedic. This was exceptional to the area and related to its distance from any major trauma unit and the associated poor response times. Cllr Perkins was to provide details to the clerk for inclusion on the Parish Council’s website.

21.224. Planning applications, including any late received. 

01. H18-1040-21: Land to the south of Centenary Way, PE12 9TF. Details of construction management & precautions for the prevention of mud deposit on public highway (Conditions 5 & 6 of H18-1126-20). It was resolved to make no comment.

02. H18-1033-21: 55 New Road. Extensions and Alterations. It was resolved to neither support nor oppose the application, but that a comment should be made that residents neighbouring the development’s location should be consulted. 

03. H18-1034-21: Fenacre Farm, 92 Peters Point Road. Conversion of barn into dwelling. It was resolved to neither support nor oppose the application, but that a comment should be made that residents neighbouring the development’s location should be consulted. 

04. H18-0991-21: 338 Bridge Road. Two storey extension & alterations including fence to front. It was resolved to neither support nor oppose the application, but that a comment should be made that residents neighbouring the development’s location should be consulted. 

05. H18-0992-21: 340 Bridge Road. Two storey extension & alterations. Planning decisions. It was resolved to neither support nor oppose the application, but that a comment should be made that residents neighbouring the development’s location should be consulted. 

21.225. The following District Council planning decisions were noted:

01. H18-0588-21: The Boat House, 46 Bridge Road. Siting of Meter Box. Approved.

21.226. Highways & footways

01. Outstanding matters.

i. The highways officer had been invited for a meeting in the Parish. Available dates were awaited.

ii. A response had been received from the County’s highways engineer to the Parish Council’s comments on traffic management during the planned painting of the swing bridge.

• It had been specified that any temporary signals must be overridden during peak times to give green time of up to 6mins in each direction for the A17. 

• It was pointed out that traffic exiting Sutton Bridge at the roundabout adjacent to the bridge would have limited green time. This was to deter creating a rat run from the A17 through the village. It was advised for anyone travelling out of the village to do so via Railway Lane. 

• Highways would endeavour to minimise the disruption and delay to the emergency services wherever possible and could take measures to facilitate them through the works. Unfortunately, as with the normal operation of the bridge, delays could occur to these essential services.

iii. Following reports from several councillors, planning enforcement were contacted about alleged unauthorised development on Bridge Road. It had since been confirmed from the enforcement officer that the works taking place had been approved.

02. New matters

i. Streetlight failure on Royal Close to be reported. Cllr Perkins to provide streetlight number to the clerk.

ii. The poor state of the pavement and various potholes in the village to be reported to LCC Highways by Cllr York via https://fixmystreet.lincolnshire.gov.uk/.

iii. Overgrown hedge on New Road to be reported by Cllr York to LCC Highways via https://fixmystreet.lincolnshire.gov.uk/. 

21.227. Committee and working party reports.

01. Pavilion

i. Committee meeting to be arranged for 09 November 2021.

20:19hrs one member of the public left the meeting.

02. Open spaces

i. The play area inspection report had been received and was to be considered by the Working Party with recommendations arising brought to full council.

ii. The Police report on the Memorial Park was still to be considered by the Working Party.

iii. Working party chairman to arrange meeting. 

03. Garden allotments

i. It was resolved for the Working Party to consider the required rent review and report back its recommendations at the next meeting. The clerk was to submit current rent information to the chairman of the working party to facilitate this review.

ii. Chairman of Working Party to arrange meeting.

21.228. Outside body representative reports

01. Cllr Brewis and Cllr Bruch reported on their attendance at the LALC AGM.

20:25hrs one member of the public left the meeting.

21.229. It was resolved to adopt the amended Press & Media policy as circulated by the clerk.

21.230. It was resolved to defer consideration of grass cutting for 2022 to the next meeting.

21.231. It was resolved to defer consideration of the football club pitch and pavilion charges to the next meeting.

21.232. Measures to reduce speeding in the village.

01. It was resolved for the clerk to contact LCC Highways to determine the application process for the imposition of a neighbourhood 20mph speed limit and report back to the next meeting.

02. It was resolved for the clerk to obtain quotes for installing reactive signs to be obtained with proposals for the next meeting.

03. Cllr Davies agreed to collect the CSW equipment from the current co-ordinator. Details of the volunteer willing to become the new co-ordinator were to be given to the clerk by Cllr York.

04. It was resolved for the parking enforcement officer to be asked to visit the Parish more frequently.

20:40hrs two members of the public left the meeting.

21.233. To receive update on Christmas lights. The clerk confirmed that six new Christmas lights had been ordered for installation at locations further west along Bridge Road. The clerk reported on a County Council application process. It was resolved to instruct the contractor to erect the lights for the year and review the matter of applications in the New Year.

21.234. To consider other Christmas activities. Cllr Perkins reported that there would be a Santa’s Grotto, unfortunately there would be no sleigh this year. Donations raised would be given to the Jelly’s and Jolly’s group. The clerk confirmed that Cllr Perkins could make an application of grant to the Parish Council to cover the distribution of ‘goody bags’ to local children, but would need to submit an application in time for the next meeting.

21.235. It was resolved to authorise Cllr Bruch to contact outside bodies about support and involvement for activities for the Queens Platinum Jubilee celebrations in 2022. The clerk was to forward to Cllr Bruch information on taking part with lighting jubilee beacons. It was pointed out that the SHDC Safety Awareness Group (SAG) could be very helpful in making sure any public events were undertaken safely and legally.

21.236. Update on discussions with Enso Energy on the Gunthorpe Road Solar Farm.

01. Cllr Brewis stated that another meeting was to be arranged that would be reported on at the next meeting.

02. The clerk reported that planning applications for the project had been submitted and validated by SHDC ref H18-0741-21 and by the Borough Council of King’s Lynn & West Norfolk (BCKLWN) Ref 21/0144/FM.

21.237. New CCTV system. 

01. It was resolved to authorise the three councillors on the working party looking into a new CCTV system to visit Skellingthorpe, west of Lincoln on Thursday 28 October, to inspect a system in place and to ask the installers pertinent questions.

02. It was resolved to authorise reasonable expenses incurred undertaking the visit.

21.238. A meeting was yet to be arranged for the working party to investigate the planting of a community wood.

21.239. Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)

01. Cllr M Booth reported that he had still to hear back from SHDC officer about the matter.

02. In response to the earlier question about CIL made during the public participation, the clerk reported that CIL could be levied by local planning authorities on development in the area, paid for by the developer. The charging authority must pass 25% of the collections to the parish council for that area if the parish council had a neighbourhood development plan in place. For parish councils without a neighbourhood plan, the amount fell to 15%.

21.240. Items for inclusion on the agenda of the next meeting

01. To resolve on dealing with deferred complaints in the light of the additional advice requested.

02. To resolve on joining the local parishes waste collection scheme.

03. To resolve on putting up a noticeboard at the Wright’s Lane allotment.

04. To consider proposals for Parish grass cutting for 2022

05. To consider football club pitch and pavilion charges for 2022/23.

06. To consider LCC requirements for the imposition of a neighbourhood 20mph speed limit.

07. To resolve on the purchase and installation of reactive signs in the village.

08. To resolve on a grant application for Christmas activities in the village (subject to the timely receipt of an appropriate grant application form).

09. To consider activities for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee celebrations (Cllr Bruch).

10. To consider ideas for improving and making safe the Memorial Park for children’s use, including any specific activities.

11. To receive update on discussions with Enso Energy regarding a community fund for the Gunthorpe Road Solar Farm.

12. To receive report on visit to Skellingthorpe and other progress by CCTV working party.

21.241. It was resolved to move into closed session on the grounds of confidentiality in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 s.1(2).   

21:09hrs eleven members of the public and District Councillor Tyrrell left the meeting.        

21.242. Following consideration of the quotes received, it was resolved to approve the following works.

01. Cut back the elder trees at Wright’s Lane Allotment – mulch and spread out @ £130.00

02. Repair the metal fence at the Memorial Park 2 bags post mix & re-bar @ £75.00

03. Cut back and tidy up vegetation in the Curlew Car Park – mulch and spread, tidy up boundary fence @ £220.00

04. Repair the damaged wooden bench at the Burial Ground and install at another location in the Garden of Rest @ £45.00

21.243. It was resolved to refer the matter of a freedom of information request to LALC and for the clerk to act accordingly on the advice received.

21.244. Staffing & administration matters.

01. The chairman thanked the clerk for attending the meeting despite feeling unwell.

The chairman closed the meeting at 21:27 hrs.

ppendix 1

Member of the Public’s speaking notes made at period for public participation during the Parish Council meeting held 26 October
2021. [Redacted].

Chairman, For the avoidance of doubt, I am making it clear that my aim, shared by others, is to see a better standard of governance in the Parish Council. Administration, in the hands of our Clerk and his assistant is excellent. The nature of some of the resolutions passed is not and you carry responsibility for that. What I and others are doing is to get you and other councillors to run Council business properly. That you have not succeeded in this is evidenced by agenda items 10 1 -VI.

You, your father and Cllr Brewis appear willing to undermine efforts to improve matters in Sutton Bridge. Starting with Minute 119.18.. The football club badly needed a new pavilion and still does. A draft lease was produced for discussion, a balanced document, professionally produced. At the meeting, [a member was accused of persuading Council to reject the draft lease without evidence and without discussion]. Clearly this had nothing to do with the merits of the case but appeared to be the beginning of an “anti [name of the member of public]” campaign. As a result the plans and finances (involving a grant of upto £70,000 for a new pavilion) were stalled and the main coach and lead players left SB to play elsewhere. At 243.18, Cllr Brewis undertook to get a better lease. He has not done so. Since then, there has been no effective action on a new pavilion. See agenda item 14.1 [a member was accused of wasting the Clerk’s time by raising what were described as phoney and irrelevant issues over data protection].

Through you, Chairman, can I suggest that your father stops interfering in other cllrs. affairs. You, Cllr.Brewis and your father are in danger of leading the Council into disrepute allied to wasting police time. Agenda item 5.I. Anyone who votes for this will be showing wilful ignorance of the facts. It is for any aggrieved individual to go to the police -the Council has no role as has been clearly pointed out. I have noted minuted items in the last couple of years where Booths/Brewis dominated the council business against my guidance. These include:-

Minute 171.19. Point of Order. No need for closed session. [a member was accused of having a tantrum].
Minute 192.19 False report to council by Cllr. Brewis. Aggressive behaviour towards me recorded on CCTV.
Minute 194.19 My CPO Bridge Hotel proposal rejected.
Minute 207.19 showed my proposal to have been sound.
Minute 216.19 [a member was accused of having a tantrum] – in respect of Minute 192.19
Minute 239.19 The resolution for the Clerk to obtain quotes for a Design & Build new pavilion was not carried out. Why not ?

I note particularly [a member was accused of having a tantrum] at Minute171.19 and [referral to an alleged tantrum by a member] at 192.19. Do we need cllrs. who throw tantrums when they do not get their way?

January 2020, In a letter dated 21.1 20 I provided you with sound advice concerning council farmland. If you had taken this advice, most of your current troubles would have been avoided. A further complaint about your behaviour will be going to the Monitoring Officer. I resigned from the Council because I would not serve under a chairman [the chairman was accused by the speaker of putting his farming interests before his responsibilities as chairman]. 

Since then, I, with others, have sought to get council business conducted properly in line with standing orders, codes of conduct and Acts of Parliament. As you have set yourself up to serve the community, you should do the job properly, abiding by your Declaration of Acceptance of Office in which you agreed to observe the Council’s Code of Conduct and faithfully fulfil the duties of that Office. Sutton Bridge Deserves Better than your current efforts.

[Resident of Sutton Bridge]

Appendix 2

Second Member of the Public’s speaking notes made at period for public participation during the Parish Council meeting held 26 October 2021. [Redacted].

Mr Chairman,

Agenda item 3 - 1

Re - 19. To receive report back regarding Community Infrastructure Levy (Cllr M.Booth). - On which organisation is the CIL being levied?

Re – 5.1 To resolve to give permission to the PCC to write to the Chief Constable. – Really? Hasn’t enough time been wasted already on this ludicrous proposal?

Agenda item 3 - 2

I wish to raise issues about the marina. I have been corresponding with LCC for some years about their decision to refuse to make any contribution to the village from any profits/surpluses made from running the marina, which was built with a £260,000 from Sutton Bridge Power Station S 106 funds.

I have reported LCC to the Information Commissioner’s Office for not providing the correct information on the financial affairs of the marina. It is being passed to a Case Officer for review and I am waiting for his/her report. I hope to be
able to get the correct information, to be able to continue my efforts to gain some funds for the village from the marina.

The reason I am raising the issue again, is to ask the Council to use its influence, to bring pressure to bear on LCC, to reverse that decision. Cllr Brewis refused to take up this issue when he was the parish’s County Cllr. As he is no longer in that difficult position, perhaps he may now join me, in working towards getting a return on the £260,000?

If not, I am asking the Council to take over the demands for a financial contribution to the village from LCC; or at the very least, ‘grow a pair’ andsupport me, practically and wholeheartedly in this endeavour.

Thank you

Appendix 3

Public Statement from Cllr Rachael Goodwin

I received a letter dated September the 14th 2021 from a member of public in regard to the parish council meeting dated 29th June 2021 due to the harassment of Cllr’s and if police should be involved, I was accused of improper behaviour and voting for this motion and two separate reports had been sent to the monitoring office.

At the 28th of September 2021 parish council meeting (21.190, 01.i appendix 1) My name was mentioned again in voting for this motion along with Cllr’s S. Booth, M. Booth, Scarlett, Brewis and Davies. On the 2nd of October 2021 I received an email to my Cllr email address from the same member of public, as I was mentioned in an email addressed to another Cllr, in which I am accused of mirroring other Cllr’s voting.

They have stated that they require a satisfactory explanation:

I was NOT at the aforementioned meeting when they motion was requested so therefore could not have voted for this motion. My apologies for my absence was noted at the beginning of the meeting. As they have stated that they have sent reports to the monitoring office please rectify this.

I would also like to address that this member of public also sent an email to my personal email address dated 4th October 2021, which is the third breach of my data protection, the second was on the 9th of June 2021 and discussed in the 29th of June 2021 meeting (21.131, 13), they had already sent me two emails dated 29th of September and 2nd of October 2021 to my official Cllr email address.

So again, please delete my personal email address from all your electronic devices and contact for me. The official way to contact me is either, my address, Cllr email address or through the parish clerk.