Child protection & vulnerable adults safeguarding policy
Adopted 28 May 2024 Min 24.118 xx
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Child Protection & Vulnerable Adults Safeguarding Policy
1. Introduction
1.1 Sutton Bridge Parish Council is committed to ensuring that children and vulnerable adults are protected and kept safe from harm, whilst they are engaged in any activity associated with the Parish Council.
1.2 As the Parish Council does not directly provide care or supervision services to children, it expects all children using its facilities to do so with the consent and the necessary supervision of a parent or other responsible adult.
1.3 This policy covers all elected and co-opted members, employees, and any other volunteers, who may be working in partnership with the Parish Council.
2. Policy Objective
2.1 To ensure that where possible all facilities and activities offered by the Parish Council are designed and maintained to limit risk to children and vulnerable adults.
2.2 To promote the general welfare, health and development of children and vulnerable adults by being aware of child and vulnerable adult protection issues and to be able to respond where appropriate as a local government organisation.
2.3 These guidelines have been devised to protect children and vulnerable adults from abuse, as well as to protect members, staff, and volunteers from situations where false allegations may occur.
2.4 To develop procedures in recording and responding to accidents and complaints and to alleged or suspected incidents of abuse and neglect.
3. Responsibilities & Procedures
3.1 A Child & Vulnerable Adult Protection Officer will be appointed from within the Council and his/her responsibilities will include:
• Ensuring that before any Parish Council organised event with children or vulnerable persons, the Child & Vulnerable Adult Protection Officer brief participants appropriately.
• Ensuring that members and Parish Council staff are aware of the risk they may face in certain circumstances whilst carrying out their duties.
• Ensuring that whilst Parish Council members and staff are unlikely to be involved with children during the performance of their duties, they are mindful of the risk they face.
• Ensuring that before any volunteers or paid members of staff are recruited to work with children and vulnerable persons they are interviewed, and two references taken up.
3.2 Decisions on whether any person should be DBS checked will be made by the clerk.
3.3 As the Parish Council does not directly provide care or supervision services to children, it expects all children using its facilities to do so with the consent and the necessary supervision of a parent or other responsible adult.
3.4 All councillors are to be provided with a copy of the Child Protection & Vulnerable Adult Policy and are required to acknowledge they will abide by it.
3.5 Always work in an open environment (e.g. avoiding private or unobserved situations) where young people or vulnerable adults may be present. Do not spend excessive amounts of time alone with young people or vulnerable adults away from others.
3.6 Be identifiable where appropriate, possibly with the use of lanyards and identification.
3.7 In line with the Prevent duty – to stop people becoming involved in terrorist activity or supporting violent extremism in all its forms – the council will ensure it does not work with or allow its premises to be used by organisations engaged in extremist activity or those that express extremist, hate motivated or discriminatory ideology or beliefs.
3.8 For both children and vulnerable adults if you suspect abuse:
• ensure that you listen carefully.
• make a note of what has happened or what you are worried about and keep any evidence.
• tell someone trustworthy, who can start to investigate the situation.
• do not confront the person you think is responsible for the abuse.
4. Reporting concerns
4.1 If you believe that a child or adult may be a victim of neglect, abuse, or cruelty, report to Lincolnshire County Council report as detailed on its website
4.2 Contact details.
• Children's safeguarding - 01522 782111 (Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm)
• Adults safeguarding - 01522 782155 (Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm) or 01522 782333 (outside office hours)
• If you believe there is an immediate risk of danger, call the police on 999 or 112.
• If there is no immediate danger, call the police on 101.
• If you have a concern about domestic abuse, call EDAN Lincs on 01522 510041.
4.3 It is not the Parish Council staff member and/or volunteer’s responsibility to determine if abuse is occurring but to report their concerns.
4.4 Allegations or suspicions of inappropriate behaviour by a member of staff or Councillor must be referred immediately to the clerk or chairman who will refer the matter to Social Services at Lincolnshire County Council for investigation.
4.5 If an allegation of abuse is made against a member of Parish Council staff or a volunteer these will be fully investigated in accordance with the appropriate procedures.
5. Definitions
5.1 The terms child, children or young person refers to anyone below the age of 18.
5.2 A vulnerable adult or adult at risk can be defined as any person aged 18 or over who:
• has needs for care and support, either on a long-term or temporary basis (including for substance misuse, mental ill health, or domestic abuse).
• Is experiencing or is at risk or abuse or neglect and because of those needs is unable to protect themselves against the abuse or neglect or risk of it.
5.3 Abuse may be:
• Intentional or unintentional.
• Active or passive.
• Part of a pattern of behaviour or a single incident.
• Physical, Psychological, Emotional, or Sexual.
• Neglect.
• Self-neglect (when people do not look after themselves and this puts them at risk).
• Financial.
• Discriminatory.
• Manipulating to adopt radical ideologies and harmful behaviours.
• Modern Slavery
6. Legislation
6.1 Legislation that applies to this policy includes:
• The Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006
• Child Protection Act 1989
• Children and Social Work Act 2017
• The Children Act 2004