20 July 2021 New Pavilion Committee

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Minutes of a meeting of the New Pavilion Committee held 19:00hrs Tuesday, 20 July 2021, in the Bridge Room at the Curlew Centre, Sutton Bridge.

Present: Cllr S Booth, Cllr C Brewis (chairman), Cllr D Bruch, Cllr K Davies, Cllr A Scarlett, Cllr T York, Mr D Earth (SBUFC, co-opted), Mr R Smith (clerk), Mrs K Croxford (admin. assistant).

Absent: Cllr Goodwin, Cllr M Booth, Cllr Perkins, Cllr Robinson, Cllr Summers, Mr D Smith (SBUFC, co-opted).

Cllr C Brewis welcomed attendees to the meeting.

21.27 Apologies were received from Cllr Goodwin, Cllr M Booth, Cllr Perkins, Cllr Robinson, Cllr Summers, and Mr D Smith.

21.28 There were no declarations of interest or requests for dispensations.

21.29 It was resolved to approve the minutes of the meeting held on 22 June 2021.

21.30 It was resolved to recommend for full council’s approval the terms of reference as circulated with the agenda (including written comments from Cllr S Booth & Cllr Robinson) with the following amendments highlighted in red:

I. Membership and meetings:

i. (2.10) Draft minutes of a meeting will be published at the earliest opportunity, subject to change at the next New Pavilion Committee meeting, or at the next Council meeting. Confidential matters will not be published.

II. Financial authority and additional responsibilities:

i. (3.1) The Committee has authority to authorise revenue expenditure up to a limit of £1,000 per annum to assist in the fulfilment of its responsibilities.

ii. (3.3) The Committee shall comply with the Council’s Financial Regulations.

iii. (3.4) The Committee shall comply with the Council’s Standing Orders except where these terms of reference can legally take precedence.

III. Fundraising

i. (4.1) To include ‘and applying for grants is delegated to the Parish Council’s Funding Committee in consultation with the Pavilion & Project Committee. The Funding Committee will regularly consult with the Pavilion & Project Committee and report back any actions and progress’.

IV. Review

i. (6.1) ‘These Terms of Reference will be reviewed annually at the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council, or as required’.

21.31 Pavilion design

I. The committee discussed the financial costs for the utility services and service road required for the new pavilion these costs were noted.

II. Cllr S Booth reminded members of minute reference 21.22 iv from the June meeting where the committee’s decision of the proposed location of the new pavilion had been decided.

III. To move the project forward it was suggested that it may be worthwhile approaching university graduates studying for architectural degrees, to see if they would be interested in assisting with the development of the project.

21.32 Next Steps

I. Cllr Brewis to collate a list of appropriate universities to approach and draft a sample enquiry letter to be sent out.

II. All members of the committee would investigate potential consultants/architects to approach and provide a link to Hethersett Parish Council’s website as a starting point.

III. The clerk to provide a copy of the code of conduct for co - opted members, and a copy of the list of architects to all members.

21.33 It was resolved to hold the next meeting 19:00hrs Tuesday, 24 August 2021 in the Curlew Centre Bridge Room.

The chairman closed the meeting at 20.30 hrs.