Membership on committees & working parties

Finance Committee - Cllrs Brewis, Cook, Middleton, Philpott, Scarlett 

Personnel Committee - Cllrs Judd , Middleton, Mclaughlin, Pitt, Scarlett.

Pavilion Committee - Cllrs Cook, McLaughlin, Middleton, Mills, Philpott, Scarlett

Open Spaces & Burial & Allotment Committee -  Referred to full Council 

Events Working Party - Cllrs Cook, Philpott, Pitt

Community Speed Watch Working Party - tbc

Representatives on Outside Bodies:

King’s Lynn Advisory Group, The Wash & North Norfolk Marine Partnership - Cllr Middleton.

Voluntary car scheme - Cllr Mclaughlin.

Lincolnshire Association of Local Councils (LALC) - Cllr Brewis 

Suttons’ emergency planning - Cllr Booth

Allen’s charities -  Cllrs Cook, Philpott , Scarlett

Phillips Charity - Cllrs Mclaughlin , Middleton

Blanks Charity - Cllr Philpott.