New Pavilion Committee - Terms of Reference

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Adopted: 31 May 2022
Minute: 22.122.01

1. Responsibilities

1.1. The New Pavilion Committee is tasked with overseeing the planning, financing, and the construction of a new pavilion, with associated sporting facilities. 

1.2. It is responsible for research and consultation on the building design and the design of any associated equipment and sporting projects.

1.3. It is responsible for the overall administration and co-ordination of the design and construction of a new pavilion, subject to full Council approval. 

1.4. The new pavilion is to be completed as soon as possible.

2. Membership and meetings

2.1. The membership of the Committee shall be reviewed at least annually at the May Annual Parish Council meeting.

2.2. The Committee shall comprise of a minimum of five Parish Council members.

2.3. The Committee shall have a quorum of no less than five voting members.

2.4. Non-councillor co-opted member of the committee act in an advisory capacity only. Non-Councillor members may not be given voting rights.

2.5. A chair shall be elected from the voting members of the committee at the first meeting of the committee held after the May Annual Parish Council meeting. The chair does not need to be the chair of the Parish Council. 

2.6. The committee may seek advice from any other profession, the public, or anyone who may be able to assist the Committee. 

2.7. The Committee may co-opt additional non-voting non-council members to those appointed by the Parish Council.

2.8. In the absence of the clerk, the Committee shall appoint a minute taker at meetings.

2.9. Draft minutes of a meeting will be published at the earliest opportunity, subject to change at the next New Pavilion Committee meeting, or at the next Council meeting. Confidential matters will not be published.

2.10. The Committee will meet monthly unless otherwise agreed. 

2.11. Proper notices of meetings shall be posted, with the correct period of notice given.

2.12. All meetings will be open to the public unless their presence is prejudicial to the public interest by reason of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted. Members of the public will be permitted to speak during the time allocated for public participation. The public will not be permitted to take part in the meeting at any other time.

2.13. All Councillors are welcome to attend meetings but only those appointed to the Committee shall be entitled to vote.

2.14. In the case of an equality of votes, the Committee Chair shall have a casting vote. 

2.15. The Committee may appoint sub-committees or working parties as appropriate. Non-statutory meetings may take place via remote attendance, if considered appropriate by the committee.

Financial authority and additional responsibilities

3.1. The Committee has authority to authorise revenue expenditure up to limit of £5,000 per annum to assist in the fulfilment of its responsibilities. 

3.2. The Committee will report back its activities, expenditure, and recommendations to full Council at the next Parish Council meeting.

3.3. The Committee shall comply with the Council’s Financial Regulations.

3.4. The Committee shall comply with the Council’s Standing Orders except where these terms of reference can legally take precedence.

3.5. The Committee will seek authority from full Council before committing the Parish Council to any major expenditure or binding agreement.

3.6. The committee may seek further delegated powers from full Parish Council as considered appropriate.

3.7. The committee is responsible for: 

3.7.1. Identifying all costs and resources relating to the project.

3.7.2. The formulation of planning applications and legal agreements for approval by the Parish Council.

3.7.3. Submission of project estimates including contingencies to full Council for approval.

3.7.4. Seeking appropriate advice at the onset of the project regarding VAT implications and reporting such advice to full Council.

3.7.5. Sourcing quotes.

3.7.6. Providing recommendations to the Parish Council on the appointment of contractors with appropriate contract terms.

3.7.7. Once approved by the Parish Council, undertaking the preparation, and issuing of tenders. 

3.7.8. Monitoring and reporting of expenditure against budget.

3.7.9. Liaison with other public bodies as required.

3.8. The appointment of any contractors, agents, or paid advisers, after approval by the Parish Council, must be confirmed in writing by the Proper Officer. 

4. Fundraising

4.1. Responsible for the sourcing funding opportunities and applying for grants.

4.2. Any application for grants shall be submitted in the name of the Parish Council using the Parish Office address for correspondence purposes and signed by the Proper Officer.

4.3. All monies received are to be banked intact into the Parish Council’s bank account and recorded as an earmarked reserve.

4.4. Responsibility for the accounting of grants and donations is to be undertaken by the Clerk/ Responsible Financial Officer.

5. Members’ obligations

5.1. All members of the committee, whether councillor or co-opted, will comply with the Council’s Code of Conduct.

5.2. All publicity or press statements relating to the project will be agreed by the Committee prior to issue.

5.3. Any matter deemed confidential by the committee will not be discussed or released outside of committee or outside of Parish Council members.

5.4. All communications and documents between the clerk and committee members on New Pavilion Committee matters will be considered confidential unless otherwise agreed.

5.5. In all matters members of the Committee will ensure that the Clerk/Responsible Financial Officer is kept fully informed.

6. Review

6.1. These Terms of Reference will be reviewed annually at the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council, or as required