12 July 2022 New Pavilion Committee

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Minutes of a meeting of the New Pavilion Committee held 18:00hrs, Tuesday, 12 July 2022, in the Bridge Room at the Curlew Centre, Sutton Bridge.

Present: Cllr S Booth, Cllr C Brewis (chair), Cllr D Bruch, Cllr K Davies, Cllr R Goodwin, Cllr A Scarlett, Mr D Earth (SBUFC), Mr D Sones (SBUFC), Mr R Sandell (Ridge & Partners) from 18:32hrs, Mr R Smith (clerk), Mrs K Croxford (Admin. Asst.).

Absent: Cllr M Booth, Cllr P Perkins, Cllr M Pitt, Cllr C Robinson, Cllr T York, Mr D Smith.

22.017. Apologies were received from Cllr M Booth, Cllr Pitt, Cllr Robinson, and Mr D Smith (SBUFC). Mr Sandell had sent apologies as he would be arriving late due to his train being delayed.

22.018. There were no declarations of interest or requests for dispensation. 

22.019. It was resolved to approve the minutes of the meeting held on 07 June 2022

22.020. It was resolved to move into closed session in accordance with the public bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 s.1(2).

22.021. Report on matters arising from the last meeting

01. The clerk had sent Mr Sandell a list of grant awarding organisations.

02. A funding request letter to local businesses had been drafted. Full Council had resolved for a working party to consider individually tailoring approaches to businesses prior to each letter being sent. The Working Party were meeting 18:00hrs Thursday 14 July 2022, in the Police Room.

03. Full Council had approved revisions to the Financial Regulations which allowed contract tenders > £25,000 to be submitted via email.

04. A Parish Meeting had taken place on the 05 July 2022, with overwhelmingly positive feedback received. It was intended to hold subsequent updates at Parish Meetings to be held quarterly. 

22.022. The receipt of the first invoice from Ridge & Partners LLP for £2,250.00 +VAT was noted. It was resolved to recommended to full Council for payment.

22.023. Feedback from the Parish Meeting and consultation survey

01. With an understanding that there would need to be an increase in the Parish Council’s Precept, there had been unanimous support at the meeting for a new pavilion and new play equipment in the Memorial Park.

02. A proposal had been submitted to the District Council concerning play equipment in the other village parks under their control. A response had yet to be received. Cllr C Brewis would chase this up with the relevant SHDC officer.

03. Three responses had been received from the survey, which were in favour of the new pavilion and new play equipment. It had been suggested that combined netball and tennis facilities were made available, and access given for wheelchair users.

18:12hrs Standing Orders were suspended to await the arrival of Mr Sandell.

18:32hrs Mr Sandell joined the meeting and Standing Orders were reinstated. 

22.024. Next Steps

01. The clerk asked about the timings for grant applications. Mr Sandell stated that it would be best to have an architect design in place, with rough costings, before submitting applications.

02. The clerk would provide Mr Sandell with details of previous design quotes received.

03. The clerk would provide Mr Sandell with previous design sketches and members’ comments.

04. A list of requirements for the new pavilion was to be drawn up in priority order to enable Mr Sandell to issue a Prior Information Notice (PIN) for upload on to the Government contracts portal.

05. Members were to send the clerk their list of building requirements by 19 July 2022.

06. Mr Sandell would collate a draft list of requirements and send to the clerk by 22 July, for circulation to members. This would be ready for full Council approval at its meeting 26 July 2022.

07. Any new pavilion matters that needed to be delegated by full Council were to be included on the agenda for 26 July meeting.

08. Final comments to the requirement’s list were to be provided by 28 July 2022, at which point the PIN would be sent out by Mr Sandell. 

09. Mr Sandell would send the clerk the draft invitation to tender to be circulated to members. 

10. Approval of the draft invitation to tender was to be approved at a New Pavilion Committee meeting, to be held 09 August 2022. 

11. The invitation to tender would be sent out by Mr Sandell 10 August 2022. The return date from candidates would be mid-September.

12. Mr Sandell would provide the committee with a shortlist of candidates, ready for a New Pavilion Committee meeting to be held 20 September 2022.

13. Interviews, with a short-list of between two to five candidates, were scheduled to take place via  Microsoft Teams from 18:00hrs, Wednesday 21 September and Thursday 22 September 2022.

22.025. On appointment of the design architect, it was noted that the project would have moved from RIBA Stage 2 to Stage 3. At this point it was estimated that the Parish Council would have committed to expenditure of between £20,000 to £30,000, before any building works had begun. Funding would be provided from Parish Council reserves.

22.026. A Parish Meeting to update electors on the project was scheduled to take place 18:00hrs Tuesday 04 October 2022, at which point it was anticipated that an architect would have been appointed.

22.027. The clerk reported that he had chased solicitors about Memorial Park land registration. However, solicitors had yet to progress the matter. It was resolved to recommend to full Council that, in consultation with the chair or vice-chair, authority be delegated to the clerk to take any appropriate remedial action considered necessary, including the submission of  a complaint. 

22.028. Agreed future New Pavilion Committee meetings:

01. 18:00hrs Tuesday 09 August 2022.

02. 18:00hrs Tuesday 20 September 2022.

The chairman closed the meeting at 19:40 hrs.