28 January 2025 Council Meeting

Draft Mins.


Minutes of the Sutton Bridge Parish Council Meeting held 19:00hrs Tuesday, 28 January 2025, in the Curlew Centre Bridge Room, Sutton Bridge.

Present: Cllr C Brewis, Cllr M Booth, Cllr D Cook, Cllr T Judd, Cllr M Philpott, Cllr M Pitt, Cllr A Scarlett, Mrs. C Smith (Parish Clerk), Mrs K Croxford (Admin assistant).

Absent: Cllrs Kirby–Fox, McLaughlin and Middleton

Members of the Public:  Six

Unless otherwise stated, actions are to be undertaken by the clerk.

25.001. In the absence of the Chair and Vice Chair it was resolved to elect Cllr C Brewis as chair of the meeting. Cllr Brewis informed members of the public that further Public Representations would be received at agenda item 20a. 

25.002. Apologies were received from Cllrs Kirby-Fox, Mclaughlin and Middleton

25.003. Declaration of interest were received from Cllr M Booth for agenda item number 15 as a family member was an allotment tenant.

25.004. Public Representations.

i. A member of Sutton Bridge Wombles thanked Cllrs Booth and Brewis for their help with dealing in the matter of being asked not to litter pick in the Long Sutton Parish. 

25.005. Co-Option

i. Mr Trevor Baldry introduced himself to members detailing his past job experiences.

ii. Mr Rob Dickson then introduced himself to members and gave details about himself.

iii.    It was resolved to move into closed session in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 s.1(2)

19.12hrs Six members of the public left the meeting 

        iv.     It was resolved to Co-opt Mr T Baldry to the Council.

19:17hrs Six members of the public entered the meeting, and the meeting resumed. 

        v.     Cllr T Baldry signed the declaration of office, as witnessed by the clerk.

25.006. It was resolved to approve the minutes of meeting held 17 December 2024 they were signed by the chair of the meeting Cllr Brewis.

25.007. Police Matters

i. A new Community PC had been appointed as our PCSO was on restricted duties covering other areas

ii. A Police drop-in session was held on 19 January 2025, no feedback had been received. 

25.008. There was no Chairs Report 

25.009. Clerk’s Report 

i. Honeybee Tree – The tree had now been removed, and the swarm had been rescued. Thanks were expressed to Lincolnshire Beekeepers for their help and work which had been given free of charge.

ii. Under 7’s Play Area – The impact form had now been completed and sent in and thanks were expressed to everyone that had completed the survey. A new grant had been applied for further equipment which had to be installed by the end of the financial year, it was hoped to find out by the end of next week if we had been successful. The grant funders had allowed us to work with Wicksteed as an extension to the current scheme which would cost in the region of £28,000 depending on some of the equipment required. It was resolved to proceed with the work due to the urgency of the project and allocate funds from the earmarked reserves towards it.

iii. Tree Work – Work had begun on tree maintenance as previously resolved. It had become apparent that one tree had not been identified on the report which was causing concern for a neighbouring property. Quotes for removal of the tree would be discussed in closed session later in the meeting

iv. Flypast – An application had been submitted for a flypast for the Propeller service unfortunately the deadline had been November 2024. It had been advised that they would endeavour to accommodate us if they could. It was resolved to set the dates for the Propeller service for the 7 September 2025 and 6 September 2026.

v. Burial Ground – A wooden cross had been removed from the Garden of Rest, and we were working with the family and Memorial Masons for a new Memorial to be installed. 

25.010. District Council Councillors Reports 

1. Cllr Brewis reported on the following SHDC (South Holland District Council) matters.

i. He was pleased with the decision to refuse the planning application for the mobile asphalt plant.

ii. He had been working with Sutton Bridge Wombles to try and resolve issues concerning Long Sutton Parish.

iii. The Southeast Lincolnshire Councils Partnership special interest group were trying to persuade government to implement a long-term solution for the way Internal Drainage Boards were funded. This was currently having an impact on the District Council funding and could affect front line services as costs for drainage rises. 

iv. Bus Timetables were now available in the library.

2. Cllr Booth reported on the following SHDC (South Holland District Council) Matters. 

i. Drainage Board rises were not included in the precept but were an expenditure for the District Council. New government were no longer funding extra business rates to the District Council and he was worried that money was being taken away from rural areas.

ii. Joint Deputy Chief Executive John Leach was joining a new partnership, he was concerned over how many good officers were leaving the district.

iii. A visit was to be undertaken to look into CCTV and would report back after this had taken place.

iv. Waste Services meeting had been cancelled, he would report back once any further information had been received.

25.011. Financial Matters 

i. It was resolved to approve the December cash book and bank reconciliation.

ii. It was resolved to approve payments to 28 January 2025 as circulated at Appendix A. Cllr Middleton and Cllr Philpott would authorise bank payments. 

iii. It was resolved to accept the budget recommended by the Finance committee set the precept for 2025/26 at £96,000

iv. It was resolved to accept a donation for a Christmas Tree to be placed outside the Curlew Centre for the next ten years and hold the amount within our reserves. Thanks were expressed to the benefactor for the kind offer.

25.012. It was resolved to defer the consideration of a fundraising idea for local clubs and groups to the next meeting.

25.013. Councillors’ open surgeries were being held in the Police Room at the Curlew Centre, Sutton Bridge on the second Saturday of the month between 10am and 12 if anyone would like to attend.

25.014. CCTV

i. Cllr Booth reported that twelve months ago the clerk had enquired about CCTV within the village, unfortunately the Portfolio holder that had been dealing with this had now left. A new Portfolio holder was now dealing with the matter and wanted to come down to undertake a survey. There were two options being considered and work would progress to cost these.

ii. Option one – Install a new camera opposite the Curlew Centre

iii. Option Two – Keep camera near the Curlew Centre and install a new one near Railway Lane North. There was currently one camera also on the Cross Keys Bridge.

25.015. Correspondence

i. A letter had been received from EDF renewables concerning a new planning application to develop a battery energy storage system on land located in the centre of Sutton Bridge Solar farm.

ii. An email had been received from SHDC Homelessness Prevention officer providing details of how to contact them if we had any concerns.

iii. SHDC would like to bring their ‘Love Park Campaign’ activity to Sutton Bridge during the week 28 to 31 July 2025. The clerk would contact them to see if they were available on the 30 July 2025.

25.016. Allotments.

i. Cllr M Booth declared an interest on the agenda item and did not participate in discussions.

ii. The admin assistant reported that allotment plots had been given out to new tenants, there was half of an allotment plot still available. Anyone interested should contact the Parish Office.

iii. A meeting with tenants to discuss the footpath at the end of the allotments was to be deferred until beginning of March 2025.

25.017. Emergency Plan 

i. The clerk reported that a new Emergency plan was to be developed for the community. An initial meeting was planned for 13 March 2025. 

25.018. Planning Applications

i. H18-1077-24: Sutton Bridge Solar Farm, Sutton Bridge: Construction of a battery Energy Storage System: It was resolved to support.

ii. H18-1047-24: Workshop rear of 9 New Road, King Street, Sutton Bridge: Proposed workshop conversion to dwelling: No comment.

iii. H18- 1054-24: Bridge Road, Sutton Bridge: Details of biodiversity net gain plan: No Comment. 

25.019. Planning Decisions – Councillors noted the planning decisions made by South Holland District Council as listed below:

i. H18-0984-24: Sutton Bridge Power Station, Centenary Way, Sutton Bridge: Change of use from agricultural to solar farm: Approved

ii. H18-0918-24: 28 Bridge Road, Sutton Bridge: Proposed two-storey rear extension: Approved

iii. H18-0915-24: Rear of 210 New Road, Sutton Bridge: Details of scheme to dela with contamination of land pollution: Approved

iv. H18-0528-24: Greenwold Park, Sutton Bridge: Erection and use of mobile asphalt plant: Refused. 

25.020. Committee Reports 

01. New Pavilion and Play Zone

i. The clerk reported that a new planning application was to be submitted for the relocation of the new pavilion, demolition of the old pavilion and temporary changing accommodation for the Football Club. Funding could not be achieved without planning in place. The Football Club had rearranged their home games and were working with the Council over this.

ii. The biodiversity reports had now been undertaken, and it was hoped that the trees would be removed before the end of February 2025.

iii. It was resolved to authorise the Pavilion Committee expenditure beyond their £5000.00 budget to assist with the costs of the planning application.

25.021. There were no outside body representative reports

25.022. Public Participation.

i. A member of the public offered the Council a security mast and commented that any old play equipment could be repurposed and sold on privately to get some money for it. Cllrs thanked them for their kind offer and advice

ii. Cllr Pitt reported that there was a sink hole along Park Road in Holbeach, the road was now closed

iii. East Bank viewing area the bench was broken – member of the public would forward photograph to the Parish office and contact the Cross Keys Bridge regarding a key for the old A17 gate.

20:24 hrs Six members of the public left the meeting

25.023. It was resolved to move into closed session in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 s.1(2).

25.024. Quotes for work

i. Tree work

1. It was resolved to approve the quote for the removal of the ash tree @£1200.00

2. The clerk reported on quotes received regarding the grass cutting contract it was resolved to accept the quote from the current contractor with prices remaining the same as last year.

25.025. Staffing & Administration matters 

i. Staff appraisal documents would be circulated to members with a completion date and return for 5 February 2025.

The chair closed the meeting at 20:36 hrs.

Appendix A 

B2C Retail  SB Wombles Black Bags 49.98 10.00 59.98
SMC LTD  Monthly Legionella Testing 60.00 12.00 72.00
Tears of Sutton Bridge  Electric Vehicle Repairs 752.48 140.70 893.18
St Johns Ambulance  Training refund  -468.00   -468.00
Unity Trust  Bank Charges 8.10   8.10
XBM  Photocopier 12.90 2.58 15.48
Talk Talk  Calls and Broadband  44.90  8.98 53.88
Adobe Acrobat  Subscription  16.64 3.33 19.97
Cozens  Christmas Lights  1615.00 323.00 1938.00
XBM  Photocopier  22.77 4.55 27.32
Arbtech Consultancy  Biodiversity Report  4527.00 905.40 5432.40
Wicksteed  Play Equipment  29025.80 5805.16 34830.96
SMC LTD  Monthly Legionella Testing  60.00 12.00 72.00
Mr D Large  Tree Work  1640.00   1640.00
Staff  Salaries  3248.59   3248.59
LCC  Pension  1181.31   1181.31
HMRC Tax & NI  979.64   979.64
The Curlew Centre  Room Hire  75.00   75.00
Ms Witty  Allotment Refund  70.00   70.00
Unity Trust Bank  Bank Charges  8.25   8.25
Adobe Acrobat  Subscription  16.64 3.33 19.97
Helping Hand Company Litter Picker  13.79 2.76 16.55
Staff  Expenses  21.00   21.00
42981.79 7233.79 50215.58