25 February 2025 Council Meeting

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Minutes of the Sutton Bridge Parish Council Meeting held 19:00hrs Tuesday, 25 February 2025, in the Curlew Centre Bridge Room, Sutton Bridge.

Present: Cllr Baldry, Cllr C Brewis, Cllr M Booth, Cllr D Cook, Cllr T Judd, Cllr Kirby Fox, Cllr Mclaughlin, Cllr Middleton, (Chair), Cllr M Pitt, Cllr A Scarlett, Mrs K Croxford (Admin assistant). County Councillor J Tyrell.

Absent: Cllr Philpott

Members of the Public:  One

Unless otherwise stated, actions are to be undertaken by the clerk. 

The Chair welcomed Cllr Trevor Baldry to the meeting as newly elected Councillor.

25.026. There were no apologies 

25.027. Declaration of interest were received from Cllr M Booth for any matters relating to allotments as a family member was an allotment tenant.

25.028. Public Representations.

i. A member of the public was disappointed to see an increase in dog fouling on the pavements. 

25.029. There were no Police matters.

25.030. It was resolved to approve the minutes of meeting held Tuesday 28 January 2025; they were signed by the chair.

25.031. Chairs Report

i. The Chair reported that the Football Club had now emptied the old Pavilion, the keys had been handed back to the Parish Council.

ii. Trees along the Pavilion boundary had been cut down to make room for the new Play Zone.

iii. A grassroots grant had now been awarded for some new play equipment in the Memorial Park

iv. Had attended a meeting with two consultants on the running of the new Play Zone project.    

25.032. Clerk’s Report 

i. Electricity Bills– A final bill had been received from SSE of over £1000.00, this was larger than expected due to inaccurate meter readings. A refund had now been secured which was £981.00. The new provider Valda Energy had submitted estimate bills which would come down significantly as these would now only be for the electricity charger unit.

ii. Play Area Equipment – Work was due to commence on 4 March 2025, grant monies had now been received. An impact statement had to be completed by the 20 March 2025.

iii. Emergency Planning – Letters had been sent to local people and organisations inviting them to a meeting on the 13 March 2025.

iv. Noticeboard – This item had been out of stock and was now a month late. Delivery was now expected shortly.

v. Bank Complaint – Due to difficulties with contacting the Bank a complaint had been submitted. Dissatisfaction with the service had been noted and they had credited our account with £50.00.

vi. Speed Sign – The sign had been removed to access data, once this had been done the sign would be relocated to the other end of the village. 

25.033. District and County Council Councillors Reports 

1. Cllr Tyrell reported on the following LCC (Lincolnshire County Council) matters.

i. Approval had been decided at Council on Friday for an extra £1Million to support properties affected by flooding

ii. The leader of the Council had written to government over concerns about illegal immigrants which were having a financial impact on the Council

iii. He had stepped down from Cabinet due to health issues but would continue to support the Executive Councillors.

2. Cllr Brewis reported on the following SHDC (South Holland District Council) matters.

i. A grant had been given to the Parish Council from the District Councillors budget to support Sutton Bridge Wombles with black bags and equipment. A further grant was to be provided to support travel expenses for the SB Wombles which would also be handed to the Parish Council to facilitate. 

ii. He had been pleased that the Mobile Asphalt Plant planning application had been refused on strong grounds.

iii. A modest extra contribution was to be given to drainage boards as another busy year for them. He commented that this amount should be precepted rather than an expenditure. Cllr Paul Redgate and forty councils had spent a lot of time on this. 

iv. He felt uneasy about the Greater Lincolnshire Combined County Authority as Sutton Bridge may not benefit from this.

v. A visit to Tydd Pumping Station would be organised in the late Spring.

vi. Government was still optimistic that a new hospital would still be built on the Queen Elizabeth Hospital (QEH) in Kings Lynn. As a governor of the hospital, he was pleased that they had been nationally recognised for getting patients up and moving after operations

vii. He had attended the Raising of the Fenland Flag at South Holland District Council Offices. 

3. Cllr Booth reported on the following SHDC (South Holland District Council) Matters. 

i. The Greater Lincolnshire Combined County Authority elections would be held on the 1 May 2025.

ii. It had been reported at District Council that there had been a significant decrease in fly tipping however he felt that this was not the case in Sutton Bridge and would take this matter up further.

iii. It was good news that the Parish Council had received the UKSPF Grassroots grant.

iv. The District Council had implemented new housing Landlord Strategies for South Holland residents

v. A meeting was to take place with a contractor for a quotation for CCTV, he would report back to Council so that any decisions can be made by full Council.

25.034. Financial Matters 

i. It was resolved to approve the January cash book and bank reconciliation.

ii. It was resolved to approve payments to 28 February 2025 as circulated at Appendix A. Cllr Middleton and Cllr Scarlett would authorise bank payments. 

iii. It was noted that a £500.00 grant had been received from South Holland District Councillors for Sutton Bridge Wombles bags and equipment.

iv. It was also noted that a grant from UKSPF Grassroots had been received of £23,373 for play equipment, the remaining balance would be taken from Councils reserves to fund the project.

v. Talk Talk had advised that prices were increasing by 6%, slightly above the estimated budget but within reserves.

25.035. Play Zone Project

i. The chair reported that the Football Association would fund the new Play Zone minus 25 % which would be funded by the District Council. The Football Association however require correspondence from residents detailing how the area could be used. Cllr Middleton and Cllr Mclaughlin had contacted various groups including Pickleball England to see if they would be interested in using the facilities. Anyone interested in using the area please contact the Parish Office

ii. Work was planned to start in the Summer, and open in the Autumn. Once the Play Zone was up and running it would mean extra work to maintain the facility or volunteers from the Council to help, this was something that needed to be investigated further. Cllr Jeanette Kirby Fox reported that she would be available to help if required. 

25.036. It was resolved in the absence of Cllr Philpott to defer the consideration of a fundraising idea for local clubs and groups to the next meeting.

25.037. Councillors’ open surgeries were being held in the Police Room at the Curlew Centre, Sutton Bridge on the second Saturday of the month between 10am and 12 if anyone would like to attend. This would be advertised on social media and in the press.

25.038. VE 80 Event 

i. It was resolved for the clerk in consultation with the Chair and Vice Chair to liaise with the Constitutional Club and The Curlew Centre over the VE 80 Event on the 8 May 2025.

25.039. Correspondence

i. Dog Fouling – A report from the operator of the Cross keys Bridge had been received regarding dog fouling on the bridge pavement. Cllr M Booth would report this matter at District Council.

ii. Dog Show – An email had been received to express thanks to the clerk for her help and advice and to the Council for everything they do for Sutton Bridge.

iii. Trees on edge of Memorial Park – An email had been received from a resident regarding the loping and removal of deadwood to the trees opposite their property and on the edge of the Curlew car park. It was resolved to firstly locate who was responsible for the trees before any decision could be made. Any work that was required would need to be done after the nesting birds and would need to be reviewed in the Autumn.

iv. Lincolnshire Flood and Water Management Scrutiny Report – LALC had forwarded details of a summary from the LCC working report this would be circulated to Councillors

v. Fair – The Fair had been in touch to request the Memorial Park for the 8 April to the 5 May 2025. Cllr Middleton would contact the Play Zone contractor to find out schedule of works. It was resolved subject to notification from the Play Zone to approve the request from the Fair with hire payment terms as per last year.

25.040. Planning Applications

i. H18-0089-25: Pavilion, The Curlew Centre, Bridge Road, Sutton Bridge, PE12 9SA: Demolition of existing Pavilion: No Comment.

ii. H18-0085-25: Land between Est Bank /Gunthorpe Road, Walpole Bank PE14 7JJ: Installation of access track: No comment.

25.041. Planning Decisions – Councillors noted the planning decisions made by South Holland District Council as listed below:

i. H18-1054-24: Bridge Road, Sutton Bridge: Details of biodiversity net gain pan: Approved

ii. H18-0463-24: Bridge Hotel, Sutton Bridge: Change of use class C1 to residential class C3 including the creating of 15 residential units: Approved

25.042. Committee Reports 

01. New Pavilion

i. Funding was still being investigated for the project.

ii. New plans had been submitted for planning.

iii. Quotes were being sought so that a firm figure could be provided to obtain funding.

20:26 hrs Cllr Booth left the meeting.

iv. The social area had been taken off the plans but could be added on again later if funding was available as this was a modular building.

v. Thanks were expressed to Cllr Middleton for all her hard work on the project so far

20:28 hrs Cllr Booth returned to the meeting.

02. Personnel

i. A committee meeting was held and two responses for appraisals had been received, there were no concerns about staff performance. 

25.043. There were no outside body representative reports

25.044. Public Participation.

i. Cllr Tyrell reported that there were now 100 members for the Youth Shed and over 120 for the Men’s Shed.

ii. The Garden Waste Collection would begin again in March and would be held on the last Saturday of the month: 29 March 2025 – Long Sutton, 26 April – Sutton Bridge,31 May – Lutton, 28 June Tydd St Mary, 26 July – Long Sutton, 30 August Sutton Bridge, 27 September – Lutton, 25 October – Tydd St Mary. 

iii. Cllr Tyrell commented that following a meeting with the highways on Thursday the boat had now been approved for installation on the roundabout.

25.045. It was resolved to move into closed session in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 s.1(2).

20:38hrs Cllr J Tyrell, one member of the public and Cllr Cook left the meeting.

25.046. There were no quotes for work

20:40hrs Cllr Cook returned to the meeting.

25.047. It was resolved in principle to proceed with Cllr M Booth proposal on Prince’s Street Play area.

25.048. Staffing & Administration matters 

i. There were no staffing matters.

Appendix A

SHDC  Planning Application  178.33 11.67 190.00
Valda Energy  Electricity  533.90 106.78 640.68
Valda Energy  Electricity  -85.47 -4.27 -89.74
Valda Energy  Electricity  353.46 17.67 371.13
The Helping Hand Company Litter Picking Euipment  12.48 2.50 14.98
Amazon  Litter Picking Equipment  14.98 3.00 17.98
We Can Source It  Black Bags  23.11 4.62 27.73
Bridge Hardware Memorial Park Maintenance 10.44 2.09 12.53
The Curlew Centre  Office rent & Room Hire  1015.00   1015.00
Talk Talk  Calls and Broadband  44.90 8.98 53.88
Adobe Acrobat  Subscription  16.64 3.3.3 19.97
Staff  Salaries and Expenses  3279.79   3279.79
HMRC Tax and NI 979.44   979.44
LCC Pension  1146.94   1146.94
Mr D Large  Tree Work  2466.67   2466.67
XBM Photocopier 27.02 5.41 32.43
SMC Ltd  Monthly Legionella Testing  150.00 30.00 180.00
Adobe Acrobat  Subscription  16.64 3.33 19.97
B2C Retail  SB Wombles Black Bags  49.98 10.00 59.98
Staff  Home Office Allowance 10.00   10.00
Staff  Expenses  1.50   1.50
Staff  Expenses  0.70   0.70
SSE Electricity  -243.73 -12.19 -255.92
SSE Electricity 1158.73 231.75 1390.48 
SSE Electricity  243.73 12.19 255.92
SSE Electricity  -1158.73 -231.75 -1390.48
SSE Electricity  143.26 7.16 150.42
J H Services Tree Work  6250.00   6250.00
  Total  16639.71 705.60 17345.31